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博碩士論文 etd-0724108-183905 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0724108-183905
Video summary based on rate-distortion criterion
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Distortion, Video summary, Key-frame
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在影片摘要中,關鍵影像數目與影片摘要和原影片序列之間之失真度有關,影片摘要比率越高,影片摘要和原影片序列之間之失真度越小;反之,影片摘要比率越低,失真度越大,在本篇論文中,著重在以比率-失真度準則找出最具代表性之影片摘要,在不同影片摘要比率,取出與原影片序列之間最小失真之關鍵影像,每張關鍵影像都代表一小段影片,展示整部影片之內容結構,使用Normalized graph cuts(NCuts)分群法將相似影片段落分在同一群,分群之結果與時間資訊形成一個有向時間圖(directed temporal graph),在有向時間圖上,最短路徑演算法找出整部影片之主要故事架構,最後實驗部份,Open Video Project所蒐集之影片作為測試影片,本論文影片摘要方法與Open Video Project所提供之關鍵影像以及以PME為主之方法做一個有意義之比較。
Due to advanced in computer technology,video data are becoming available in the daily life. The method of managing Multi-media video database is more and more important,and traditional database management for text documents is not suitable for video database; therefore, efficient video database must equip video summary. Video summarization contains a number of key-frame and the key-frame is a simple yet effective form of summarizing a video sequence and the video summarization help user browses rapidly and effectively find out video that the user wants to find. Video summarization except extraction of key-frame has another important key, the number of key-frame. When storage and network bandwidth are limited, the number of key-frame must conform to the limit condition and as far as possible find the representative key-frame. Video summarization is important topic for managing Multi-media video.
The number of key-frame in video summarization is related to distortion between video summarization and original video sequence. The number of key-frame is more, the distortion between video summarization and original video sequence is smaller. This paper emphasizes key-frame extraction and the rate of key-frame. First the user inputs the number of key-frame and then extracts the key-frame that has smallest distortion between original video sequence in key-frame number limit situation. In order to understand the entire video structure,the Normalized the graph cuts(NCuts) group method is carried out to cluster similar video paragraph. The resulting clusters form a direction temporal graph and a shortest path algorithm is proposed to find main structure of video. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by experiments on a collection of videos from Open Vide Project. We provided a meaningful comparison between results of the proposed summarization with Open Vide storyboard and the PME based approach.
目次 Table of Contents
第1章 簡介 9
第1節 序論 9
第2節 相關研究 14
1-2-1 分鏡變換偵測 14
1-2-2 分鏡合併 20
1-2-3 擷取關鍵影像 28
第2章 理論基礎 34
第1節 HSV模型 34
第2節 比率與失真度 36
第3節 分群法 39
2-3-1 Normalized Cuts 分群演算法 39
2-3-2 最佳化分割 41
第3章 研究方法 46
第1節 基以比率失真度準則之影片摘要 47
3-1-1 比率失真度準則 47
3-1-2 初始分割 49
3-1-3 擷取關鍵影像 50
3-1-4 NCuts分群法 55
3-1-5 時間情境圖 56
第4章 實驗結果 59
第1節 測試序列與實驗方法 59
4-1-1 測試影片序列 59
4-1-2 摘要評估 59
4-1-3 與其他演算法比較 61
第2節 實驗結果與分析 63
第5章 結論與未來展望 71
第1節 結論 71
第2節 未來展望 71
參考文獻 72
參考文獻 References
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