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博碩士論文 etd-0713108-162829 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0713108-162829
Moving Object Tracking Based on Spatiotemporal Domain Method
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Date of Exam
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object tracking, 3-D planar resonant filter, optical flow, spatio-temporal domain, trajectory filter
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5718 times, has been downloaded 4112 times.
As a result of everlasting developments in multimedia technologies, all kinds of objects tracking theory using machine vision or image process methods have been proposed. Most of the methods are based on shape of the object. For this reason, the profile of the tracked object must be known in advance. In many situations, we expect to track the object whose shape is unknown but speed or direction is explicit. For instance, speed or moving direction of the object is known. This thesis presents a spatio-temporal tracking technique, which extracts image information depending on speed of the moving object regardless of its shape. Furthermore, combination of the proposed method in spatio-temporal domain and the optical flow scheme makes the whole tracking system even more robust.
目次 Table of Contents
目錄 I
圖索引 IV
表索引 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文架構 7
第二章 物件追尋 8
2.1 空間域的定義與追尋方法 8
2.2 頻域的定義與追尋方法 10
2.3 時空域的定義與追尋方法 14
第三章 三維平面共振濾波器 16
3.1 相關理論 16
3.1.1 影像流的定義 16
3.1.2 傅立葉轉換 17
3.1.3 一階三維系統函數 18
3.1.4 雙線性轉換 18
3.2 平面共振濾波器之設計 19
3.2.1 時空域中的共振平面 19
3.2.2 三維的共振平面系統 21
3.2.3 平面共振疊代濾波器 24
3.2.4 一階三維系統穩定性 27
3.2.5 特定影像流物件強化 29
3.3 自主性物件追尋系統 29
3.3.1 亮度質量中心 30
3.3.2 追尋演算法 32
第四章 光流法與其應用 35
4.1 光流與影像流之定義 35
4.2 光流值的演算 36
4.3 以特徵為基礎的光流法 40
4.4 與平面共振濾波器之結合應用 43
第五章 實驗模擬與分析 47
5.1 實驗參數設定 47
5.2 實驗模擬 49
5.2.1 圓形物件與矩形物件不交錯移動 49
5.2.2 矩形物件與矩形物件不交錯移動 52
5.2.3 矩形物件與矩形物件交錯移動 54
5.2.4 圓形物件與矩形物件曲線移動 57
5.2.5 真實世界影像模擬 61
5.2.6 真實世界影像模擬(導入光流法) 63
5.2.7 矩形物件的劇烈變化移動 65
5.2.8 矩形物件的劇烈變化移動(導入光流法) 67
5.2.9 三維空間頻寬數據測試 69
第六章 結論與未來展望 72
參考文獻 74
附錄一 實驗四影像流值 78
附錄二 平面共振濾波器係數推導 80
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