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博碩士論文 etd-0716120-142301 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0716120-142301
哪一種形象行銷對顧客購買意願有較大的影響: 名人或社群媒體紅人?
Which source characteristics make greater impacts on customer purchase intention: Celebrities or social media influencers?
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Similarity, Celebrity endorsement, Social media influencers, Purchase Intention, Credibility, Attractiveness, Source characteristics
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 217 times, has been downloaded 209 times.
本研究著重探討影響購買意願的三個關鍵屬性(吸引力,可信度和相似度)。本文採用了量化研究的方式進行以下兩個問題的探討:(1)代言人的感知特徵是否對顧客的購買意願產生顯著的正向影響? (2)消費者是否更有可能購買受到社群媒體影響者(Influencer)或傳統媒體名人(Celebrity)代言的產品?
Although using social media influencers in marketing activities are becoming more and more popular recently, their performance in comparison with celebrity endorsement is not well studied in the literature. Previous literature has addressed many different source characteristics of celebrity endorsers and their effect on customers’ behavior. However, rapid change in information and communication channels requires researchers to update and examine how current forms of communication transform brand’s marketing strategies.
This dissertation focuses on exploring three key attributes (attractiveness, credibility, and similarity) that determine the impact of endorsements on purchase intention. Two research questions were used to orientate the quantitative research in this dissertation: (1) Does endorsers’ perceived characteristics have a significantly positive impact on customers’ purchase intention? (2) Are customers more likely to purchase products endorsed by social media influencer or traditional celebrity endorsers?
Factor analysis and multiple regression modelling were used to analyze the responses of 354 users of Samsung smartphones in Vietnam market. Overall, our results show that celebrity endorsements in terms of his/her attractiveness, credibility, and similarity significantly increase customers’ purchase intention. Influencer endorsers’ credibility and similarity were also revealed to have positive impacts. Furthermore, the findings confirm that social media influencers generate greater impacts on increasing customers’ purchase intention towards the brand than celebrities do in Vietnamese smartphone industry.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書.................................................................... i
摘 要.......................................................................... ii
Abstract.................................................................... iii
Chapter I. Introduction................................................... 1
1.1 Research Rationale.................................................. 1
1.2. Research Background............................................. 4
1.3. Research Question.................................................. 5
1.4. Structure of the Dissertation................................... 6
Chapter II: Literature Review.......................................... 8
2.1. Endorser’s Source of Characteristic....................... 8
2.1.1. Source Credibility.................................................. 8
2.1.2. Source Attractiveness.......................................... 10
2.1.3. Source Similarity.................................................. 12
2.2. Purchase Intention.................................................. 14
2.3. Endorsement in Advertising................................... 15
2.3.1. Celebrity Endorsement......................................... 15
2.3.2. Social Media Influencer........................................ 19
2.4. Hypotheses Development....................................... 23
Chapter III: Research Methodology............................... 26
3.1. Research Design.................................................. 26
3.2. Data Collection Strategy......................................... 26
3.2.1. Pilot test................................................... 26
3.2.2. Respondent recruitment..................................... 27
3.2.3. Questionnaire Design.......................................... 27
3.2.4. Operational Variables and Measures................. 29
3.3. Data Analysis Strategy............................................ 35
Chapter IV: Research Finding......................................... 36
4.1. Construct Validity and Reliability............................ 36
4.2. Descriptive Statistic................................................ 39
4.3 Testing the Hypotheses........................................... 42
Chapter V: Discussion and Conclusion......................... 46
5.1. Theoretical and Managerial Implications.............. 46
5.1.1. Theoretical Implication........................................ 46
5.1.2. Managerial Implication...................................... 47
5.2. Limitation and Future Research Directions......... 50
References.................................................................... 53
Appendix 1: Survey Questions in English.................... 59
Appendix 2: Survey Questions in Vietnamese............ 63
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