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博碩士論文 etd-0721105-204918 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0721105-204918
A Study of Plant Species Richness in Taiwan Forestry Research Institute Tai-Ma-Lee Experimental Forest
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species richness, Tai-ma-lee, species-area curve
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在研究區域共記錄到748種維管束植物,包括98種台灣特有種,21種稀有種,以及林道等干擾地的36種歸化種。三種植群類型中,675公頃的原始林種豐度估算值為701種(95% CI=651~758種);291公頃的人工林所估得之物種數約為819種(95% CI=744~889種);8.1公頃的林道種豐度估算值為560種(95% CI=508~641種)。因人工林取樣不足,所以無法估算整體種豐度。本研究發現在台灣使用0.1公頃的Modified-Whittaker樣區的多尺度取樣技術與物種面積曲線修正估算法,可以利用海拔差異將物種聚合分群來直接估算種豐度,而不需考慮到實際的植群分佈。
Many ecologists are struggling to quantify the species richness in a particular landscape or region. The number of species increases with sample area. Species-area relationship is often used to estimate species richness of a particular region. This study used species-log (area) curves, corrected with Jaccard’s coefficients for within-vegetation type heterogeneity, to estimate species richness and to describe vascular plant species composition in Taiwan Forestry research Institute Tai-Ma-Lee Experimental Forest.
In the study area, the author recorded 748 plant species, including 98 endemic species, 21 rare species and 36 naturalized species.
There are estimation of 701 species (95% CI=651~758 species) in the 583-ha natural forest area, 819 species (95% CI=744~889 species) in the 291-ha plantation area, 560 species (95% CI=508~641 species) in 8.1-ha forest road. As plantation area is not well-sampled, the total species number in the 947-ha study area could not be estimated. When use 0.1 Modified-Whittaker sampling techniques to assess plant diversity, it is possible to use elevation division, instead of vegetation type, to estimate species richness.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目次 III
圖目次 IV
表目次 V
壹、前言 1
貳、研究地區與研究方法 3
一、研究地區環境概述 3
(一)地理位置 3
(二)地形、地質 3
(三)土壤 3
(四)氣候 3
(五)土地利用 4
二、研究方法 5
(一)野外調查前置作業 5
(二)野外樣區設置與調查 6
(三)資料分析 8
參、結果與討論 11
一、野外調查結果 11
二、維管束植物名錄 11
(一)物種組成 12
(二)各植群類型物種相似度 12
(三)生活型 12
(四)稀有種與特有種 13
(五)歸化種與入侵種 13
三、種豐度的估算 13
(一)各植群類型物種面積曲線與種豐度估算 13
(二)原始林植物社會樣區數探討 15
肆、結論 17
伍、引用文獻 32
附錄 36
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