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博碩士論文 etd-0722109-160928 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0722109-160928
Physicochemical Characteristics and Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Particles in Kinmen-Xiamen Region
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chemical characteristic, atmospheric particles, source apportionment, tempospatial distribution, backward trajectory, receptor model
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近年來,金廈地區空氣品質有逐年惡化之趨勢,指標空氣污染物為PM10,高濃度PM10出現在春、冬兩季。本計畫旨在藉由大氣懸浮微粒採樣及化學成份分析,探討金廈地區懸浮微粒之污染特性,並利用化學質量平衡受體模式(receptor model),進行PM10懸浮微粒之污染源解析,並推估污染源種類及貢獻率,再進一步探討背景期間及污染事件期間之差異性。此外,本計畫亦利用逆軌跡模式(backward trajectory),藉由風場資料判斷PM10懸浮微粒之可能污染來源及傳輸路徑。
In recent years, the air quality of Kinmen-Xiamen region has deteriorated gradually, and PM10 was always the worst air quality indicator. Particularly, high PM10 concentration has been observed in spring and winter. The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical properties of atmospheric aerosol particles sampled at Xiamen Bay located at the west coast of Taiwan Strait by sampling atmospheric particles and using chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model for source apportionment, which indicated the difference of background and episode periods. Furthermore, this study applied HYSPLIT model to figure out the transportation routes of polluted air mass by backward trajectory.
Seven particulate matter (PM) sampling sites at Xiamen Bay, three sites at Kinmen Island and four sites at metro Xiamen, were selected for this particular study. Particulate matter sampling included regular and intensive sampling. Intensive sampling was conducted to collect PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 with dichotomous samplers in the spring and winter of 2008 and 2009, while regular sampling was conducted to collect PM10 with high-volume samplers twice a month since March 2008.
Results from PM sampling indicated that atmospheric particles had a tendency to accumulate in Xiamen Bay all year round, particularly in spring and winter. Five sampling sites inside the Xiamen Bay had relatively higher PM concentration than two sampling sites outside the Xiamen Bay. It suggested that local emission at the Xiamen Bay was superior to long-range transportation from the Northeastern Monson. A superimposition phenomenon was regularly observed during the episodes at Xiamen Bay. The most abundant water-soluble ionic species of PM were SO42-, NO3-, and NH4+ at Xiamen Bay, the major chemical species of PM were secondary aerosols (i.e. (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3). Crustal elements (e.g. Ca, Mg, Fe, and Al) and anthropogenic elements (e.g. Zn and Pb) dominated the chemical species of particles.
Backward trajectory results indicated that polluted air mass originated from Asian continent moved directly to Kinmen-Xiamen region in winter and spring, while air mass originated from the southwestern and southeastern ocean did not pass polluted region in summer, which result in better air quality of Kinmen-Xiamen region in summer than those in winter and spring.
Results from CMB receptor modeling showed that the major sources of atmospheric PM10 at Kinmen-Xiamen region were soil dust, secondary aerosol, petroleum industry, motor vehicle exhanst, iron and steel industry, cement industry, Diesel vehicle exhanst marine aersols, and vegetative burning. The stationary sources were the major contributor accounting for approximately 50% of PM10 in Kinmen. It suggested that atmospheric particles were mainly originated from cross-boundary transport rather than local emission sources since there are no such kinds of industrial factories in Kinmen.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌………………………………………………………………………. I
