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Title page for etd-0715100-121656
Trend and comparison of Taiwan Gender Wage Differential
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human capital theory, Taiwan, wage differential, gender discrimination
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本研究採用民國70、75、80、85年之行政院主計處之勞動力五月份調查表為次級資料,以Gary S. Becker(1975)等學者所提出之人力資本理論為基礎,藉由數條複迴歸方程式之統計方法,欲探討究竟台灣勞動市場男女性之薪資差異程度;而兩性薪資差異又是屬於何種型態,勞動者特質抑或是勞動市場之性別歧視;最後,若薪資差異是勞動市場的性別歧視所造成,則此歧視又是何種因素所導致。
1. 女性薪資約只為男性之60%∼67%;歷年趨勢來看,70∼80年男女薪資差距明顯拉大,然近幾年男女薪資的差距又逐漸縮小。
2. 男性勞動者每增長一歲,所增之薪資水準大於女性;即男性工作年資越長所增之薪資多於女性。
3. 除了民國70年,女性勞動者每投資一年教育年數所增得之薪資大於男性勞動者每投資一年教育年數所增得之薪資;即女性勞動者投資教育之投資報酬率大於男性,且報酬率逐年增加。
4. 教育程度高中以上之女性所得薪資,佔男性所得之百分比皆高於教育程度小學以下之女性勞動者。此代表教育程度越高的女性,將縮減在勞動市場與男性薪資的差距。
5. 性別歧視來源的部份,自民國70年的45%逐年上升至85年的69%,表示男女薪資差異來自歧視部份的比率逐年升高,而可歸因為兩性勞動者特質差異的薪資差異部份比率卻逐年下降

As the female workforce is increasing by year in the Taiwan labor market, it’s visible that wage gap between male and female workers exists in the Taiwan labor market. No doubt that it is irony for people who strive for the gender equality in Taiwan.
An empirical analysis of gender wage differential is presented by gaining labor force survey of 1981,1986,1991 and 1997, which has been conducted every year by Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics
Based on the concept and theory of human capital brought up mainly by Gary S. Becker (1975), several multiple regression functions are conducted in this research on purpose to understand how large the wage gap is, where the gap is stemmed from and what cause brings about this gap.
The results of this research indicate that:
1. Femal wage is lower than male wage about 60%~70%. The gap is getting larger from 1981 to 1991; however, smaller after 1991.
2. Male workers get more wages by every year than female workers.
3. Except 1981, which female workers gain more wage by investing human capital by every year than male workers suggests that female workers hold larger invest-rate of education than male and invest-rate of education increases by time.
4. Female workers with more than high-school education degree have less wage differential compared with male workers than those who are with less than high-school education degree. This indicates that female workers investing more human capital have less wage gap compared with male workers in the labor market.
5. Wage gap stemmed from gender discrimination is ascending from 45% of 19981 to 69% of 1996; however, wage differential led from the characteristics of individual worker is descending by time.
From the results of above, there is surely gender wage gap in Taiwan labor market, which is the outcome of interacting from diverse individual characteristic and subjective gender prejudice. It’s very obvious that education enhances competitive advantage of female workers so as to decrease the wage differential, nevertheless, discrimination toward to female workers in the Taiwan labor market heavily wears down the endeavor of investing in human capital for them. How to motivate female workers to become more competitive and improve work place for female workers so as to make the best use of female human resources is the significant issue of Taiwan government in the near future.

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論 5
第一節 研究動機 5
第二節 研究目的 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
第一節 理論回顧 8
第二節 實證研究回顧 25
第三章 研究方法 30
第一節 研究模型 30
第二節 資料來源與研究對象 33
第三節 研究變項衡量與定義 35
第四節 研究流程 38
第四章 研究結果與分析 40
第一節 勞動力現況分析 40
第二節 男女薪資差異之比較 55
第三節 能力差異與性別歧視 68
第四節 研究結果小結 76
第五章 討論與結論 80
第一節 分析討論與解釋 80
第二節 結論與建議 82
參考文獻 85

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