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博碩士論文 etd-0717107-173906 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0717107-173906
Exploration of IT department executing Total Quality Management–Based on the Car Company
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TQM, IT department, Total Quality Management
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一、 全面品質管理與資訊部門之間的重要性
二、 資訊部門推行全面品質管理的目的
三、 資訊部門推行全面品質管理的先決條件
四、 資訊部門主管與成員所應扮演的角色
五、 資訊部門推行全面品質管理的模式
六、 執行初期成效不彰的缺失
The philosophy of 「Total Quality Management」is an innovative management of full directions, it represents a whole new cultures, and the TQM bas been applied as the universally managerial solution for countries, enterprises, governments and organizations to promote the innovation and product improvements, all members of the organization shall
devote himself or herself and pay their all energies to focus on and achieve the goal -「To create the most perfect products and services for customers」.
IT department, a member of organization which executing TQM, in order to reach the purposes of total improvements, IT department shall participate and execute practically just like other departments. By exploring and analyzing the literature theories, the practical case of IT deparment which deploys the TQM activities, interviews, this research applies CASE
STUDY method to research for the key issues of「IT department executes TQM」as below:
A. The IMPORTANCES between IT department and TQM.
B. Why shall IT department execute TQM.
C. The needed conditions for IT department to execute TQM.
D. The ROLEs for the LEADER and STAFFs of IT department to execute TQM.
E. The MODULE for IT department to execute TQM.
F. The defects of the initial execution.
Wish the discoveries and suggestions of the research can be references to the IT department which is going to or already runs TQM.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 --------------------------------------------------------------- 5
第一節 研究背景與動機 ----------------------------------------------------- 5
第二節 研究目的 ----------------------------------------------------------- 7
第三節 研究流程 ----------------------------------------------------------- 8
第二章 文獻探討 ----------------------------------------------------------- 9
第一節 品質的定義與觀念 --------------------------------------------------- 9
第二節 全面品質管理 ------------------------------------------------------- 11
第三節 「傳統管理」與「全面品質管理」之比較 ------------------------------- 18
第四節 資訊管理 ----------------------------------------------------------- 20
第五節 資訊部門與全面品質管理 --------------------------------------------- 26
第六節 限制理論 ----------------------------------------------------------- 30
第七節 問題管理歷程之探討 ------------------------------------------------- 32
第八節 文化與氛圍 --------------------------------------------------------- 34
第三章 研究方法 ----------------------------------------------------------- 36
第一節 研究方法 ----------------------------------------------------------- 36
第二節 個案選擇 ----------------------------------------------------------- 37
第三節 研究架構的建立 ----------------------------------------------------- 38
第四節 研究限制 ----------------------------------------------------------- 39
第四章 個案公司全面品質管理推行過程 -------------------------------------- 40
第一節 公司簡介 ----------------------------------------------------------- 40
第二節 全面品質管理推行沿革 ----------------------------------------------- 41
第三節 個案公司推行全面品質管理之概況 ------------------------------------- 43
第四節 個案公司資訊部門推行全面品質管理之實務概況 ------------------------- 52
第五章 個案分析與研究發現 ------------------------------------------------- 66
第一節 個案分析與探討 ----------------------------------------------------- 66
第二節 研究發現 ----------------------------------------------------------- 82
第三節 全面品質管於資訊系統開發之應用 ------------------------------------- 93
第六章 結論與建議 --------------------------------------------------------- 97
第一節 結論與建議 --------------------------------------------------------- 97
第二節 後續研究建議 ------------------------------------------------------ 100
一、中文部份 -------------------------------------------------------------- 101
二、英文部份 -------------------------------------------------------------- 103
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