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Title page for etd-0717105-234921
The Effectiveness of Diabetes Shared Care Model and Factors Associated with Glycemic Control in Diabetics Patients-a Case of Medical Center
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dietary compliance, glycemic control, diabetes shared care model, exercise behavior compliance, clinical indicators
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一、完成年度病患之糖化血色素(前:8.19% VS 後:7.97%,P=0.04)、飯前血糖(前:164.15mg/dL VS 後:136.88 mg/dL,P<0.01)、總膽固醇(前:200.97mg/dL VS 後:187.39 mg/dL,P<0.01)、低密度脂蛋白(前:121.06mg/dL VS 後:113.17 mg/dL,P<0.01)、高密度脂蛋白(前:42.62mg/dL VS 後:46.24 mg/dL,P<0.01)皆獲得顯著改善。而三酸甘油脂(前:159.92mg/dL VS 後:152.2 mg/dL,P=0.71)、收縮壓(前:132.56mmHg VS 後:137.33 mmHg,P=0.34)及舒張壓(前:79.59 mmHg VS 後:78.44 mmHg,P=0.09)並未獲得顯著改善。
二、進一步分析完成第二次複診病患,發現糖化血色素(前:8.35% VS 後:7.86%,P<0.01)、飯前血糖(前:166.69mg/dL VS 後:145.63 mg/dL,P<0.01)、舒張壓(前:79.37 mmHg VS 後:78.17 mmHg,P<0.01)有顯著改善,而收縮壓(前:131.43mmHg VS 後:130.39 mmHg,P=0.14)則無顯著改善。
PURPORSE:This purpose of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of diabetes shared care model (DSCM)and the factors associated with extent of glycemic control.
METHOD:We analyzed 212 patients who completed the five shared care visits and 739 patients who completed the second follow-up visit. Patients are recruited from a department of Endocrinology of medical center located in southern part of Taiwan. Data used in this study were collected from the patients’ medical records. To evaluate effectiveness of diabetes shared care model(dietary compliance, exercise behavior compliance, clinical indicators)and to examine the factors associated with the hemoglobulin A1c is the purpose of the study.
In 212 patients completing the 5 visits, the compliance of carbohydrate consumption was significantly improved, however, there was no significant improvement in those of calories and fat consumption. Further analysis in 739 patients who completed the second follow-up visit, we found that the compliance of calories and fat consumption was significantly improved. The compliance of carbohydrate was improved, but not reaching significant difference.
Although the compliance of 212 patients’ exercise behavior was not significantly improved, the compliance of 739 patients’ exercise behavior was significantly improved.
The improvement of clinical indicators following participating the DCSM are as followed:
1.The hemoglobulin A1c(before:8.1% vs after:7.9%,P=0.04)、fasting plasma glucose(before:164.1mg/dL vs after:136.8 mg/dL,P<0.01)、total cholesterol
(before:200.9mg/dL vs after:187.3 mg/dL,P<0.01)、low density lipoprotein(LDL)(before:121.0mg/dL vs posttest:113.1 mg/dL,P<0.01)、high density lipoprotein(HDL)(before:42.6mg/dL vs posttest:46.2 mg/dL,P<0.01)of 212 patients were significantly improved. On the other hand, the triglyceride(pretest:159.9mg/dL vs after:152.2 mg/dL,P=0.71)、systolic blood pressure(before:132.5mmHg vs after:137.3 mmHg,P=0.34)and diastolic blood pressure(before:79.5 mmHg vs after:78.4 mmHg,P=0.09)of 212 patients were not significantly improved.
2.In 739 patients who only completing the second follow-up visit, the hemoglobulin A1c、fasting plasma glucose、diastolic blood pressure were significantly improved but the systolic blood pressure was remain unchanged.
Finally, multivariate regression modeling was used to investigate the factors associated with extent of glycemic control improvement (first visit HbA1c-annual visit HbA1c) in 212 patients competing the annual visit. After adjusting for age and sex, patients’ sex, level of first visit hemoglobulin A1c and level of first visit triglyceride was associated with the extent of glycemic control.
目次 Table of Contents
目錄 I
圖表目錄 VI
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 糖尿病介紹 4
第二節 糖尿病共同照護計畫 10
第三節 糖尿病衛教成效相關研究 13
第四節 影響血糖控制相關因素 44
第三章 研究方法與步驟 47
第一節 研究架構 47
第二節 研究假設 48
第三節 研究對象與資料來源 48
第四節 研究變項及操作型定義 49
第五節 研究資料處理與分析 52
第四章 研究結果 54
第一節 病患基本資料 54
第二節 病患飲食狀況分析 55
第三節 病患運動狀況分析 59
第四節 病患臨床指標分析 60
第六節 影響病患代謝指標控制相關因素分析 70
第五章 討論 73
第一節 研究結果之討論 73
第二節 研究限制 80
第六章 結論與建議 81
第一節 結論 81
第二節 研究建議 84
參考文獻 86
圖表 94
參考文獻 References
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