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博碩士論文 etd-0715107-173446 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0715107-173446
The Operation and Management of a MLM Organization—Nu Skin 6-4-2 System
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
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6-4-2 System, Nu Skin, Organization Operation, Multi-level Marketing
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5785 times, has been downloaded 7415 times.
Under the business environment in the 21th century with global competition and outsourcing cooperation, the model of starting an enterprise has been performed diversely. This study explores the elements of starting an enterprise that uses different methods of communication and marketing. In the field of direct selling, every distributor hopes to own a massive down-line organization with direct management in order to earn a huge amount of reward. However, to build a successful down-line organization demands professional knowledge and practical management skills. This research studies the operation of the successfully performed「6-4-2 system」by exploratory research.
「6-4-2 system」offers a set of models which is similar to the chain store operations of 100% copying and leads the partners to the same direction by offering operating modules and verifying methods that are simple, correct and success-assuring . This system sequentially improves the behavior and thinking method of a new member, cultivates his/her characteristics and abilities to become a leader. It has established an international multi-level marketing organization simply by two requirements to the distributors’ daily life: following five major principles; doing seven things a day.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
一、研究背景與動機 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
二、研究目的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
一、多層次傳銷之發展------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
二、通路理論 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------10
三、 近代領導理論-----------------------------------------------------------------------14
四、 6-4-2 系統--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
一、研究方法 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
二、研究對象的選擇---------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
三、訪談內容設計 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
一、尋找夥伴或是客戶(F.O.R.M.)------------------------------------------------- 22
二、創業說明會(OPP)說明合作有優勢------------------------------------------- 24
三、提決心袋與兩個觀念 -------------------------------------------------------------- 25
四、在生活作息中養成領導者的心態與行為--------------------------------------- 30
五、約談失敗的處理--------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
一、集會的目的不同--------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
二、所有工作者上線帶領方式不同--------------------------------------------------- 42
三、教育訓練工具完整性不同--------------------------------------------------------- 43
一、中文部分------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44
二、英文部分------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47
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