中文摘要…………………………………………………………………. II
英文摘要 …………………………………………………...………….... IV
目錄 …….……………………………...…………................................... VI
表目錄 .……………………………………..………………….………... X
圖目錄 ….……………………………………………...………………... XIV
第一章 前言 …………………………………………………………... 1-1
1-1 研究動機………………………………...……...……………….. 1-1
1-2 研究目的……………………………………….………………... 1-2
1-3 研究範圍……………………………………………..………….. 1-2
1-4 研究流程……………………………………………..………….. 1-4
第二章 文獻回顧 ……………………………………………………... 2-1
2-1 金廈地區環境概況…………………..………………………… 2-1
2-1-1 金廈地區地理概況……………...………………………….. 2-1
2-1-2 金廈地區氣候特徵…………………...…………………….. 2-1
2-1-3 金廈地區空氣品質監測現況…………………...………….. 2-6
2-2 懸浮微粒之來源及物化特性…………………………………… 2-7
2-2-1 懸浮微粒之來源及分佈……………………………………. 2-7
2-2-2 懸浮微粒之形成機制…………...………………………….. 2-9
2-2-3 懸浮微粒之水溶性離子成份特性…………...…………….. 2-10
2-2-4 懸浮微粒之金屬元素成份特性……………...…………….. 2-13
2-2-5 懸浮微粒之碳成份特性……………………………………. 2-13
2-3 水溶性離子來源分析…………...…………...………………… 2-14
2-3-1 懸浮微粒之酸鹼性………...…………...………………… 2-15
2-3-2 懸浮微粒之生成機制……...…………...………………… 2-15
2-3-3 懸浮微粒之硫酸鹽與硝酸鹽傳輸現象...………………… 2-16
2-4 金廈地區懸浮微粒之濃度變化趨勢…………………………. 2-17
2-4-1 金門地區之PSI變化趨勢………………...……………….. 2-17
2-4-2 廈門地區之API變化趨勢…………………...…………….. 2-20
2-4-3 金廈地區懸浮微粒之時空分佈趨勢………………………. 2-21
2-5 廈門地區懸浮微粒污染源解析………………….….………… 2-22
2-5-1 廈門地區懸浮微粒成份特徵分析…………………………. 2-22
2-5-2 廈門地區懸浮微粒成份時空變化特徵分析……..…........... 2-28
2-6 受體模式之原理及應用………………………………………… 2-29
2-6-1 受體模式之原理……………………………………………. 2-29
26--2 受體模式之應用……………………………………………. 2-30
2-7 逆軌跡模式之原理與應用……………………………………… 2-32
2-7-1 逆軌跡模式之原理…………………………………………. 2-32
2-7-2 逆軌跡模式之應用…………………………………………. 2-33
第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………. 3-1
3-1 金廈地區空氣品質監測資料分析……...………………………. 3-1
3-2 金廈地區懸浮微粒採樣規劃…..…………..…………………… 3-2
3-2-1 採樣時間及地點……………………...…………………….. 3-2
3-2-2 廈門地區產業結構與分佈…………...…………………….. 3-4
3-3 懸浮微粒採樣方法……………………………………………… 3-5
3-3-1 高量採樣器(High-volume Sampler)……………………….. 3-5
3-3-2 雙粒徑分道採樣器(Dichotomous Sampler)……………….. 3-8
3-4 懸浮微粒化學成份分析方法…………………………………… 3-11
3-4-1 水溶性離子成份分析……………………………………… 3-11
3-4-2 金屬元素成份分析………………………………………… 3-12
3-4-3 碳成份分析………………………………………………… 3-13
3-5 品保與品管………………………………………………............ 3-15
3-5-1 採樣方法之品保與品管…………………………………… 3-15
3-5-2 分析方法之品保與品管……………………………………. 3-19
3-5-2-1 質量濃度分析…………………………………………... 3-19
3-5-2-2 化學成份分析…………………………………………... 3-19
3-6 污染源貢獻量推估方法……………………………………….... 3-21
3-6-1 污染源解析方法……………………….…………………… 3-21
3-6-1-1 受體模式之基本理論…………………………………... 3-21
3-6-1-2 化學質量平衡法………………………………………... 3-23
3-6-1-3 污染源種類資料檔之建立……………………………... 3-25
3-6-2 污染氣團傳輸路徑分析方法………………………………. 3-25
第四章 結果與討論….…........................................................................ 4-1
4-1 金廈地區懸浮微粒質量濃度變化趨勢………………………… 4-1
4-1-1 例行採樣期間懸浮微粒之時空分佈……………………… 4-1
4-1-2 密集採樣期間懸浮微粒之時空分佈……………………… 4-14
4-2 污染氣團傳輸路徑分析...……………………………................. 4-22
4-3 例行採樣期間懸浮微粒化學成份指紋特徵…………………… 4-36
4-3-1 例行採樣期間懸浮微粒水溶性離子成份分析…………… 4-37
4-3-2 例行採樣期間懸浮微粒金屬元素成份分析…………….... 4-43
4-3-3 例行採樣期間懸浮微粒碳元素成份分析………………… 4-50
4-4 密集採樣期間懸浮微粒化學成份指紋特徵…………………… 4-53
4-4-1 密集採樣期間懸浮微粒水溶性離子成份分析…………… 4-53
4-4-2 密集採樣期間懸浮微粒金屬元素成份分析…………........ 4-56
4-4-3 密集採樣期間懸浮微粒碳元素成份分析………………… 4-65
4-5 懸浮微粒相關數據解析………………………………………… 4-70
4-5-1 酸鹼中和率、硫轉化率及氮轉化率之比値關係………… 4-70
4-5-2 懸浮微粒化學成份指紋相關性分析……………………… 4-71
4-6 懸浮微粒污染源解析…………………………………………… 4-77
4-6-1 選用之污染源指標元素及化學組成………………………. 4-77
4-6-2 例行採樣期間懸浮微粒污染源解析………………………. 4-79
4-6-3 密集採樣期間懸浮微粒污染源解析………………………. 4-88
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………. 5-1
5-1 結論..…………………………………………………………….. 5-1
5-2 建議..…………………………………………………………….. 5-3
參考文獻………………………………………………………………... R-1
附錄A分析方法之品保品管.………………………………….………. A-1
附錄B分析儀器之檢量線………………………………….……….…. B-1
附錄C金廈地區懸浮微粒化學成份數據………………….………….. C-1
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