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博碩士論文 etd-0718116-172945 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0718116-172945
Feasibility and Influential Analysis of Tightening the Dioxin Standard for Secondary Aluminum Smelters in Kaohsiung from the Viewpoints of Emission Prediction, Waste Treatment Cost, and Civil Penalty
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emission standar, solid waste treatment cost, civil penalty, secondary aluminum smelting process, emission, Dioxin
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本研究係針對高雄地區固定污染源以鋁二次冶煉製程之公私廠場為研究對象,並蒐集高雄市轄區內鋁二次冶煉業近年排放清冊相關資料來反應環境現況,再以推估排放量、廢棄物處理成本、及裁罰金額,倘擬訂加嚴戴奧辛排放標準為0.5、0.4、0.3 ng I-TEQ/Nm3可能產生之衝擊,再依據此三種角度來探討分析並比較其歷年污染排放量變化,以了解不同排放標準時各廠家可能衍生之費用及加嚴後戴奧辛污染管制方面的減量效益,選擇未來適當的標準。期望藉由本研究做為未來為環保主管機關日後行政管制、相關產業或其他行業別加嚴排放標準考量不同面向或研究之參考。
探討目前高雄市鋁二次冶煉業戴奧辛97年~103年排放量現況與加嚴法規標準之排放量之變化情形,法規標準加嚴0.5、0.4、0.3ng I-TEQ/Nm3時,分別排放減量約0.208、0.640、1.256 (g I-TEQ/yr),與現況比較分別減量3.12%、9.61%,18.86%。
因質量不滅轉換至灰分時之廢棄物處理成本探討,97年~103年各年度廢棄物(灰分)處理成本,由97年約新台幣10030.215萬元增加至100年為最多處理成本12101.8萬元,逐年變化至103年為11892.8萬元,除100年變化略多外,所花費成本亦最多外,其餘年度其活動強度變化並不大,另因質量不滅轉換至灰分時,依現況僅會因防制設備捕捉後積累至廢棄物中灰分濃度增高,並不會造成廢棄物灰分增加,且依目前現況鋁二次冶煉業廢棄物(灰分)尚屬一般事業廢棄物,而非有害溶出事業廢棄物。爰此,因歷年原物料量(活動強度)變化不大,且廢棄物處理(灰分)成本並不會因加嚴標準而增加,故不再多予探討其他倘加嚴至0.5、0.4、0.3 ng I-TEQ/Nm3之情況之變化。
三種情境與現況標準推估各年度裁罰金額一覽表得知,以現況標準而言,97年~103年超過總根次為5根次,裁罰金額為新台幣210萬元。於加嚴至0.5ng I-TEQ/Nm3情境時,97年103年超過總根次上升為8根次,裁罰金額為新台幣291萬元。於加嚴至0.4ng I-TEQ/Nm3情境時,97年~103年超過總根次則上升為8根次,裁罰金額為新台幣363萬元。倘加嚴至0.3ng I-TEQ/Nm3情境時,97年~103年超過總根次則上升為15根次,裁罰金額為新台幣630萬元。
由於法規加嚴需考量相關利害關係人之權益,檢視本研究統一規範加嚴至為0.5ng I-TEQ/Nm3,19廠家中將有6家受影響、35根管道,將有11根管道受影響,影響將近31.6%,倘加嚴至0.4、0.3 ng I-TEQ/Nm3情境時則所有廠家皆受影響,影響程度為100%,故倘要加嚴法規0.5ng I-TEQ/Nm3是個選項。
As dioxin is a hazardous air pollutant, the control of the associated emissions has become an important environmental issue of public concern. The Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency (TWEPA) started the management of dioxin from 1996 by regulating the emission standards for major emission sources such as waste incinerators, electric arc furnaces in steel making industries, or sintering furnaces in steel industries and other stationary sources. To date, the TWEPA is actively reviewing and revising the relevant standards and regulations, with the annual inspections of the emissions sources and update of the national emission databases. In these years, the emission of dioxin from secondary non-ferrous metal smelting industries has become another topic that draws attentions of many developed countries in the world. In 2006, it has been regulated that the dioxin emissions from secondary aluminum or copper smelting industries are required to be inspected at least once every two years, further addressing the important concern of dioxin emission from secondary non-ferrous metal smelting industries in Taiwan.
With the focus on the stationary sources in Kaohsiung City, mainly the public and private secondary aluminum smelting factories, this study collected information from the emission inventories and environmental monitoring data, reflecting the current scenario of dioxin emission in the city area of concern. Furthermore, by considering the viewpoints of emission variation, waste treatment cost, and civil penalty, this study attempted to investigate the impacts of tightening the current dioxin emission standard to 0.5、0.4、0.3 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 on these sources, with respect to the influences on the dioxin emissions, additional costs for waste treatment, civil penalties, and benefits due to reduction of dioxin emission into the atmosphere. This study is expected to provide insights into the effects of tightening dioxin emission standards from different points of view for other legally-responsible agencies, governmental or non-governmental organizations with related interests to develop proper solutions for improving the management strategies or regulatory systems.
