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博碩士論文 etd-0722116-124218 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0722116-124218
Men Beauty 2.0-Kenny’s Era is Coming: Social Comparison Effects of Male Spokespersons
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muscle image, envy theory, male spokesperson, social comparison theory, male beauty types, heterosexual image, gaze direction
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本研究採實驗法檢驗假說,樣本設定為18至35歲的男性消費者,共進行兩階段實驗。實驗一旨在探討高度外表吸引力男性代言人的有無露出肌肉圖像與眼神凝視方向是否會引發男性消費者進行外表上的向上社會比較,採用2(肌肉圖像:露出 vs. 無露出) x2(凝視方向:直視 vs. 非直視)之二因子受測者間實驗設計。而實驗二則再次檢測實驗一假說,並分析向上社會比較程度對於羨慕情緒類型及廣告效果的影響,如何受廣告中的異性圖像與男性代言人美感類型所干擾,為2(肌肉圖像:露出 vs. 無露出) x2(凝視方向:直視 vs. 非直視) x2(異性圖像:有 vs. 無) x2(美感類型:粗曠陽剛 vs. 陰柔中性)之四因子受測者間實驗設計。
In recent years, male product market have grown dramatically. To catch male consumers’ attention and increase product sales, practitioners frequently use male spokespersons to promote products. In previous research, many scholars apply social comparison theory to explain the advertising effectiveness of the spokespersons. However, the factors that might evoke consumers’ comparison are rarely discussed. This study aims to investigate the effects of possible determinants on male consumers’ degree of upward social comparison with highly attractive spokespersons. In addition, based on the envy theory, the audience’s upward social comparison would evoke different types of envy, which have an effect on advertising effectiveness. Therefore, to clarify which type of envy is evoked is essential for the practitioners to predict advertising effectiveness. Therefore, this study also examines the possible moderators on the formation of envy types.
This research used the experiment method to test the hypotheses. Research sample was set to male consumers aged from 18 to 35 years old, and the experiments were conducted in two stages. Experiment 1 was designed to investigate whether a high attractive male spokesperson revealed his muscle (i.e., naked to the waist) and the direction of gaze would increase consumers’ upward social comparison. A 2(muscle image: revealing vs. not revealing) x2(gaze direction: straight vs. not straight) between-subjects design was conducted. Besides testing the antecedents of upward social comparison again, Experiment 2 examined the effects of the degree of upward social comparison on envy types and advertising effectiveness and the moderation of heterosexual image and male beauty types. A 2(muscle image: revealing vs. not revealing) x2(gaze direction: straight vs. not straight) x2(hererosexual image: yes vs. no) x2(beauty type: masculine vs. feminine) berween-subjects design was conducted.
The analytical results indicate that: (1) when a highly attractive male spokesperson reveals his muscular body (vs. not reveals) or gazes directly at the camera (vs. not), it would raise the degree of upward comparison, but there is a non-additive interactive relationship between the two factors; (2) the degree of upward social comparison positive affects the participants’ general envy emotion; (3) advertising that features the heterosexual image (vs. not) or uses the feminine male spokesperson (vs. masculine) would strengthen the formation of benign envy, and consumers’ sexual orientation and age are also important factors that affect the formation of different types of envy; (4) overall relative envy mediates advertising effectiveness. This research results make theoretical contributions to male social comparison in appearance, envy emotion, and male-spokesperson ads, as well as provide practical suggestion for practitioners on how to design male product ads to generate better effects. Moreover, the findings help male consumers understand how they process advertising messages.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 v
圖表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 7
第四節 研究範圍 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 社會比較理論 9
一、社會比較 9
二、社會比較動機與方式 10
三、社會比較過程 11
四、社會比較的效果 11
五、小結 14
第二節 羨慕理論 15
一、羨慕 15
二、羨慕的類型 16
三、羨慕的效果 17
四、小結 18
第三節 男性代言人 19
一、廣告代言人 19
二、男性代言人影響因素 19
三、男性代言人相關研究 22
四、小結 23
第四節 凝視方向 23
一、凝視 23
二、凝視方向 24
三、小結 25
第五節 異性圖像 26
一、異性圖像 26
二、異性圖像相關研究 27
三、小結 27
第六節 男性美感類型 28
一、性別刻板印象 29
二、美感類型相關研究 31
三、小結 33
第三章 研究架構與假說推論 35
第一節 研究架構 35
第二節 研究假說 37
第四章 實驗一 43
第一節 研究方法 43
一、樣本與實驗設計 43
二、實驗刺激與前測 43
三、實驗程序 46
四、變數衡量 47
第二節 分析結果 50
一、研究樣本 50
二、變數的平均值、標準差及量表信度分析 52
三、研究變數之操弄性檢定 52
四、假說驗證 58
五、補充分析 63
第三節 討論 67
第五章 實驗二 71
第一節 研究方法 71
一、樣本與實驗設計 71
二、實驗刺激與前測 71
三、實驗程序 74
四、變數衡量 74
第二節 分析結果 76
一、研究樣本 76
二、變數的平均值、標準差及量表信度分析 78
三、研究變數之操弄性檢定 79
四、假說驗證 85
五、補充分析 96
第三節 討論 114
第六章 結論與建議 126
第一節 研究發現與討論 126
第二節 理論意涵 130
第三節 實務意涵 136
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 140
參考文獻 147
附錄一、前測問卷 172
附錄二、實驗問卷 181
附錄三、階層迴歸分析結果 201
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