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博碩士論文 etd-0709102-163123 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0709102-163123
A Study of Rice Industry in Taiwan Based on WTO Agreement
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System Analysis, WTO, Rice Policy, Minimum Access
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台灣目前所面臨的問題是限量進口政策,一旦加入WTO,是採用日韓限量進口的模式,必須遵守最低進口(minimum access)的承諾,2002年的進口量為1990年至1992三年平均國內糙米消費量的8%。依據台灣糧食局統計顯示,台灣1990至1992年糙米消費量分別為183.4萬公噸、189.7萬公噸、169.4萬公噸,折合成稻穀約為226.0萬公噸,據此估計8%的最低進口承諾約為18.08萬公噸的稻穀。此一數量的稻穀進口,如沒有適當的配套措施,勢必將使台灣的稻米價格及稻農所得大幅下跌,最低進口承諾其實是一短期性的因應對策;長期而言,台灣稻米政策仍會導向關稅化的因應,此時台灣的稻米價格將不再受到任何保護,如何提升台灣稻米的國際競爭力是首要的目標。

Taiwan became a member of the WTO in November last year. This helped push Taiwan to the International business circle successfully; also it helped all the Taiwanese businesses to grow positively, but Taiwan would face strong international competition as well. This essay is about how Taiwan’s rice policy will react and adjust to the strong international competition after joining the WTO. Also we will talk about how the rice policy of Taiwan revolves into what it is today since WWII. We will look at the good and the bad from previous policies, so we can create better agricultural policies for now, and better the economy of Taiwan’s rice business for the future.
The problem that Taiwan is facing now is the policy of limited quota. We have to follow the rule of ‘minimum access’ once we join the WTO. The import number of brown rice in 2002 is 8% of the total amount consumed in Taiwan from 1990 to 1992. According to the statistics from the Food Bureau of Taiwan, The total consumption of brown rice in Taiwan in 1990, 1991, and 1992 are; 1,834 thousand tons, 1,897 thousand tons, and 1,694 tons. If we count the grain it would be approximately 2,260 thousand tons. If we use the minimum access policy, 8% of it would be 180 thousand tons of grain. If we do not have the proper ‘Tie-in sales’, the price of local rice sales and the amount the farmers earn would fall drastically. Tie-in sale is actually a short-term solution. In the long term, Taiwan’s rice policy will lead to results with tariff. At this moment, the price of Taiwanese rice would not be under any protection, so the most important thing is to raise the ability to compete internationally for Taiwan’s rice.
The result, after a careful examination, is that Taiwan is no competition with the U.S., Thailand, and China on the price aspect. Besides from that, the personnel and the space of land cost much higher than the other countries make Taiwan hard to compete. The only way is to raise the quality above the other competition then we can actually have a place to compete with the rest of them. At the same time, if we can create a large-scale center for tie-in sales, it should help lowering the base cost of grain rice.
As for the government, it should change the policies to assist with the rice farmers. Transform the current guaranteed purchasing policy for guaranteed price , to direct payment , which should help Taiwan’s rice market to market suitable diversion and reduction ,would minimize the impact actually. .

In the future, the rice farmers will grow rice for consumers, not for the needs of the government. The agriculture of rice will go back to the natural market rule; the rice farmers will work with the government to develop higher quality rice. Joining the WTO brings both good and bad to the grain rice industry, so if we can take chances at the right times and avoid risks, we can be in the business for a long time.

目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究內容與方法
第三節 相關文獻整理

第二章 台灣稻米政策的回顧
第一節 鼓勵增產控穩糧價階段
第二節 保證價格及所得政策階段
第三節 水稻減產及稻田轉作計畫階段
第四節 『三生一體』及貿易自由化階段

第三章 美國與日本稻米政策之研究
第一節 二次大戰後美國的稻米政策
第二節 WTO規範下美國的稻米政策
第三節 二次大戰後日本的稻米政策
第四節 WTO規範下日本的稻米政策

第四章 WTO規範下的農業協定
第一節 新回合農業協定之主要議題
第二節 農業協定下各會員國立立場
第三節 食米輸入配額管理辦法
第四節 中美農業諮商協議

第五章 加入WTO後稻米產業之系統分析
第一節 產業分析
第二節 進口米對國產米價影響之預測
第三節 SWOT分析
第四節 五力分析
第五節 市場區隔
第六節 台灣稻米產業之因應

第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議

參考文獻 References


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