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博碩士論文 etd-0713107-020217 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0713107-020217
Performance of a 10000 m3/day Constructed Wetland for Treating Polluted River Water
Year, semester
Number of pages
Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Pollutant removal, Sewage, FWS, Constructed wetland
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依設計參數,「武洛溪排水水質改善人工濕地」佔地20 公頃,
處理受污水量50,000 CMD (m3/day)。第一期工程於民國92 年8
月1 日至93 年5 月19 日,面積約2.0 公頃,主要利用自然疊落
過濾法流入蓮花池,續行二次水質淨化;第二期工程於93 年底
流入3 座自由水流動系統(FWS)人工溼地,平均渠道寬度100 公
尺(最窄86 公尺、最寬112 公尺),帶狀長度1,600 公尺,佔地
18 公頃,溼地約9 公頃,經溼地植物(培地茅、香蒲、蘆葦、水
本研究在計畫於95 年4-10 月結束之後,11-2 月繼續觀察水
本溼地流量約在10,000-20,000 CMD 間操作,平均為10,762
CMD;(2)平均水體體積為6,800 m3,以平均流量10,762 CMD 計,
平均水力停留時間為0.920 天;(3)由5-10 月之平均滲透量與平均
略之;(4)平均溼地面積為46,649 m2,水生植物面積為19,022 m2,
水生植物總重(溼基)為131 公噸,爬拉草、水芙蓉、水蠟燭、空
心菜各佔6.0%、12.7%、73.5%及10.1 %。
1. 本濕地進流水水質(單位mg/l)範圍(平均值)分別為總COD
(CODT) 10-121 (52)、BOD 6-36 (21)、SS 10-165 (70)、DO
0.1-8.6 (3.6)、pH 5.4-8.1 (7.4)、氨氮2-22 (13)、硝酸氮N.D.-9.4
(2.5)、亞硝酸氮N.D.-1.8 (0.2)、總氮 9.9-41.3 (22.6)、磷酸鹽
磷N.D.-3.1 (0.9)、總磷1.2-36.7 (5.2)、Cu 0.022-0.60(0.071)、
Zn 0.01-0.36 (0.13)。
2. 本濕地水流流至點3 之水質最佳,COD、BOD、SS 去除率
3. 水中總氮濃度範圍(平均值)由進口9.9-41.3 (22.6)到點3
8.8-46.0 (18.3) ,點4 7.6-70.0 (21.4)、出口7.1-54.1 (18.5)
mg/L,去除率為19、5.6、18%,水蠟燭對TN 吸收的去除效
4. 水中總磷(TP)濃度範圍(平均值)由進口1.2-36.7 (5.2)、點3
0.9-51.7 (8.0)、點4 1.5-33.0 (4.8)出口0.6-36.6 (4.8) mg/l,
去除率為-53、8.3、8%,水芙蓉對TP 的吸收的去除效果較
5. 水中Cu 濃度範圍(平均值)由進口0.022-0.60 (0.071) mg/l、點
3 0.008-0.048 (0.021) mg/l,出口0.008-0.252 (0.124) mg/l,去
6. 水中Zn 濃度範圍(平均值)由進口0.01-0.36 (0.13) mg/l、點3
0.03-0.18(0.11) mg/l,出口0.002-0.25 (0.12) mg/l,去除率為
7. 底泥Cu 之範圍(平均值)由進流點之47.3-556 (206) mg/kg
(dry base)降低至出流點之16.7-74.4 (45.2) mg/kg (dry base),
平均降低78%。植物體Cu 之範圍(平均值)由進流點之7.4-223
(49.4) mg/kg (dry base)降低至出流點之4.2-27.9 (13.8) mg/kg
(dry base),平均降低72%。
8. 底泥Zn 之範圍(平均值)由進流點之123.8-739.0 (326.5)
mg/kg (dry base)降低至出流點之77.5-177.7 (123.0) mg/kg
(dry base),平均降低62%。植物體Zn 之範圍(平均值)由進
流點之31-262.4 (101.4) mg/kg (dry base)降低至出流點之
28.7-96.3 (52.0) mg/kg (dry base),平均降低49%。
The Wu-Luo River located in the Ping-Tong County of southern
Taiwan has long been polluted by untreated domestic and partially treated
poultry wastewaters and is among the most polluted rivers in Taiwan. A
full-scale constructed wetland (CW) has been in operation since January
of 2005 for cleaning a part of the polluted river water. The purpose of
this study was to investigate the specifications of the CW and its
performance for removing both organic and inorganic pollutants form the
influent water.
