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博碩士論文 etd-0709107-114031 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0709107-114031
Route Assignment for Distributed Leased Lines in Mobile Cellular Network
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Date of Exam
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Shortest Path Algorithm, A* Algorithm, Distributed Route Configuration, Private Leased Circuit of Base Stations, Mobile Cellular Network, Optimal Route Assignment, Radio Coverage Quality
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5978 times, has been downloaded 14 times.
  此外,在本研究進行的實驗中,採用自行研發的多源式同時偵測法,經演算後證明比傳統的Dijkstra演算法在演算速度上有更好的表現,亦能加速A* 演算法獲得最佳路由,是本論文的另一貢獻。
When a large number of base stations fail due to the breakdown of some transmission circuit in a mobile cellular network, base stations located in neighboring areas may take over those malfunctioned base stations and continue to provide the access service of mobile communications for users in surrounding areas, thereby reducing the area in which mobile communications are out of service. Therefore, if leased circuits in base stations could complete the route distribution configuration prior to the onset of malfunction, it could decrease the impact of circuit breakdown and traffic loss. Also, the efficiency would be improved if the circuit assignment personnel could complete the job when the leased lines are less, while avoiding reassignment in the future and enhancing the mobile communications operations.
In this study, we use a graph structure to represent the present mobile cellular network and establish the route-selection strategies. We define the "Optimal Route Assignment" for a newly constructed base station, which refers to the route assignment that causes least impact on disconnection area when any circuit in the network is broken. We also propose to use A* algorithm for optimal route assignment. However, the computation for the optimal route is time consuming. Measures such as computation time and least hops are considered in designing other strategies for route assignment. These strategies are parametric and we carried out experiments by adjusting and controlling parameters using real routing data.
The experimental results demonstrate that there is no single winner among the proposed strategies. We identify a number of best strategies for different operating regions.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論
 第一節 研究背景與動機
 第二節 研究目的
 第三節 研究流程與步驟
 第四節 論文架構
第二章 文獻探討
 第一節 行動通訊服務發展的趨勢
 第二節 行動網路服務品質的領域
 第三節 現行專線路由分散的作法
 第四節 最短路徑演算法的應用
第三章 問題描述
 第一節 最佳調訂路由的定義
 第二節 網路分散成本的估算
 第三節 行動網路的圖形結構
 第四節 難以實現的一般策略
第四章 路由選擇策略
 第一節 最佳式路由搜尋(Optimal Search)
 第二節 探索式路由搜尋(Heuristic Search)
 第三節 路由搜尋引擎的改良
第五章 效能評估
 第一節 實驗設定
 第二節 實驗結果
 第三節 綜合評估
第六章 結論
 第一節 論文貢獻
 第二節 範圍與限制
 第三節 建議
附錄一 「預防中繼線故障造成大批倒台之作法」網路論壇討論記錄
附錄二 最短路徑演算法系統模擬程式操作說明
附錄三 各式演算法實驗後所測得的數據
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