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博碩士論文 etd-0710111-134427 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0710111-134427
The Political Economy of TNCs and the Host Country’s Industrial Policies: a Case study of the Thai Automotive Industry
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
neoclassical economy, industry policy, Thailand automotive industry, TNC, dependency development, triple alliance, developmental state
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5786 times, has been downloaded 34 times.
Thailand is the 13th automotive manufacturer, and it is also the important part and component manufacturer in the world. After 2000, Toyota and GM established the R&D Centre and Production Base in Thailand. Now, Thailand has become “Detroit of Asia.”
How could we find the developmental model of Thailand automotive industry? Maybe it cannot be explained by one theory. So we try to select three theories, different ideology, to find the path of industrial development in three periods.
Finally, we find the path of automotive industrial development in Thailand. Triple Alliance of dependency development theory let the industry updrade and become more and more important. And then, international division let Thailand became the key role of supply chain in the world. Laissez faire and compare advantage are the characteristics in this period, so we know the developmental model of neo-classical economic theory let Thailand shining in the world.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論.....................................................1
第一節 研究背景、動機與目的..................1
第二節 文獻回顧與名詞解釋......................5
第三節 研究途徑與方法............................21
第四節 研究範圍與限制............................24
第五節 研究架構........................................25
第六節 章節安排與研究流程....................26
第二章 理論回顧...........................................28
第一節 新古典經濟理論............................29
第二節 發展型國家理論............................42
第三節 依賴發展理論................................48
第四節 小結................................................59
第三章 泰國汽車產業的建立與進口替代(1961-1980)
第一節 經濟發展背景................................67
第二節 汽車產業政策................................76
第三節 跨國公司觀點................................83
第四節 小結................................................88
第四章 泰國汽車產業的轉型與出口導向(1980-2000)
第一節 經濟發展背景................................95
第二節 汽車產業政策..............................103
第三節 跨國公司觀點..............................116
第四節 小結..............................................123
第五章 泰國汽車產業的全球化(2000至今)
第一節 經濟發展背景..............................132
第二節 汽車產業政策..............................139
第三節 跨國公司觀點..............................153
第四節 小結..............................................162
第六章 結論..............................................168
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