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影響白脊藤壺(Balanus albicostatus)成長與附著之因子探討
Factors affecting the growth and settlement of barnacle Balanus albicostatus
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fouling organisms, Balanus albicostatus, biofilm
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白脊藤壺Balanus albicostatus為高雄港內污損生物的優勢種類。由白脊藤壺的族群動態之研究結果發現,在高雄港,由北往南排列的五個測站中,非因距離遠近或相關性之強弱,而可將高雄港內的白脊藤壺族群區分為中正橋測站(愛河河口區)、內港區與港口區三大族群,其中中正橋測站的族群變動最大,平均存活率為53.8±21.7%,港口區的族群較穩定,其平均存活率為59.5±4.9%~62.5±8.1%。由第一年清除藤壺族群後與經過一年再補充之族群組成比較,發現白脊藤壺族群在一年內達動態平衡。比較兩年的藤壺族群存活率與個體大小組成,發現相同季節內的測站有明顯的差異,由對高雄港區白脊藤壺族群採樣調查發現,卵巢發育成熟之最小生殖體型為殼長3.6mm。由實驗水槽中對於藤壺成長實驗可推論生長至最小生殖個體殖體型約需20天左右。港區實驗水槽所進行之附著後藤壺成長實驗,其中包括過濾海水(80µm)及不過濾組;清除其他附著生物及不清除組,得知其附著族群的成長與死亡,不會受到藤壺幼體補充群及其他附著生物補充量之影響。綜合以上資料意謂高雄港區內的白脊藤壺族群可能於三個月內即可趨向穩定的動態平衡。




The Balance Balanus albicostatus is the dominant species of fouling organism in Kaohsiung Port. In different harbor district environments In Kaohsiung Port, one can discriminate the population of B. albicostatus into three different groups:the estuary area of Love River, the outer harbor area, and the harbor area. The variation of estuary area’s (Jhongjheng Bridge Station on Love River) population is the highest with the averaged survival rate of 53.8±21.7%. The population in the harbor area (The First Harbor Mouth station) is more stable with the averaged survival rate of 62.5±8.1%. The composition of population in the eliminated area in all stations after one year is similar to the previous one. It is suggested that barnacle population in Kaohsiung port can recover from environmental disturbance throughout larval recruitment within a year. Based on the results from the growth experiment of the settled barnacle’s larvae, it was indicated that the growth and survival rate of the settled larvae was least affected by the recruitment of any kinds of settled larvae including barnacle itself.

To understand the influence of environmental factors on the hatching of egg and development of larvae, we cultivated the larvae of B. albicostatus under the control of temperatures and salinities in the laboratory. The hatching rate of egg and times required for larvae to metamorphosis at each stage is the shortest under the condition of high temperature and high salinity. The larvae can metamorphose into cyprid in five days after hatching at the high temperature (35℃), while it is prolonged to 19 days after hatching under the low temperature (15℃) and low salinity (22 psu). The settlement rate of cyprids is better under high salinity (33 psu).

To understand the effects of biofilm on settlement of cyprids, the biofilms are cultured under the conditions of the non-filtered, 80μm, 20μm, and 1μm filtered seawater. When the biofilms have grown for 5 days, the settlement rate of cyprids on the biofilm cultured by the filtered seawater is higher than those on the non-filtered biofilms and alcohol-sterilized ones. At the day 12, the 1μm filtered treatments had a greatest quantity of settled larvae while the number of settled cyprids in the other treatments decreased. The number of settled cyprids on panels with biofilms cultured for 15 days in non-filtered seawater and the one with biofilms fallen off for more than 75% of the total area did not significantly differ from the one with biofilms cultured in the seawater filtered with the 1μm mesh. This showed that biofilms cultured under different filtered conditions affect the settlement of cyprids over time.

It is concluded that the population of barnacle Balanus albicostatus, based on survival rate and growth, can be grouped into three different groups in the Kaohsiung Port. From the laboratory experiments, it is showed that the type of biofilm and the aging processes over time can affect the settlements of cyprids. It therefore suggested that the larval recruitments of the barnacle B. albicostatus can be affected by the types of biofilm on the different substrates, and consequently the larval recruitments in the different environmental conditions in Kaohsiung Port.
目次 Table of Contents

中文摘要........................................................................................ I
英文摘要........................................................................................ III
目錄................................................................................................ V
表目錄............................................................................................ VI
圖目錄............................................................................................ VII
壹、前言........................................................................................ 1
污損生物研究回顧................................................................ 1
微生物膜與藤壺於污損生物群聚之關係............................ 3
藤壺生活史............................................................................ 5
貳、材料與方法............................................................................ 8
一、高雄港白脊藤壺族群動態............................................ 8
二、溫鹽條件對卵孵化、幼體變態與附著之影響............ 15
三、微生物膜對腺介幼體附著之影響................................ 18
參、結果........................................................................................ 22
一、高雄港白脊藤壺族群動態............................................ 22
二、溫鹽條件對卵孵化、幼體變態與附著之影響............ 30
三、微生物膜對腺介幼體之附著影響................................ 34
肆、討論........................................................................................ 38
一、高雄港白脊藤壺族群動態............................................ 38
二、溫鹽條件對卵孵化、幼體變態與附著之影響............ 47
三、微生物膜對腺介幼體附著之影響................................ 51
伍、結論........................................................................................ 55
陸、參考文獻................................................................................ 56
附錄、個人資料暨研究成果目錄................................................ 119
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