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博碩士論文 etd-0711107-103905 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0711107-103905
The Study of Dynamic Web Service Selection Based on Reliability
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Web Services, Reliability, Service composition, Web Service Selection
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隨著服務導向架構(SOA)概念的興起,網路服務(Web Service)已經成為企業之間相互合作與緊密結合最主要的技術。由於網路上存在各種可獲得的網路服務,並且提供重複且相同的功能,當我們要組合成一個複合的網路服務流程時,我們就必須決定哪些網路服務是最合適的。動態網路服務選擇即是決定一組被呼叫的網路服務,因而構成一個複合的網路服務流程。之前對於網路服務選擇的研究通常假設網路服務之間各操作(operation)的呼叫是互相獨立的。然而,這樣的假設與現實不符合,因為網路服務內的操作通常是具有一些順序來表達其商業邏輯。因此當我們要組合成一個複合的網路服務流程時,這樣的順序限制了網路服務的選擇。在本篇論文當中,我們提出利用有限狀態機(FSM)來表達網路服務內操作的順序。並且,我們定義了一個衡量指標,叫做aggregated reliability,來衡量當我們在複合網路服務流程當中的一個狀態時,從該狀態開始可以成功執行完成的機率,在這裡我們認定每一個被選擇的網路服務都有其執行失敗的機率。我們顯示,計算aggregated reliability會等於計算特徵矩陣(eigenvector)。我們並提出了兩個選擇網路服務的策略,來讓成功執行完成的機率能夠最高。為了讓我們的研究應用在實際的環境,我們提出了將業界定義流程的語言BPEL轉成為抽象的有限狀態機。並且,我們實作一個雛形架構來實現我們提出的網路服務選擇機制。在實驗當中,我們產生了數個網路服務操作順序,實驗顯示我們的網路服務選擇策略比另外兩種直覺的策略更能達到較高的可靠度(Reliability)。
As the emergence of SOA concept, web services has became a key technology to achieve the seamless system interoperability and collaborations with enterprises partners. Since many available web services provide overlapping or identical functionality, when it comes to composing a composite web service, a choice needs to be made for selecting an appropriate component web service. Dynamic web service selection refers to determining a subset of component web services to be invoked so as to orchestrate a composite web service. Previous work in web service selection usually assumes the invocations of web service operations to be independent of on another. But this assumption however does not hold in practice as both the composite and component web services often impose some orderings on the invocation of their operations to represent its business logic. Such orderings constrain the selection of component web services to orchestrate the composite web service. We therefore propose to use finite state machine (FSM) to model the invocation order of web service operations. We define a measure, called aggregated reliability, to measure the probability that a given state in the composite web service will lead to successful execution in the context where each component web service may fail with some probability. We show that the computation of aggregated reliability is equivalent to eigenvector computation. We also propose two strategies to select component web services that are likely to successfully complete the execution of a given sequence of operations. For our approach to work in a practical environment, the dominating composition language BPEL for specifying the operation invocation orders will be transformed into an abstract FSM. We also proposed a prototype for realizing our dynamic WS selection. Our experiments on a generated set of web service operation sequences show that our proposed strategies perform better than two baseline selection strategies.
目次 Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 - Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 3
CHAPTER 2 - Literature Review 4
2.1 Process Models 4
2.2 Web Service Selection 5
2.3 Automatic web services composition 6
CHAPTER 3 - Problem Description 9
3.1 Key Concepts 9
3.2 Dynamic WS Selection Problem 15
CHAPTER 4 - Our Approach 18
4.1 Computation of Aggregated Reliabilities 21
4.2 Computing Delegation Selection Probabilities 23
4.3 Dynamic WS Selection Strategies 27
Aggregated Reliability(AR)-based Selection Strategy 27
Composability and Aggregated Reliability(CAR)-based Selection Strategy 28
CHAPTER 5 - Prototype Development 30
5.1 BPEL and Its Fault Handler 30
5.2 Transforming A BPEL Specification to An Abstract FSM 32
The policy of eliminating ignored operations 34
5.3 The Architecture for Dynamic WS Selection 38
5.4 Implementation: An Example 41
CHAPTER 6 - Performance Evaluation 45
6.1 Experimentation Design 45
6.2 Results of Success Rate 49
6.3 Results of Composability Rate 53
CHAPTER 7 - Conclusions 56
References 57
參考文獻 References
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