Given the emission conditions of dioxin in Kaohsiung City from 2008 to 2014, for the impact of tightening the regulatory standard on the dioxin emission, lowering the dioxin emission standard to 0.5、0.4、0.3ng I-TEQ/Nm3 could reduce the amount of the emission by 0.208、0.640 、1.256 g I-TEQ/yr, respectively. The reduction ratios were 3.12%、9.61%,18.86% for three different standards.
However, dioxin not released into the atmosphere is transferred to solid wastes such as ashes produced in the smelting processes. Considered that excess dioxin is transferred and contained in the solid wastes due to more stringent dioxin emission standards, the possible cost increases of treating additional solid wastes from 2008 to 2014 were estimated. In 2008, the treatment cost was NT $100,302,150, increased to NT $121,018,000 in 2011, and dropped to NT $118,928,000 in 2014. Except 2011 in which a larger variation and maximum of the treatment cost was observed, the activity intensities were not significantly different from 2008 to 2014. The treatment cost is dependent on the activity intensity that determines the amount of solid waste produced in the process of secondary aluminum smelting. As a result, the treatment costs under the scenarios of different dioxin emission standards were expected to be not significantly different and not investigated further in this study.
By calculating the civil penalties under the current and three different scenarios of regulating the dioxin emission standard, the total penalty from 2008 to 2014 was NT $2,100,000, with total 5 flue tests exceeding the dioxin emission standard. If the emission standard was 0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3, total 8 flue tests exceeded the new dioxin emission standard, as the civil penalty increased to NT $2,910,000. If the emission standard was 0.4 and 0.3 ng I-TEQ/Nm3, total 8 and 15 flue tests exceeded the respective new dioxin emission standards, as the civil penalty further raised to NT $3,630,000 and NT $6,300,000, respectively.
Given the potential costs and benefits resulted by tightening the dioxin emission standard, it was recommended in this study to establish a proper emission standard of 0.5ng I-TEQ/Nm3, in which case 6 out of 19 factories and 11 out of 35 flue stacks (31.6%) would be affected. If the emission standard was lowered to 0.4、0.3 ng I-TEQ/Nm3, all factories would be affected with respect to the emissions needed for reduction and possible civil penalties, causing significant impacts on all secondary aluminum smelting factories.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的與範疇 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 非鐵金屬熔煉業 4
2.1.1 鋁冶煉工業 6
2.1.2 國內鋁二次熔煉業分布狀況 8
2.2 戴奧辛基本特性 9
2.2.1 戴奧辛物理化學特性 9
2.2.2 戴奧辛毒性及影響 10
2.3 戴奧辛生成機制 11
2.3.1 戴奧辛生成影響因子 13
2.4 國外PCDD/FS管制策略 14
2.4.1 美國於管道PCDD/Fs管制策略 14
2.4.2 歐盟於管道PCDD/Fs管制策略 18
2.4.3 英國於管道PCDD/Fs管制策略 18
2.4.4 香港於管道PCDD/Fs管制策略 19
2.4.5 日本於管道PCDD/Fs管制策略 19
2.4.6 中國於管道PCDD/Fs管制策略 21
2.5 我國於管道PCDD/FS管制策略 23
2.6 非鐵金屬冶煉業排放現況及管制標準 30
2.6.1 高雄市列管之戴奧辛 30
2.6.2 列管鋁二次冶煉業之防制設備 33
2.6.3 鋁二次冶煉業現行法規標準 36
2.7 高雄市歷年超標戴奧辛排放源減量輔導 40
2.8 鋁二次冶煉業製程戴奧辛減量方法 43
第三章 研究方法 46
3.1 研究流程 46
3.2 PCDD/FS排放係數年排放量之推估方法說明 47
3.3 廢棄物處理費用推估方法 50
3.4 未符合法規時裁罰金額推估方法 50
第四章 研究結果與討論 53
4.1 戴奧辛排放量推估 53
4.1.1 排放係數和年排放量之推估 53
4.1.2 歷年列管鋁二次冶煉戴奧辛排放量推估結果 54
4.1.3 PCDD/Fs排放量現況與加嚴標準之探討 75
4.2 鋁二次冶煉PCDD/FS排放量現況 76
4.2.1 法規加嚴0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3情境排放量 77
4.2.2 法規加嚴0.4ng I-TEQ/Nm3情境排放量 79
4.2.3 法規加嚴0.3ng I-TEQ/Nm3情境排放量 80
4.2.4 三種情境討論歷年排放量之變化及加嚴後之減量 81
4.3 廢棄物處理成本(灰分) 84
4.4 現況未符合法規時裁罰金額 92
4.4.1 法規加嚴0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3情境裁罰金額 94
4.4.2 法規加嚴0.4 ng I-TEQ/Nm3情境裁罰金額 96
4.4.3 法規加嚴0.3 ng I-TEQ/Nm3情境裁罰金額 97
4.4.4 三種情境論歷年裁罰金額變化 99
第五章 結論與建議 102
5.1 結論 102
5.2 未來研究建議 104
參考文獻 109
附錄一 委員審查意見回覆 115
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