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Title page for etd-0720109-104927
The relationship research among service outsourcing, manpower dispatch, contact experience and quality relationship─ example of minibus rental business
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manpower dispatch, service contact experience, service outsourcing, quality relationship
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服務外包,是指生產經營者的業主將服務流程以商業形式發包給業主以外的服務提供者的經濟活動。在微利時代,企業追求成長達到一定程度之後,在市場無法突破的限制下,運用外包節省成本,提升經營效能,可以得到立竿見影效果。“服務外包”是當今全球服務業最時尚的詞彙,服務外包業將成為未來經濟成長的新趨勢,本研究係以小客車租賃業為調查對象,藉由McHugh et al. (1995)外包理論;成本、服務、責任與競爭力等,劇場理論要素分析Goffman(1959)以檢核員工表現、顧客表現、實體服務環境及服務接觸過程等,對於服務品質滿意度的影響關係,同時回顧關係品質文獻並採用Crosby et al.(1990)學者的看法,以「信任」與「滿意」兩個構面來代表本研究中所提之關係品質,進行研究分析,探討公、私機構、企業組織將單位內公務用小客車改以外包方式後,經由服務接觸體驗對關係品質的因素與影響進而影響到服務外包的效益。

Outsourcing refers enterprises to take advantage of external resources for their own professional services, so as to achieve lower costs, improve efficiency and give core competencies to enhance their own ability as well as a management model.

The term of service outsourcing is the production and management services of owners, who utilize commercial activities to the owners of the service providers. Within the low-profit time, enterprises pursue growth to some scale and, due to the restriction of the market can not break through, the use of outsourcing is able to save costs and enhance operating efficiency immediately. Service outsourcing is the most fashionable in today's global services sector, and the service outsourcing industry will become the new essential trend of economic growth. This study surveyed by the outsourcing theory of McHugh et al. (1995) conducts research on small passenger car rental industry; on the analysis of elements of cost, service, responsibility with competitiveness, the theater theory of Goffman (1959) delves into the relationship between performance of employees, customer performance and service entities and the impact of the relationship for satisfaction degree. At the same time reviewing the quality relationship literature and the adoption of Crosby et al. (1990), it researches the two dimensions of trust and satisfied to see the quality relationship to explore the public and private institutions, enterprise organization units within the public service reform with a small bus to outsourcing. As a result, through contact with the service quality experience, it will explore the effectiveness of service outsourcing.

For this study, it sent out 350 questionnaires including 307 valid questionnaires using data analysis and simple regression analysis on the false description of the research to verify the results of discovery;

Services outsourcing and relationship quality have some significant positive relationship; The contact experience and the quality relationship have a positive correlation. From the factor analysis of "cost", "professional", "quality", and "efficiency" in service outsourcing, and followed by Goffman (1959) theory of theater management to analysis of the "performance drivers", "customer performance", "vehicle equipment", and "field service". Furthermore, on the basis of the quality relationship, it researches the factors for the "trust" or "satisfied" and the finding result are as follows;

Both of contact experience and service quality relationship have some significant positive impact, and the result implies that the public and private business organizations can go along with outsourcing and services providers – such as minibus and driver leasing industry, and then the better relationship will enhance the effectiveness of service outsourcing, and achieve cost savings.
目次 Table of Contents
第一節 研究背景----------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機----------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究目的----------------------------------------------------4
第四節 研究範圍與限制----------------------------------------------5
第五節 研究流程及研究結構------------------------------------------6
第二章 文獻回顧與探討-----------------------------------------9
第一節 小客車租賃業概況--------------------------------------------9
第二節 服務外包---------------------------------------------------19
第三節 人力派遣---------------------------------------------------25
第四節 服務接觸體驗-----------------------------------------------27
第五節 關係品質---------------------------------------------------39
第六節 再惠顧意願-------------------------------------------------42
第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------43
第一節 研究架構---------------------------------------------------43
第二節 研究假設---------------------------------------------------45
第三節 研究變數定義與衡量-----------------------------------------47
第四節 問卷設計---------------------------------------------------56
第五節 問卷調查---------------------------------------------------59
第六節 資料分析流程-----------------------------------------------62
第四章 研究結果與討論-----------------------------------------63
第一節 信度與效度分析----------------------------------------------63
第二節 敘述性統計分析----------------------------------------------75
第三節 研究架構與假設修正------------------------------------------87
第四節 假設檢定----------------------------------------------------89
第五章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------93
第一節 研究結論----------------------------------------------------93
第二節 研究建議----------------------------------------------------98
第三節 對業者建議-------------------------------------------------100
第四節 研究心得---------------------------------------------------101

一、 中文部分-----------------------------------------------------103
二、 英文部分-----------------------------------------------------105

附錄一 專家與談---------------------------------------------------107
附錄二 前測問卷修正過程-----------------------------------111
附錄三 前測問卷調查-----------------------------------------------124
附錄四 正式問卷調查-----------------------------------------------130
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