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博碩士論文 etd-0723116-232246 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0723116-232246
Development of site investigation and remediation strategies at DNAPL─ Case Study
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ASTM, tetrachloroethylene, bioremediation, risk assessment
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本研究以台灣北部某受含氯有機污染物污染之場址作為研究場址,並參考美國試驗及材料協會(American Society for Testing and Materials ,簡稱ASTM)場址評估調查流程執行場址環境評估,建立概念式場址模型劃定污染關鍵區域,搭配三合系統(triad system)快速調查評估流程及現場調查作業,探討研究場址之高污染關鍵區域,取得較詳細之調查成果,並藉由配合健康風險評估計算之風險值,來判別該場址整治工法之選擇。
經研究場址土壤及地下水調查,分析結果顯示本研究場址土壤未受到四氯乙烯污染,但地下水四氯乙烯污染濃度最高達0.636 mg/L(超過地下水污染管制標準12.72倍),代入健康風險評估計算場址對場址內部及場址周遭受體之風險值,經由計算結果場址內若假設各暴露途徑皆存在情形下,各暴露途徑致癌總合為7.627E-07(<10-6),非致癌風險總合為1.591E-02(<1),皆未超過現行風險基準值;場址外360公尺處風險評估結果顯示各暴露途徑致癌總合為1.009E-17(<10-6),非致癌風險總合為2.105E-13(<1),皆未超過現行風險基準值;場址外1,600公尺處則考量地下水傳輸途徑及空氣傳輸途徑,風險評估結果表示,地下水傳輸途徑若假設各暴露途徑皆存在情形下,各暴露途徑致癌總合為2.268E-65(<10-6),非致癌風險總合為9.257E-62(<1),皆遠低於現行風險基準值,空氣傳輸途徑若假設各暴露途徑皆存在情形下,各暴露途徑致癌總合為5.950E-70(<10-6),非致癌風險總合為2.833E-66(<1),皆遠低於現行風險基準值。
另外建議宜進行後續地下水四氯乙烯污染之整治,使地下水四氯乙烯濃度降至地下水第二類管制標準所定之0.05 mg/L以下,確保場內員工及下游附近居民之健康。
In this study, the site investigation protocol developed by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) was applied to establish a conceptual model and determine the most concerned area of a chlorinated-solvent contaminated site located in northern Taiwan. A triad rapid site investigation system was also used for site characterization at this studied site. The risk assessment study was performed using the site investigation results to evaluate the appropriate site remediation methods for site cleanup.
Site investigation results show that the site soils were not polluted by tetrachloroethylene (PCE). However, up to 0.636 mg/L of PCE was observed in site groundwater (12.72 times higher than the groundwater remediation standard). Results from the human health risk assessment study indicate that the cancer risk resulted from the PCE contaminated groundwater was 7.627E-07, which was lower the cancer risk level (10-6. The calculated non-cancer risk was 1.591E-02, which was also lower than the non-cancer risk level (1). The cancer and non-cancer risks at the point located 360 m away from the most-contaminated area were 1.009E-17 and 2.105E-13, respectively, which were also much less than the risk levels.
To minimize the risk to human health, the following site management strategies need to be applied: (1) maintaining the vegetation to minimize the dust, (2) groundwater usage/pumping control to minimize the migration of plume, (3) regular health exam for local residents and air quality monitoring, (4) groundwater remediation to reduce the PCE contamination level to below 0.05 mg/L to protect the health of site workers and residents. Because the site risk is low, cost-effective technologies (e.g., bioremediation, permeable reactive barrier) can be applied for site remediation and plume control.
目次 Table of Contents
摘 要 iii
Abstract v
目 錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 環境場址評估程序 3
2.1.1 ASTM 環境場址一階評估標準實務 5
2.1.2 ASTM場址環境二階評估程序標準指引 7
2.2 含氯有機物之相關特性 9
2.3 健康風險評估之應用 13
2.4 地球物理探測之應用 15
2.5 含氯污染整治工法介紹 20
2.5.1 生物復育法(Enhanced In-situ Bioremediation, EIB) 20
2.5.2 滲透性反應牆(Permeable Reactive Barrier, PRB) 29
2.5.3 地下水抽出處理法(Pump and Treat,P&T) 30
2.5.4 現地化學氧化法(Insituchemicaloxidation,ISCO) 31
第三章 研究方法 38
3.1 研究架構 38
3.2 研究場址介紹 39
3.2.1 地形與地質 39
3.2.2 地表水文 42
3.3 ASTM一階場址環境評估(ESA PHASE I) 43
3.3.1 記錄審閱 43
3.3.2 現場場址現勘 44
3.3.3 場址訪談 44
3.3.4 概念式場址模型建構 44
3.4 ASTM二階場址環境評估(ESA PHASE II) 46
3.4.1 地球物理探測 46
3.5 水文地質特性調查評估方法 48
3.5.1 單井流速流向測定 48
3.6 場址污染潛勢與範圍評估方法 50
3.6.1 土壤污染範圍調查及污染查證方法 50
3.6.2 地下水污染範圍調查及污染查證方法 50
3.7 層次性健康風險評估 51
3.7.1 第一層次健康風險評估 54
3.7.2 第二層次健康風險評估 57
第四章 結果與討論 66
4.1 ASTM一階環境場址評估成果 66
4.1.1 歷史資料及記錄審閱 66
4.1.2 地理位置及平面配置 66
4.1.3 相關人員訪談 67
4.1.4 第一階段場址模型建構 68
4.1.5 ASTM二階段評估目標 68
4.2 ASTM二階段場址評估查核 69
4.3 場址污染概念模型 79
4.4 整治工法策略探討 80
第五章 結論與建議 82
5.1 結論 82
5.2 建議 84
第六章 參考文獻 85
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