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博碩士論文 etd-0719101-111556 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0719101-111556
An Empirical Research of the Integrative Framework for Green Management on Business: The Study of Taiwan's Chemical Engineering, Electronics, Informantion and Communication Industries
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technical environment, organizational structure and environmental perfo, green management, institutional environment, stakeholders
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摘 要

有關企業與環境議題的研究,自1990年起才陸續產生,不過,這些研究大多僅關注於探討企業為因應環保法規的日趨嚴格所採取的反應策略,只有少部份探討企業為何而做,尤其缺乏整合性以及相關的實證之研究。職此之故,本研究試圖回答下列三個研究問題:1. 企業回應環境的綠色管理之做法為何? 2. 影響企業的綠色管理之因素有哪些? 3. 綠色管理對企業的環境績效影響為何?
本研究以結構方程模式(structural equation modeling)嘗試建構企業的綠色管理之整合模式,在企業的綠色管理之構面有清潔生產作業、主動的行政管理與綠色行銷活動;在影響因素構面有體制環境因素、技術環境因素、利害相關人因素與組織特性因素;在環境績效構面有管理績效與作業績效。
本研究以台灣地區於2000年12月底獲得ISO 14001驗證的化學材料業、化學品製造業、電子、資訊與通訊業以及精密機械製造業等廠家為抽樣構架進行實證研究。從235份有效樣本中研究發現,企業的綠色管理以清潔生產作業高於主動的行政管理與綠色行銷活動;體制環境因素、技術環境因素、利害相關人因素等顯著影響企業的綠色管理。本研究亦發現,組織特性因素對於管理績效與作業績效有顯著正向效果;綠色管理對管理績效和作業績效有顯著正向影響;管理績效對作業績效有正向影響且達顯著水準。
An important milestone in the history of management thought to consider how managers control the organization's relationship with its external environment in the 1960s late. Historically, management theory has used a narrow and parochial concept of environment that emphasizes political, economic, social, and technological aspects to the virtual exclusion of the natural environment. Therefore, the history of scholarship focusing on the management of organizations in the natural environment is relatively brief, compared to that in other environment-oriented academic fields.
The researches on business and green issues have sprouted since the middle of 1990s. However, these researches only discuss the responding strategies adopted by businesses sector because of stricter regulations. The specialties of the researches conducted were based on understanding “What companies do” rather than “Why do they do it”? Base on the explanations above, this study tries to answer the three research topics: 1. Organization response to the environmental issues what is the green management to be adopted? 2. What are the factors to influence the green management? 3. How does green management impact on organizational performance?
By structural equation modeling, the purpose of this study, therefore, attempts to present a framework that synthesizes the factors of institutional environment, technical environment, stakeholders, organizational structure and environmental performance and then explore these relationships with four industries in Taiwan's manufacturers.
In 235 valid samples, this study finds that, in respect of green management, clean product operation is higher than proactive administrative management and green marketing activities. Green management has apparently positive correlation with the factors of institutional environment, technical environment and stakeholders. This study also finds that, the factor of organizational structure apparently positive effect managerial and operational performance. Green management apparently positive effect managerial and operational performance. Managerial performance has apparently positive influence on operational performance.
目次 Table of Contents
總 目 錄

第一章 緒 論
第一節 研究背景與問題……………………………………………1 - 3
第二節 研究範圍與目的……………………………………………4 - 6
第三節 研究流程……………………………………………………..7 - 8
第四節 論文結構……………………………………………………..9
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 組織與環境………………………….……………………….10 - 23
第二節 企業的綠色管理…………………….………………………24 - 39
第三節 影響企業綠色管理的因素…………………….………….40 - 51
第四節 企業的綠色管理與績效的關係……………….…………52 - 54
第五節 本章結論……………………………………….…………….55 - 56
第三章 研究設計
第一節 觀念性研究架構……………………………….…………..57 - 59
第二節 研究假說……………………………………….…………….60 - 78
第三節 變項與衡量…………………………………….……………79 - 83
第四節 問卷設計與預試……………………………….……………84
第五節 研究對象……………………………………….…………….85 - 86
第六節 資料分析方法………………………………….……………87 - 90
第七節 信度分析……………………………………….…………….91 - 92
第八節 研究架構與假說之確立……………....………….……….93 - 95

第四章 研究結果分析
第一節 樣本特性分析……………………………..…...……………96 -104
第二節 企業的綠色管理與各變數之關係……….……………..105 -117
第三節 企業的綠色管理整體模式之關係…….….……….……118 -130
第四節 企業的綠色管理之差異性分析與假說驗證彙總…..131 -136
第五章 討論與建議
第一節 討論………..……………………………..….……………….137 -144
第二節 研究貢獻………………………..…….………..……………144 -146
第三節 研究限制…………………………….………………………146
第四節 未來研究建議………….…………………….…..…………147
參考文獻……………………………….…………………………………….148 -163
附錄一:企業的自然環境議題實證彙總……….….……….…………..164 -171
附錄二:個案訪談大綱與結論……….…………….…………..…………172 -173
附錄四:研究調查問卷(初稿)……………….…….…………………..….175 -178
附錄五:研究調查問卷(正式)……………….…….…………..………….179 -183
附錄六:確認性因素分析結果……………………………………………184 -187
附錄七:區別效度分析結果………………………………………………188 -189
附錄八:企業的綠色管理之LISREL模式………….….…….….…….190 -191
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