Results indicate that during the investigation period of April 2006 to
February 2007, the CW had channel widths of 86-112 m (average 100 m)
and a zone-type length of 1,600 m. It occupied a total area of 18
hectares in which around 9 hectares were wetted by the introduced river
water. Around 4.7 hectares of the CW was flooded by the river water
and 1.9 hectares were occupied by emergent and floating plants such as
cattail, water lettuce, reed, water celery, and bara grass. A total water
volume of around 6,800 m3 was estimated. In the period, 10,000-20,000
m3/day (CMD) (average 10,800 CMD) of the polluted river water was
introduced to the CW and a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 0.63 day
was estimated for the flowing water in the through the water body.
Results also indicated that the influent water has the following
qualities (unit in mg/L except pH and number in parentheses indicates the
average value): total COD (CODt) 10-121 (52), BOD 6-36 (21),
suspended solids (SS) 10-165 (70), pH 5.4-8.1 (7.4), ammonia-N 2-22
(13), nitrate-N 0-9.4 (2.5), nitrite-N 0-1.8 (0.2), total-N (TN) 9.9-41.3
(22.6), phosphate-P 0-3.1 (0.9), total-P (TP) 1.2-36.7 (5.2), Cu 0.022-0.60
(0.071), and Zn 0.01-0.36 (0.13). It was found that water sampled from
nearly the middle point of the CW got better clarification results than that
from the effluent end. Pollutant removal efficacies were 60, 60, and
67%, respectively, for CODt, BOD, and SS at the middle point, while 56,
54, and 45%, respectively, for CODt, BOD, and SS at the effluent end.
Organics, N, and P released from rotten plants were responsible for the
poor water qualities at the end. The CW had only a TN removal
efficacy of around 18% and no TP removal effect.
目次 Table of Contents
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅳ
誌謝 Ⅵ
目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 ⅩⅠ
圖目錄 ⅩⅡ

第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究方向及目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 溼地的定義 4
2.2溼地的種類 5
2.3濕地的功能與價值 6
2.4人工溼地概論 9
2.5人工溼地的種類 10
2.6人工溼地的基礎結構 11
2.7 ph變化 12
2.8 人工濕地的去污機制 13
2.9土壤的氧化還原電位的影響 14
2.10懸浮固體之去除 16
2.11有機物之去除 16
2.12營養鹽的去除及循環 17
2.12.1碳的轉換及循環 17
2.12.2磷的去除及循環 19
2.12.3 氮的去除及循環 21
2.13重金屬的去除 22
2.14人工濕地規劃原則與流程 24
2.15都市廢水之濕地處理 26
第三章 研究之設備與方法 30
3.1 武洛溪人工濕地系統概述 30
3.2 植物種類 32
3.3 研究項目與分析 35
3.3.1 樣品採集 35
3.3.2 水質採樣 36
3.4 人工濕地系統現場參數量測 40
第四章 結果與討論 44
4.1水質參數量測 44
4.1.1 CODt淨化功能 44
4.1.2 CODs的淨化功能 45
4.1.3 BOD淨化功能 46
4.1.4 SS淨化功能 46
4.1.5 pH變化 48
4.1.6 DO變化 48
4.1.7 氮淨化功能 49氨氮淨化功能 49 硝酸鹽氮淨化功能 49 亞硝酸鹽氮淨化功能 51 總氮淨化功能 51
4.1.8 磷淨化功能 51
4.1.9 Cu之去除率 52
4.1.10 Zn變化 53
4.2 系統參數量測 79
4.2.1 流量、蒸發量及滲透量計算 79
4.2.2 濕地面積及植栽生長狀況 80
4.2.3 斷面及水力停留時間 82
4.3 水量的多寡與污染物的關係 83
4.4 季節的變化與污染物的關係 84
4.4.1 營養鹽與季節的關係 84
4.4.2 金屬物質與底泥的變化 85
4.5植栽變更及收割 88
4.6溼地植物植栽變化 89
第五章 結論 98
參考文獻 101
附錄 A1-1
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