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博碩士論文 etd-0722110-180601 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0722110-180601
Automatic classification of Wake and Light Sleep using different combinations of EEG, EOG and EMG signals
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Neural Networks, Sleep stage, Sleep Medicine
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當前睡眠檢測是以臨床睡眠多項生理檢查(clinical polysomnography;PSG)為依據,本文主要利用腦電圖(electrocephalogram;EEG)、眼動圖(electrooculogram;EOG)以及頦下肌電圖(mentalis/submentailis electromyogram;EMG)此三頻道之訊號,採用多種組合頻道特徵,並利用類神經網路以進行分類睡眠期。
關鍵字: 睡眠醫學、睡眠期、類神經網路
Currently, sleep staging is accomplished is by clinical polysomnography (PSG). By extracting features from different combinations of electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculogram (EOG) and electromyogram (EMG) signals, this study uses neural network to perform sleep staging.
A whole night and complete sleep stage contains wake stage, rapid eye movement (REM) stage, stage 1, stage 2, and slow wave sleep (SWS) stage. This project focuses on the classification of wake stage and light-sleep (stage 1 and 2). These three stages are classified by a two-step process. At first, wake stage and light-sleep are divided into two parts. Second, light sleep is divided into stage 1 and stage 2. For a fixed number of channels, this work identifies the best combination of signal channels. In addition, by simultaneously considering the Neighboring epochs Rule classifier, this work also introduces an empirical rule to improve the classification accuracy.
Among the tested databases which contain two Medicine center and sixteen sets of different signal channels, the best results are obtained from the group of patients with the low average RDI value. They include the group that has a mean 15% SWS and the group that uses CPAP. As a whole, the combinative features of four channels are better results of classification. For our best results, the sensitivity and PPV of wake and stage 2 varies from 85%~88%, and those of stage 1 are respective 44.84% and 53.61%. And the total classification of sleep staging is 84.59%. Apparently, the research has satisfactory results on sleep staging.
Keywords: Sleep Medicine, Sleep stage, Neural Networks
目次 Table of Contents
目錄 I
表目錄 V
圖目錄 XIV
Abstract XVIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 睡眠醫學發展 1
1.3 睡眠檢測簡介 2
1.4 研究動機與目的 3
第二章 睡眠檢測、結構及相關訊號 4
2.1 睡眠生理檢查 4
2.1.1 睡眠多項生理檢查項目 4
2.1.2 睡眠檢測PSG系統 6
2.2 睡眠結構 7
2.2.1 清醒期 7
2.2.2 睡眠第一期 8
2.2.3 睡眠第二期 8
2.2.4 睡眠第三、四期 9
2.2.5 快速動眼期 9
2.3 電位生理及訊號特徵 10
2.3.1 腦電圖 10
2.3.2 眼動圖 13
2.3.3 頦下肌電圖 16
第三章 相關特徵法則之說明及建立 19
3.1 越零點相關特徵 19
3.1.1 越零點數目(Zero-Crossing Point Numbers) 20
3.1.2 越零點平均間距(Zero-Crossing Point Interval of Average) 21
3.1.3 越零點間距標準差(Zero-Crossing Point Interval of Standard deviation) 22
3.2 越零點面積相關特徵 23
3.2.1 越零點面積(Zero-Crossing Area) 23
3.2.2 越零點加權面積(Zero-Crossing Weighting Area) 24
3.3 頻帶能量(Power of Frequency Band) 25
3.3.1 門檻值法則 26
3.4 複雜度指標(Lempel-Ziv Complexity) 27
3.5 時域能量(Energy) 30
3.6 百分比(Percentage)相關特徵 31
3.6.1 排序百分比 31
3.6.2 區域百分比 32
3.7 頻譜直方圖(Spectrum Histogram) 33
3.8 Epoch of moving window概念 35
3.9 越零點相關特徵修正法則 36
3.10 類神經網路 37
3.10.1 類神經網路架構 38
3.10.2 倒傳遞演算法 40
3.10.3 利用類神經網路判讀 40
3.10.4 鄰居法則分類器 42
第四章 實驗數據測試與比較 44
4.1 選用測試樣本 44
4.2 測試效能評估指標 44
4.3 搜尋選用核心特徵 46
4.4有無戴CPAP樣本交互測試以選用多維特徵類別組合架構 48
4.4.1 C3A2頻道訓練測試 49
4.4.2 EOG頻道訓練測試 52
4.5 類神經網路分類器效果測試 56
4.6 綜合測試歸納結論 65
4.7 全體組合頻道架構及相關資訊 67
4.8 全體測試組合頻道結果與比較 72
4.8.1 兩分期類別分類器訓練結果比較 72
4.8.2 選用較佳頻道組合結果比較 73
4.8.3 中醫大與勝美資料獨立及交互引申測試比較 76
4.8.4 相同來源資料獨立及交互引申測試比較 79
4.8.5 有無戴CPAP樣本資料獨立及交互引申測試比較 81
4.8.6 不同資料樣本數目訓練結果比較 84
4.8.7 年齡、RDI值、睡眠期比例對睡眠分期的影響 86
4.9 全體睡眠期於單頻道最終分類結果比較與討論 94
第五章 結論與未來展望 110
5.1 結論 110
5.2 未來展望 112
參考文獻 114
附錄I 各基礎頻道選用特徵組合 116
附錄II 各數目測試樣本相關資料 123
附錄III 總測試結果列表 126
附錄IV勝美全體拆半樣本於單頻道最終分類結果整理 166
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