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博碩士論文 etd-0719114-151748 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0719114-151748
The Power of Time Perception: The Effect of Temporal Orientation in Tickets Group-buying
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Deal popularity, Product category, Background color, Ticket Group-Buying (TGB), Unit effect, Temporal orientation
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本研究以實驗法檢驗五個假說,實驗一為2 (倒數時間單位) × 2 (背景顏色)受測者間設計,實驗二為2 (倒數時間單位) × 2 (產品類別) × 2 (交易熱門度)受測者間設計。研究發現:(一) 縮減尺度 (相較於擴張),將使消費者覺得結團時間所剩較少、(二) 倒數時間單位使用縮減尺度 (vs. 擴張尺度),讓消費者偏向聚焦於現在時刻 (vs. 未來時刻),並提升跟團意願、產品態度和推薦意願,且倒數時間單位對於消費者反應的影響,係透過時間取向中介、(三) 紅色背景能引發較高喚起狀態,並使倒數時間單位直接提升消費者反應,但不影響時間取向;藍色背景則使倒數時間單位影響時間取向,卻不影響消費者反應、(四) 享樂型產品 (相較於功能型),強化現在時間取向消費者產生的態度與行為意願反應、(五) 若交易熱門度高,則聚焦於現在或未來時間取向,消費者反應無顯著差異;交易熱門度低,則現在時間取向的消費者有較佳的消費者反應。本研究結果對於票劵式團購、單位效果、時間取向、消費價值等相關研究具理論貢獻外,並可提供票券式團購平台業者規劃團購產品頁面設計之實務建議。
The rapid development of technology has resulted in dramatic changes in business model. The advent of a new commerce mode, Ticket Group-Buying (TGB), is breaking through the previous sales edge. Different from traditional group-buying auction which demands a large amount of orders to reduce transaction price, the promotion in ticket group-buying is pre-specified by the group-buying websites and traders, which can offer 20-60 percent price discount to attractive consumers. Consequently, it mitigates the possible impact of traditional group-buying motivation in consumers (i.e., to collect lots of joint buyers for better price). Accordingly, this research explores whether there are other mechanisms that will enhance consumers’ group-buying participation, product attitudes and recommendation intention.
After taking a broad view of ticket group-buying websites nowadays, there is a significant discrepancy in information provided by and the design of these websites. Furthermore, previous studies have found that web design can influence consumers’ attitudes and behaviors. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to explore how the units of countdowns influence consumers’ residual time perception and temporal orientation, which further affects other consumer responses. Additionally, this study examines the possible moderating effects of the color of website’s background, product category, and deal popularity in the functional process of the effects of countdown units.
We conducted two experiments to test five hypotheses. Experiment 1 was a 2 (the unit of countdown) × 2 (the color of background) between-subjects experimental design, and Experiment 2 was a 2 (the unit of countdown) × 2 (product category) × 2 (deal popularity) between-subjects experimental design. The analytical results revealed the following. (1) The use of contracted scales significantly decreased consumers’ residual time perception as opposed to the use of expanded scales. (2) The countdown units using contracted scales (vs. expanded scales) focused consumers’ temporal orientation more on the present than on the future, and increased consumers’ group-buying participation, product attitude, and recommendation intention through the mediation of temporal orientation. (3) Red elicited higher arousal state in consumers. When the group-buying website’s background was red, the countdown units directly affected consumers’ attitudinal responses but did not affect temporal orientation. On the contrary, when the group-buying website’s background was blue, the countdown units affected temporal orientation but did not further influence consumers’ attitudinal responses. (4) Hedonic products, as opposed to utilitarian products, intensified attitudinal responses generated by present-oriented consumers. (5) In the condition of high deal popularity, there was no significant difference in consumers’ attitudinal responses whether they are present-oriented or future-oriented. On the contrary, present-oriented consumers (vs. future-oriented consumers) had better responses to the product in the condition of low deal popularity. This research makes theoretical contributions to the related studies on ticket group-buying, unit effect, temporal orientation, and shopping value, as well as provides ticket group-buying firm practical suggestions on web design.
目次 Table of Contents
第三節 研究問題 7
第四節 研究目的 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 團購 9
  一、團購定義 9
  二、團購研究探討 11
  三、小結 14
第二節 數值效應(Numerosity effect) 15
  一、比例偏差效果(Ratio-bias Phenomenon) 16
  二、貨幣幻覺(Money Illusion) 17
  三、貨幣面額效果(Face-Value Effect) 17
  四、貨幣數值效果(currency Numerosity Effect) 19
  五、單位效果(Unit Effect) 20
  六、小結 22
第三節 時間取向與時間焦點 23
  一、時間取向(temporal orientation) 23
  二、時間焦點(temporal focus) 25
  三、時間取向、時間焦點之相關研究 26
  四、小結 27
第四節 顏色與消費者行為 28
  一、顏色心理學 28
  二、顏色在商業情境之應用 29
  三、喚起程度之相關研究 30
  四、小結 31
第五節 產品類別與消費價值 32
第六節 交易熱門度(deal popularity) 35
第三章 研究架構與假說推論 37
第一節 研究架構 37
第二節 研究假說 37
第四章 預試與實驗概敘 44
第一節 預試 44
第二節 實驗概敘 45
第五章 實驗一 46
第一節 研究方法 46
第二節 分析結果 61
第六章 實驗二 81
第一節 研究方法 81
第二節 分析結果 90
第七章 結論與建議 125
第一節 主要研究發現 125
第二節 理論意涵 131
第三節 實務意涵 138
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 142
參考文獻 148
附錄一 預試、前測一、前測二、前測三問卷 167
附錄二 實驗一正式問卷 185
附錄三 實驗二正式問卷 198
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