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博碩士論文 etd-0720104-134128 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0720104-134128
Application of Wavelet-probabilistic Network to Power Quality and Characteristic Harmonics Detection
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Probabilistic Neural Network, Power Harmonics, Wavelet- Probabilistic Network, Artificial Neural Network, Power Quality
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由於較敏感電子設備廣泛被使用,引起工業界及用電戶對電力品質有相當大的注意。 諧波、電壓陡昇、電壓驟降、電力中斷等,均可能降低供電品質。當非線性的負載產生諧波電流注入網路系統,造成例如台灣的新竹及台南的科學園區較靈敏的高科技產業,供電品質下降。在近年來,運輸量大且快速的捷運系統和高速度鐵路已經迅速發展,其半導體整流的技術在汽車牽引系統方面被廣泛應用;電壓陡昇和電壓驟降可能發生從雷擊、電容器開關、馬達啟動、短路故障或人為的疏失,最嚴重還可能造成電壓中斷。為了確保電力品質,諧波和電壓干擾事件偵測變得很重要。使用傅立葉轉換對失真波形做頻譜分析並且用低通濾器來除去基本波,以求得特定的諧波。由於複雜的處理過程很難即時被偵測,具有實際諧波資料為基礎的處理模型需要簡化整個處理架構。
本論文提出以小波轉換( wavelet transformation,WT )及機率神經網路( probabilistic neural network , PNN)做為電力品質干擾事件及特定諧波之偵測。首先,以小波機率神經網路 ( WPN ) 來辨識干擾種類和發生位置。再以PNN 基礎架構,去分析特定諧波成份。最後在個人電腦上驗證處理流程的可行性及快速分析。
Power quality has attracted considerable attentions from utilities and customers due to the popular uses of the sensitive electronic equipment. Harmonics, voltage swell, voltage sag, and power interruption could downgrade the service quality. Harmonic currents injected by non-linear loads throughout the network could degrade the quality of services to sensitive high-tech customers such as the science park of Xin-Zhu and Tai-Nan in Taiwan. In recent years, massive rapid transit system (MRT) and high speed railway (HSR) have been rapidly developed, with the applications of wide-spread semi-conductor technologies in the auto-traction system. Swell and sag could occur from thundering, capacitor switching, motor starting, nearby circuit faults, or artificial calamity, and could also attribute to the power interruption. To ensure the power quality, harmonic and voltage disturbances detection becomes important. Fourier transformation is used to analyze distorted waves in the frequency domain, with low-pass filter used to eliminate the fundamental component, and then characteristic harmonics can be detected. The complicated process is difficult to operate in real-time. The method-based processing model with physical harmonic data is needed to simplify the processing architecture.
The thesis proposes to use wavelet transformation (WT) and probabilistic neural network (PNN) for power quality and characteristic harmonics detection. Wavelet-probabilistic network (WPN) is first used to extract distorted waves. PNN based processing model will then analyze the harmonic components. Computer simulation shows a simplified model to shorten the processing time in this study.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII

第一章 緒論 1

1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的與方法 3
1-3 論文內容概述 5

第二章 電力品質概述 7

2-1 電力品質干擾事件簡介 7
2-2 電力諧波標準規範 8
2-3 電力品質干擾事件之定義與特點 12
2-3-1 電壓驟降 12
2-3-2 電壓陡昇 14
2-3-3 電力中斷 14
2-3-4 電力諧波 14

第三章 研究方法 19

3-1 類神經網路概論 19
3-1-1 學習策略分類 20
3-1-2 網路架構分類 21
3-1-3 類神經網路的選用 22
3-1-4 類神經網路的特性 23
3-1-5 作用函數 24
3-2 機率神經網路 26
3-3 小波-機率網路 34
3-4 特定諧波訊號偵測概念 40

第四章 電力品質干擾事件及特定諧波訊號模擬 45

4-1 電力品質干擾事件系統介紹 45
4-2 模擬電力品質干擾事件訊號 49
4-3 模擬小波轉換電力品質事件訊號 52
4-4 量化誤差的分析 54
4-5 特定諧波電流系統介紹 56

第五章 模擬測試與討論 63

5-1 電力品質干擾事件測試結果 63
5-2 特定諧波訊號測試結果 69

第六章 結論與未來的研究方向 76

6-1 結論 76
6-2 未來研究方向 77

參考文獻 79
參考文獻 References
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