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Title page for etd-0717102-133027
Party-Army Relations in the Era of Jiang Zemin
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Party-Army Relations, Jiang Zemin, Professionalization
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In the era of Jiang Zemin, the core leader of third generation has not be much more powerful than other leaders. Hence, he needs to build a coalition to gathering varied interests that supported his leadership. He had to bargain and compromise with other leading officials, to generate resources in order to reward and maintain the coalition which supporting him in power. Based on such “give and take” relations, he had been relatively weak when bargain with military or other interest groups within Chinese political system. And that might be the major reason to explain why the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) could get the unforeseeable political influence in the Jiang era.

When discussing the Party-Army relations in the Jiang era, it would be useful to view the PLA as an interest group in the Chinese political system. Therefore, I posit two basic assumptions to analyzing such relations. The first is that army and Party are engaged in a chronic and multiform conflict stemming from their incompatible outlooks and interests. The second is that Party would insist in controlling the army and keep suppressing the expression of its group interests. Besides, several variables would be introduced to identify such conflict. These include the declination of ideological indoctrination, the power reduction of the political control system in the army, the absence of regularized procedures for the transfer of political power within the ruling Party elite, the acceptance of the principle of collective leadership, and the modernization of the economy. These factors would be used to explain the transformation of the Party-Army relations.

目次 Table of Contents
目 次

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 理論探討與研究假設 2
第三節 研究方法與研究途徑 6
第四節 研究範圍與限制 9
第五節 章節安排 10

第二章 中共黨軍關係之回顧
第一節 毛澤東時期之黨軍關係 13
第二節 鄧小平時期之黨軍關係 26

第三章 江澤民時期之黨軍關係
第一節 後強人時期黨─軍互動的發展 44
第二節 江澤民時期解放軍專業化、正規化的發展面向 53

第四章 黨軍關係的逆流與困境
第一節 解放軍與中共之外交政策 63
第二節 解放軍與經商活動 74

第五章 結論 87

中文參考書目 92
英文參考書目 94

表2–1:解放軍代表在革委會及重建後之黨委會之比例 24
表2–2:解放軍代表在9大中委會及政治局之比例 25
表3–1:江澤民時期解放軍軍費明細 51
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