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博碩士論文 etd-0715103-171441 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0715103-171441
Effect of Gastric Vagus Stimulation on the Phrenic Nerves Activity during Respiration and Vomiting in Cat
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vagus, vomiting, phrenic nerves
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本實驗以貓為材料, 於動物正常呼吸及誘發嘔吐期間分
反應( 膈神經及腹肌運動神經分別控制的膈肌及腹肌的活動,
是控制呼吸及嘔吐的主要肌肉), 據以探究呼吸及嘔吐兩種活
動之動作產生中樞( CPG) 之調控特性。貓在麻醉狀況下進行
氣管插管、動靜脈插管、及去大腦手術後, 注射肌肉鬆弛劑並
0.79 ± 0.07 秒, 活動週期平均為2.55 ± 0.13 秒, 頻譜峰值分佈在
85~95 Hz 附近。刺激胃迷走神經, 膈神經放電活動長度變為
0.75 ± 0.06sec, 活動週期為2.25 ± 0.13sec, 此二值均比刺激之前
為短, 頻譜峰值分佈則向右移至100~110 Hz 附近。誘發嘔吐
後, 膈神經放電活動週期縮短, 放電幅度加大, 而且動物之膈
放電的型態。成功誘發嘔吐之動物, 膈神經放電活動長度平均
為0.22 ± 0.03 sec, 比呼吸時短; 其神經活動週期為0.54 ± 0.08,
也比呼吸時短; 頻譜峰值則分佈在100~120 Hz 附近, 高於呼
吸時的頻譜峰值。若於此時刺激胃迷走神經, 可使其活動週期
增長為0.74 ± 0.05 秒頻譜峰值則右移至120~150 Hz 附近。以上
結果顯示, 控制嘔吐的CPG 有別於控制呼吸的CPG, 然而兩
組CPG 皆受相同輸入訊號的影響( 即刺激胃迷走神經所產生
的上傳輸入訊號的影響)而改變它所控制的輸出端活動( 包括
兩CPG 所控制的膈神經放電活動, 活動週期及頻譜峰值的分
佈)。故推論組成上述二CPG 的神經網絡可能重疊。或者, 二
CPG 共用一組特殊的神經網路在平時主導呼吸的運作, 為控
制呼吸的CPG; 當誘發嘔吐時則強勢抑制呼吸活動, 驅動呼
吸運動神經及肌肉, 執行嘔吐之運作, 成為控制嘔吐的CPG。
The purposes of this study were: (a) to compare the effect of
gastric vagal stimulation on phrenic nerve activity during respiration
and fictive vomiting, (b) to evaluate the modulatory effect of the
central pattern generators (CPGs) for respiration and vomiting
following peripheral inputs from gastric vagus.
Decerebrate, paralyzed, and ventilated cats were used in this
study. Vomiting was induced by electric stimulation of the gastric
vagus or injection of emetic drugs (e.g. apomorphine). Fictive
vomiting was identified by a characteristic series of synchronous
bursts of phrenic nerves and abdominal nerves.
During respiratory phase, the average duration of the phrenic
nerve activity was 0.79 ± 0.07 second. The average duration of the
phrenic cycles was 2.55 ± 0.13 second. Spectral analysis indicated
that the phrenic activation had high frequency oscillation of 85~95 Hz.
Gastric vagus stimulation (100 Hz, 300 mA) during respiratory phase
lead to a deviation of the phrenic duration of -0.04 seconds. The
duration of phrenic cycles was also decreased (reduced 0.25 seconds).
The spectral distribution of the phrenic neurogram was also shifted
during gastric vagal stimulation (dextral to 100~110 Hz).
During vomiting phase, the average duration of the phrenic
activity was 0.22 ± 0.03 seconds which was shorter than that during
respiratory phase. The duration of the phrenic cycle during vomiting
was 0.54 ±0.08 second. The major distribution of the power
spectrum of the phrenic neurogram during vomiting was 100~120 Hz
which is apparently higher than that during the respiratory phase.
Gastric vagus stimulation during vomiting showed an averagely
increased phrenic cycle (0.74 ± 0.05 seconds), and a shift of its
spectral distribution (dextral to 120~150 Hz).
These results suggest that vomiting and respiration were
controlled by separate CPGs. Since the output of these two CPGs
can be modified by a common peripheral signal such as stimulatary
input signal from the gastric vagus, it is postulated that these two
CPGs might be highly overlaped. Alternatively, they might be
equipped with a single neural network while possessing two separate
functions. Normally, this naural network will presume respiratory
function, once properly stimulated, such as by injecting apomorphine
or by chronic electric stimulation of gastric vagus, functions of this
neural network, driving same set of motor fibers (diaphragm and
abdominal muscles), will be shifted from respiratory control to
vomiting phase control.
目次 Table of Contents
誌謝------------------------------------------------- I
中文摘要-------------------------------------------- II
英文摘要-------------------------------------------- IV
目錄----------------------------------------------- VII
圖表目錄------------------------------------------ VIII
實驗目的-------------------------------------------- 12
實驗材料與方法-------------------------------------- 13
結果------------------------------------------------ 25
討論------------------------------------------------ 31
結論------------------------------------------------ 37
參考文獻-------------------------------------------- 38
圖表------------------------------------------------ 43
參考文獻 References
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