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博碩士論文 etd-0724107-165638 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0724107-165638
Study of Innovative Strategy and Innovative Business Model of Medical Cosmoceutical Managment in Plastic Surgery
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Innovative strategy, Innovative business model, Customer knowledge transfer, Customer relationship management, Medical cosmoceutical, Experience marketing, Strategic alliance, Employee training and encouragement.
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本研究以T 聯合整形外科診所成立醫學美容中心的經營理念與經營模式為基礎點,透過文獻探討與T聯合整形外科診所的經營實務,提出經營醫學美容的三項創新策略,包括:一、創設專責美容手術後復健按摩治療之醫學美療服務。二、創新研發護膚品療效性組合式配方。三、創立醫學美容師訓練與認證中心,等三項。再透過下述四項創新經營模式構面的展開,使顧客獲得全面性的服務接觸,提昇其接受服務意願,繼而獲致成功的經營績效。此四項創新經營模式為:一、藉由對顧客傳送專業的醫學美容知識以提昇顧客信賴感的顧客知識移轉。二、藉由提供多種雙向溝通管道,與顧客維繫緊密關係,以創造更高顧客價值的顧客關係管理。三、藉由創造口碑相傳效應的體驗行銷以及四、藉由與相關的診所、美容坊及輔佐的醫學美容工作室合作轉介,以獲取更多顧客的策略聯盟等。
Medical Cosmoceutical service is a new rising medical service in recent 5 years. It combines medical profession and cosmetic service, offering customers integrated aesthetic therapy services that are safe, reliable, delicate and effective. Due to medical cosmoceutical is a popular and self-payed medical service not limited to any specific medical field by law, it is undouhtedly an effective way of business transformation for the medical institutes with difficult running under poor National Health Insurance policy. Therefore, many plastic surgery and dermatological clinics, and other medical field even beauty salons, quite to establish their medical cosmoceutical service for competing this big market. Surviving the strong competition in this hot market of medical cosmoceutical is an important issue for every member of the plastic surgery field that seeks to succeed in this medical cosmoceutical business. The key successful factor for plastic surgery field in medical cosmoceutical shall be an innovative strategy and innovative business model that leads to attracting and retaining customers.
Through literature review and the practice data of T Union Clinic of Plastic Surgery based on its mamagement philosophy and business model, this study proposes the following three innovative strategies for medical cosmoceutical service: (1) Pioneer into the offering of medical cosmoceutical service that providing dedicated post-cosmetic surgery massage therapy ; (2) Pioneer into the research and development of skin care product therapeutic compound formula; and (3) Pioneer into the training and certification center for medical aesthetician. Followed by the dimensions of four innovative business model listed below, successful business performance will be obtained through the offering of comprehensive service attachment that enhances customers’ willingness to accept such services. The four innovative business models comprise: (1) Knowledge transfer to customers, by delivering medical cosmetic knowledge for promoting trustworthiness from customers; (2) Customer relationship management (CRM) ,with higher customer value through maintaining close relationship with customers by offering multiple two-way communication channels; (3) Experience marketing, by creating word-of-month effects, and (4) Strategic alliance, through the referrals from related clinics, beauty salons, and affiliated medical cosmetic workshops to acquire more customers.
In the verification of innovative strategies and business models for medical cosmoceutical business, this study adopts both qualitative and quantitative research methodology to provide deep insights and findings. In qualitative research, a small scale qualitative “customer in-depth interview” is conducted on the medical cosmoceutical customers (5 people) of the T Union Clinic of Plastic Surgery, to verify accuracy of the innovative strategies and business model, followed by a large scale quantitative questionnaire survey (100 people) on the customers that are randomly drawn from the customers of T Union Clinic of Plastic Surgery. With quantitative data derived from the survey, the viability of the innovative strategies and innovative models are further verified.
In conclusion, the research finding is that after quantitative and qualitative verification from the customer perspective, the three innovative strategies and four innovative business models proposed for medical cosmoceutical business has been indeed proved as the successful model for medical cosmoceutical business in the plastic surgery field, and is also commonly accepted by the medical cosmoceutical customers. Furthermore, an additional insight extracted from the verification in customer perspective is the need for designing of system for employee training and encouragement. By this, the effectiveness of transfering knowledge to customers and service quality delivery will be expected to enhance. So, this study adds the fifth dimension “Employee training and encouragement” to the innovative business model. In the point of view of management implicatin, when performing the innovative strategy and innovative business model for medical cosmoceutical business in plastic surgery field, one should pay more attension to two management aspects, including internal management and external customer service. In the peer suggestion, the three innovative strategies and the four innovative business model proposed by this study are practically viable and may serve as the practical suggestions for the plastic surgery peer when providing medical cosmoceutical service.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
目 錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 4
第四節 研究流程 6
第五節 研究範圍與限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 知識移轉 8
第二節 顧客關係管理 16
第三節 體驗行銷 23
第四節 策略聯盟 27
第三章 研究設計 31
第一節 創新策略與創新經營研究模式 31
第二節 研究方法 32
第三節 資料蒐集 33
第四章 醫學美容之創新策略與創新經營模式 35
第一節 T聯合整形外科診所概況 35
第二節 醫學美容之創新策略 36
第三節 醫學美容之創新經營模式 39
第五章 創新策略與創新經營模式之顧客驗證.. 51
第一節 深度訪談 51
第二節 問卷前測與分析 56
第三節 顧客驗證與分析 61
第四節 創新策略與創新經營研究模式修正 70
第六章 結論與建議 72
第一節 結論 72
第二節 管理意涵 74
第三節 建議 75
參考文獻 78
附錄1 顧客深度訪談問題 83
附錄2問卷調查題項 86

表 目 錄
表2-1 體驗媒介的種類與呈現形式 25
表2-2 策略聯盟的定義 28
表4-1 創新模式構面與具體性作法 39
表5-1 訪談對象基本資料 51
表5-2 深度訪談結果摘要 52
表5-3 前測信度 57
表5-4 知識移轉構面題項分析 58
表5-5 顧客關係管理構面題項分析 59
表5-6 體驗行銷構面題項分析 61
表5-7 受訪對象之特徵分析 62
表5-8 各構面之信度分析 63
表5-9 知識移轉效果題項分析 64
表5-10 知識移轉提昇企業形象之題項分析 65
表5-11 知識移轉提昇客戶接受服務意願題項分析 65
表5-12 顧客關係管理之題項分析 67
表5-13 體驗行銷之題項分析 68
表5-14 策略聯盟之題項分析 69

圖 目 錄
圖1-1 研究流程 6
圖2-1 四種知識的轉移模式 10
圖2-2 知識螺旋示意圖 11
圖2-3 知識整合的CTI模式 12
圖2-4 顧客關係管理的四大循環 20
圖2-5 CRM的步驟 21
圖2-6 顧客關係管理模型主要應用元素 22
圖2-7 顧客互動價值模式 26
圖3-1 醫學美容之創新策略與創新經營研究模式 31
圖5-1醫學美容之創新策略與創新經營研究模式修正 70
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