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博碩士論文 etd-0711101-182403 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0711101-182403
Biogeochemical Processes and Fluxes of Carbon and Nutrients in the Tapong Bay
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nutrients, fluxes, Tapong Bay, primary production, carbon, biogeochemical processes
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,顯示牡蠣養殖造成大鵬灣碳循環的改變。利用生地化模式推演大鵬灣內物質之通量顯示大鵬灣全年平均淨有機碳生成量約5.80 mole C m-2 yr-1,為自營性系統且是碳的貯匯場所。短期24小時連續觀測之淨有機碳生成量(-ΔDICo)約為6.65 mole C m-2 d-1,與系統中估算出之NEP(Net Ecosystem Production)約為 6.29 mole C m-2 d-1結果相近。 因此在觀測期間大鵬灣為一自營性系統,而大鵬灣之固氮作用較脫氮作用顯著,全年淨固氮量(nfix-denit)約為1.30 mole m-2 yr-1。由大鵬灣與七股潟湖之生地化作用、營養鹽與碳通量等之比較,結果顯示兩者之差異甚大,顯示陸源輸入與海水交換良劣影響潟湖生態環境甚巨。
This study aims to understand the role of the Tapong Bay on carbon biogeochemical cycle in the coastal zone and the influence of terrigenous inputs on ecosystem functioning in the Tapong Bay. The Tapong Bay is a semi-enclosed lagoon, occupied largely by fish farming cages and oyster culture racks. There is only one tidal inlet for exchanging water between the Tapong Bay and Taiwan Strait, which results in a low water exchange rate and oxygen deficient condition in the bottom water of the inner bay. The annual mean of water exchange time is about 10.6 days that is much longer than that in the Chiku Lagoon (5.8 days). Experimental results show that biological activity and variations of hydrochemistry primarily control the distributions of carbon and nutrients. Excess of DIP likely occurred in the Tapong Bay. Seasonal variations of primary productivity are apparently controlled by temperature, solar radiation and turbidity. The regression slope between particulate organic carbon and nitrogen approaches the Redfield ratio, indicating that organic carbon is derived primarily from biological production. The stratification of water column in the Tapong Bay was observed throughout the year. Diffusion from sediment may thus contribute significantly to nutrient distributions in bottom water. Diffusion flux estimated from porewater to bottom water is about 7.6% of annual mean input for DIN and is about 1.0% for DIP. Calcification process was observed in the Tapong Bay indicating that the oyster culture would affect the carbon budget in the bay. The annual mean production rate of organic carbon estimated from the biogeochemical model is about 5.80 mole C m-2 yr-1, implying that the Tapong Bay is an autotrophic system. The net ecosystem production (NEP) derived from diel observation is about 6.29 mmole C m-2 d-1 that is closed to 6.65 mmole C m-2 d-1 estimated from the biogeochemical modeling. The annual nitrogen fixation exceeds the annual denitrification [(nfix-denit)=1.30 mole m-2 yr-1] in the Tapong Bay. Carbon biogeochemical fluxes and budgets differ significantly between the Tapong Bay and the Chiku Lagoon, which may be arisen from pronounced difference in terrigenous inputs and seawater exchange rates.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 前言……………………………………………………1
第二章 研究區域………………………………………………4
2-1 地理環境特徵…………………………………4
2-2 人文環境特徵…………………………………4
第三章 材料及方法……………………………………………8
3-1 採樣位置及方法………………………………8
3-2 實驗方法………………………………………9
3-3 大鵬灣內物質之進出通量……………………21
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………30
4-1 大鵬灣基本水文資料之分佈及季節變化……30
4-2 大鵬灣之滯留時間及海水交換量……………39
4-3 營養鹽之分佈及季節變化……………………39
4-4 總懸浮顆粒物質濃度與顆粒態有機碳、氮之
4-5 營養鹽、葉綠素a、顆粒態有機碳及總懸浮
4-6 溶解態有機碳、氮、磷之分佈及季節變化…64
4-7 溶解態無機碳與總鹼度之關係………………66
4-8 大鵬灣之日夜變化機制………………………74
4-9 大鵬灣沈積物孔隙水中與底層水中之進出
4-10 大鵬灣碳、氮、磷之輸出入通量及有機碳
4-11 大鵬灣與七股潟湖之比較…………………95
第五章 結論……………………………………………………102
附錄一 ……………………………………………………………109
附錄二 ……………………………………………………………115
附錄三 ……………………………………………………………121
附錄四 ……………………………………………………………139
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