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博碩士論文 etd-0719106-134827 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0719106-134827
The Study of Gabriel Faure's Thirteen Nocturnes
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Nocturnes, Gabriel Faure
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佛瑞(Gabriel Faure, 1845-1924)為十九世紀末、二十世紀初法國重要的作曲家。佛瑞一生寫作了大量的鋼琴作品,包括夜曲、船歌、前奏曲、即興曲等。然而,和法國兩位印象派作曲家,拉威爾和德布西相較,佛瑞的鋼琴作品卻極少在法國以外被演奏。這和其一生中只在法國活躍有絕對的關係,也因此,佛瑞可謂當時代法國音樂的代表。
Gabriel Faure (1845-1924) was one of the most important composers in the music history of France from the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. Faure's output in piano music was abundant, including Nocturnes, Barcarolles, Preludes, and Impromptus. His piano works were rarely performed outside France compared to the works of the two French impressionist composers, Maurice Ravel and Claude Debussy. The reason why Faure received relatively less international attention mainly because he was only active on the musical stage of France and could be regarded as the representative of the French music of the epoque.
In his musical career from 1875 to 1921, Faure composed thirteen nocturnes among which the Nocturne No. 13 was his last piano work. His creation of nocturnes can be divided into three stages according to their time of production and his composing style. Faure's nocturnes in the first stage bore the influences of his predecessors such as John Field and Frederic Chopin. The second stage exhibited the composer's attempt at innovation. The nocturnes in the third stage were marked in style by a shift from exquisiteness to simplicity. Besides these significant differences, the three stages demonstrated Faure's specific techniques, such as the merging of church modes in the tonality of works and inserting rests on downbeat.
This thesis includes three parts and begins with the introduction on Faure’s life and on the origin, definition and development of nocturnes. The second part of the thesis elaborates on each of Faure's thirteen nocturnes in respect to their music periods, background and composing techniques. The discussion on the interpretation and techniques required in the performance of Faure's nocturnes will be the conclusion of the thesis.
目次 Table of Contents
一、 前言 --------------------------------------- 1
二、 佛瑞之生平 --------------------------------- 2
三、 夜曲之定義、起源與發展 --------------------- 5
四、 佛瑞夜曲之創作手法 ------------------------- 13
1. 音樂分期 ------------------------------------ 13
2. 創作背景 ------------------------------------ 15
3. 曲式 ---------------------------------------- 16
4. 伴奏音型與織度 ------------------------------ 18
5. 拍號變化 ------------------------------------ 20
6. 節奏型態 ------------------------------------ 23
7. 音階與和弦的使用方式------------------------- 24
五、 佛瑞夜曲之彈奏技巧與詮釋 -------------------- 29
1. 彈奏技巧 ------------------------------------- 29
2. 力度變化 ------------------------------------- 34
3. 彈性速度 ------------------------------------- 40
4. 踏板之運用 ----------------------------------- 41
六、 結語 ---------------------------------------- 46
附錄 ------------------------------------------------- 48
參考書目 --------------------------------------------- 49
參考文獻 References
豪瑟(Arnold Hauser)。《西洋藝術進化史》。邱彰譯。雄師圖書股份有限公司,1986年。
Benitez, M. Scholastica. The Nocturnes of John Field. M. A. diss., Catholic University of America, 1957.
Chechlinska, Z. “The Nocturnes and Studies: Selected Problems of Piano Texture.” Chopin Studies, Ed. J. Samson. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Copland, Aaron. “Gabriel Faure, A Neglected Master.” The Musical Quarterly Vol. 10, No. 4(Oct., 1924): 573-86.
Cortot, Alfred. French Piano Music. Trans. by Hilda Andrews. London: Humphrey Milford, 1932.
Ducasse, Roger. Eight Nocturnes. Paris: Hamelle, 1958.
Dunoyer, Cecilia.Marguerite Long: A life in French Music, 1874-1966. Indiana University Press, 1993.
Ellis, M. K. The French Piano Character Piece of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. Unibersity of Indiana D. M. A., 1969.
Gillespie, John. Five Centuries of Keyboard Music: An Historical Survey of Music for Harpsichord and Piano. New York: Dover Publications, 1972.
Higgins, Thomas Chopin Interpretation: A Study of Performance Directions in Selected Autographs and Other Sources. Iowa: The University of Lowa, 1966.
Jones, J. Barrie. “Faure’s Performance Practice.” Tempo No. 151 (Dec., 1984): 32-35.
Koechlin, Charles. Gabriel Faure. Trans. by Leslie Orrey. London: Portsdown Press, 1946.
Landormy, Paul. “Gabriel Faure.” The Musical Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 3(Jul., 1931): 293-301.
Liszt, F. On John Field’s Nocturnes. Trans. By Theodore Baker. Leipzig: Schuberth, 1859.
Long, Marguerite. At the Piano with Faure. Trans. By Oliver Wenior-Ellis. New York: Taplinger, 1981.
Nectoux, Jean-Michel. Gabriel Faure: A Musical Life. Trans. by Roger Nichols. Cambridge University Press 1991.
Orledge, Robert. Gabriel Faure. New York: Da Capo, 1982.
Porte, John F. Chopin the Composer and His Music. London: The New Temple Press, 1932.
Rowland, David. The Nocturne: Development of New Style. Ed. Jim Samson. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Suckling, Norman. Faure. London: Dent and Sons, 1946.
Tait, Robin. The Musical Language of Gabriel Faure. New York: Garland, 1989.
Temperley, Nicholas. “John Field and the First Nocturne.” Music and Letter(1975): 335-340.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (1980), S. v. “Notturrno”, by Hubert Unverricht.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2001), S. v. “Nocturne”, by Maurice J. Brown / Kenneth L. Hamilton.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2001). S. v. "Gabriel Faure", by Jean-Michel Nectoux.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians(2001), S. v. “characteristic piece”, by Maurice J. E. Brown.
Valicenti, Joseph Anthony.The Thirteen Nocturnes of Gabriel Faure. University of Miami D. M. A., 1980.
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