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博碩士論文 etd-0724104-002017 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0724104-002017
The Study on Construction for Social Indicators in Taiwan
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Social Indicator, Factor Analysis, Principal Component Analysis
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1960年代以前,世界各國大多以傳統的經濟指標來描述社會概況,經濟學家最常利用國民生產毛額(Gross National Product, GNP)作為一個國家或社會福利水準高低的衡量標準。但隨著國家在發展的過程中,傳統的經濟指標並無法完全顯示社會福祉的消長,因此難以衡量社會福祉狀態。Sen (1977)認為人類發展不只侷限於平均每人所得的提高,而是認為福利多樣化的特性,應包含更多訊息的指標來衡量。Bauer(1966)首次建構社會指標評估社會現狀與未來趨勢,其提出後便形成所謂的社會指標運動,因此全面衡量社會發展,可從醫療、健康、經濟、生活環境、社會福利等層面來判斷其進步的程度。在有關社會變遷與發展的研究中,針對社會福祉、生活品質、基本需求提供與福利發展等過去皆有相當的指標建構研究與討論,本研究嘗試從各方的角度觀點下,建立一套社會指標體系來量測社會發展,並進行社會指標綜合指數之編制,選取能具有代表性之指標,作為對有關社會發展之測度標準,並針對台灣地區於1982年至2002年之社會指標體系進行縱斷面分析,檢視我國在相關政策上實施狀況並是否將資源做適當配置。
Prior to 1960, most countries over the world used traditional economic indicators to represent their social status. Economists mostly used Gross National Product, GNP, as a measurement of the social welfare standard of a country or a society. However, with the progress of the development, the traditional economic indicators were unable to follow the progress of social welfares. Therefore, it made economists hard to measure the status of social welfares. Sen (1977) thought that the development of human beings is not restricted to the increase of average disposable incomes only. He thought that people should use the indicators with more information to measure the distinctive diversity of welfares. Bauer (1966) first stated the social indicators as a measurement of social status and trends. Then, the so-called “Social Indicators Movement” was aroused by Bauer’s theory. As a result, to measure the development of a society entirely, people could determine the development from the medicine, health, economy, environment, and welfare aspects.
In the researches about social developments, there were many discussions in building indicators of social welfare, quality of living, basic fulfillment, and development of welfare. The research is trying to establish a system of social indicators to measure the development from every aspect and selecting the social indicator index with representative indicators as a measurement of society development. Moreover, this research would analyze the systems of social indicators in Taiwan from 1982 to 2002 to see if the government made an appropriate allocation of resources in the executions of related policies.
The research refers to 20 related indicator systems in Taiwan and overseas as their times of quotes and principles of selecting indicators to sum up 9 probable indicators. Then, the Principal Component Analysis method and the Varian method are adopted as research methods to abstract factors. Moreover, there are two abstracted factors. One is economic and environment factor and another one is medical welfare and unemployment factor. The research uses weighted method to find out the synthetic indicators in Taiwan from 1982 to 2002. The weighted multiple gained from factor analysis for the two factors is 0.8353 and 0.1647. Based on the data mining and analysis from second information, three scores were acquired, economic and environment factor, medical welfare and unemployment factor, and entirely performance. Each of these three scores shows the trend and the change year by year. The last, according the result from this analysis, the policy and recommendation was brought up.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論..............................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機....................................1
第二節 研究方法與目的....................................3
第三節 研究流程..........................................4

第二章 文獻回顧..........................................6
第一節 社會指標的意涵....................................6
第二節 社會指標體系.....................................12
第三節 社會指標體系文獻.................................15
第四節 社會指標相關研究方法.............................43

第三章 研究方法.........................................50
第一節 指標資料選取原則.................................50
第二節 因子分析方法-主成分分析..........................52
第三節 社會指標體系建立.................................60

第四章 研究結果.........................................66
第一節 建立社會指標體系之綜合趨勢表現指數...............66
第二節 結果分析.........................................81

第五章 研究結論與建議...................................92
第一節 研究結果.........................................92
第二節 政策建議.........................................93
第三節 研究建議.........................................96

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1. 行政院主計處第三局(2004),
2. 行政院主計處重要社會指標
3. UNDP(2004),
4. The European Communities(2000),
5. 行政院內政部統計資訊(2004),
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