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博碩士論文 etd-0721120-141319 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0721120-141319
The Extension of Generative Collaborative Network for Detection of Polyps in Endoscopic Images
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Generative Collaborative Network, Hard Attention Interface, Polyps Detection, CNN, Region Proposal Network
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生成協作網路(Generative Collaborative Network, GCN)是一用來輔助醫生進行大腸內視鏡檢查的神經網路,基於其輕巧的架構特性,作者本先欲以其為核心架構進行應用系統開發,然而我們發現其採用影像處理方式進行偵測框的繪製時,常產生雜框導致系統效能降低。
本論文提出一以生成協作網路為主體的檢測系統,在原網路新增兩個網路來改善既有問題並提升效能,分別是區域提議網路(Region Proposal Network, RPN)及注意力機制介面(Hard Attention Interface, HAI),區域提議網路是利用特徵圖的資訊進行位置偵測,因此我們將生成協作網路生成的預測區域作為病灶的概略位置,再提供生成網路產生的特徵圖使區域提議網路在概略位置對應的特徵圖區域上進行位置的偵測,如此一來我們便能得到更精準的標記區域同時避免掉在其他地方產生雜框。緊接著,我們將偵測出位置的原始大腸鏡影像送入注意力機制介面,利用其經由多次特徵擷取所累積的資訊進行病灶的種類分析。
Generative Collaborative Network (GCN) is a dedicated neural network proposed to support the automatic diagnosis for the colonoscopy. However, while trying to develop a diagnosis system, we found it uses the detected image to form the bounding boxes that always produces many unnecessary bounding boxes. It decreases the efficiency of the location and recognition. Therefore, we equip GCN with two new additional networks, region proposal network (RPN) for target pinpoint and hard attention interface (HAI) for classification enhancement. RPN can adjust the location of bounding boxes according to the information of feature maps. Therefore, we take the prediction from GCN as a target candidate. Then RPN focuses mainly on this region’s feature map. In this way, we not only get a more precise detection but also avoid unnecessary bounding boxes. And HAI classifies the detection from RPN. The data used in this thesis comes from CVC-ClinicDB, CVC-EndoSceneStill datasets, and the collaborative hospital. We present the experiment results to prove that the proposed system can get rid of the aforementioned problem and outperform the original GCN.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第1章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.3論文架構 2
第2章 研究背景 3
2.1卷積神經網路(Convolution Neural Network) 3
2.1.1卷積層(Convolution Layer) 4
2.1.2池化層(Pooling Layer) 5
2.1.3全連接層(Fully Connected Layer) 6
2.2生成協作神經網路(Generative Collaborative Network) 7
2.2.1網路流程 7
2.2.2網路架構 8
2.3 Faster RCNN 10
2.3.1網路架構 10
2.4 Recurrent Attention Model 12
2.4.1模型架構 12
第3章 研究方法 14
3.1核心網路 14
3.1.1生成協作網路 14
3.1.2區域提議網路 16
3.1.3注意力介面 18
3.2擴增生成協作網路(Extended-GCN) 19
3.2.1定位 20
3.2.2分類 22
3.3擴增生成協作網路訓練流程 23
第4章 實驗 34
4.1實驗環境與樣本介紹 34
4.2實驗說明 36
4.3實驗結果展示 38
4.3.1定位實驗 38
4.3.2分類實驗 42
第5章 結論與未來展望 51
5.1結論 51
5.2未來展望 52
參考文獻 53
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