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博碩士論文 etd-0724115-161641 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0724115-161641
Treatment of chromium-contaminated groundwater using chromate reducing bacteria
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soil and groundwater pollution, Reactive oxide species, hexavalent chromium, chromium resistant bacterium, chromium-reducing bacteria, Nutrient borth
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土壤及地下水之重金屬普遍存在於地殼表面,經人為活動及經濟快速發展下,使得重金屬污染逐漸延散開來,近年以來許多重金屬污染事件頻傳,其中,重金屬污染物質以八大金屬(砷、鎘、汞、鉻、銅、鎳、鉛、鋅)為主,常存在於土壤表層或地下含水層,使得整治上困難度更難。本研究場址是以生物整治復育技術處理台南某受鉻酸鹽污染之地下水進行批次試驗結果及探討,本實驗選擇微生物較為豐富、易吸收之營養基質(Nutrient broth, NB)及培養馴化之當地菌群,期望本研究以本地之地下水馴化培養方式並篩選出當地鉻酸鹽還原菌做為生物強化(bioaugmentation)技術促進現地生物處理技術效果。本研究以生物批次試驗來評估各研究組別生物降解能力及菌相之差異特性,最後以生物技術進行聚合酶鏈鎖反應(Polymerase chain reaction, PCR)、變性梯度膠體電泳(Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, DGGE)及生物定序(Biological Sequencing)分析瞭解整體菌相多樣性與定序結果探討菌種。微生態試驗組別以控制組(Control)、自然降解組(IG)、營養添加(IN)及植菌組(IBN)做為研究操作,依研究結果顯示,各組別之六價鉻還原效率以IBN組為最佳,在137天試驗中可穩定降解92.44%之高濃度六價鉻污染物,殘留濃度為2.37 mg/L,雖然尚未符合地下水污染管制標準(0.50 mg/L),但仍持續有生物降解趨勢情形發生。由結果顯示,微生物降解IN及IBN組的酸鹼值(pH)介於7.5 – 9.0之間,非常適合微生物生長之環境條件。由批次實驗中,定期監測IG、IN及IBN組別之六價鉻污染物及總溶解性有機碳(Total dissolved organic carbon, TDOC)皆呈現下降趨勢,表示微生物有持續利用碳源的情況;然而,溶氧(DO)及氧化還原電位(ORP)在監測期間有發現部份上升趨勢,根據早期許多學者研究指出微生物在還原六價鉻的過程,會產生活性氧化類物質(Reactive oxygen species, ROS),導致含氧物質(例如,氧離子(oxygen ion, O2-)及過氧化氫(peroxide, H2O2))破壞微生物細胞體,造成生物抑制作用。實驗過程以六價鉻(Cr6+)及總鉻(Total Cr)間關係,並配合環境掃描顯微鏡/X光微區分析(SEM/EDAX)觀測下,證實微生物批次組別有發生物沈澱現象及生物膠狀現象。最後,由菌相分析及菌種定序結果證實IBN組所添加本地馴化菌種,除了可以有效提高鉻酸鹽抵抗性,更能顯著提高六價鉻的還原能力,此外,由菌相DGGE分析結果亦顯示,IBN能提高現地環境中鉻酸鹽菌之豐富度。依定序結果篩選出16種針對現地具有還原六價鉻之菌種,如α-proteobacteria有5種Alpha proteobacterium、Acetobacteraceae bacterium、Caulobacterales bacterium、Enterobacter sp.及Rhodospirillales bacterium;β-proteobacteria有7種Beta proteobacterium、Dechloromonas sp.、Propionivibrio sp.、Rhodocyclaceae bacterium、Rhodocyclales bacterium、Methyloversatilis sp.及Nitrosomonadales bacterium;則γ-proteobacteria有4種,如Enterobacteriales bacterium、Gamma proteobacterium、Prokaryote bacterium及Psychrobacter sp.等。本研究所採用之生物整治復育技術具備優點有:(1)解決現地場址地下環境微生物缺乏的問題;(2)容易與其他整治工法結合整治;(3)現地馴化微生物耐金屬及還原目標污染物特性強;(4)對於場址整治較友善及永續;(5)水體檸檬酸生物淋洗劑緩衝能力強,能適宜控制地下生物環境酸化問題。
由以上結果顯示,本研究利用馴化鉻酸鹽還原菌(Chromate reducing bacteria, CRB)不僅能有效在有毒六價鉻環境生長,且經過馴化培養及提供現地微生物營養基質,而催化微生物活性,強化現地還原六價鉻及促進生物沈澱效果,符合綠色整治之理念。
In recent years, soil and groundwater contaminated by heavy metals (e.g., arsenic, cadmium, mercury, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc) have become a serious environmental problem. In this study, microcosm experiments were conducted using enriched contaminated groundwater as the inocula to evaluate the feasibility of applying the reduction process to remediation chromate contaminated groundwater. Each microcosm contained enriched bacteria broth, cromate, groundwater, and nutrient broth. Kill and live control microcosms were also prepared for comparison. Molecular biotechnology methods including polymerase chain reaction (PCR), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and biological sequencing analysis were applied to determine the dominant bacteria and microbial diversity. Results show that up to 92% of hexavalent chromium (HCr) reduction efficiency was observed after 137 days of incubation. The pH ranged from 7.5 to 9.0. The reduction of total organic carbon (TOC) indicates that the carbon source was consumed by the bacteria. Slight increase of the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) was observed during the operation. This could be due to the occurrence of microbial reduction of hexavalent chromium, which produced oxidizing substances (reactive oxygen species, ROS). Thus, oxygen-containing species (e.g., oxygen ion (oxygen ion, O2-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)) might damage the anaerobic bacteria cell body and resulted in the inhibition of biological process. Results also confirmed that the occurrence of biological precipitation and biocolloid examined by environmental scanning microscope/X ray microanalysis (SEM/EDAX). Results from the microbial diversity analyses show that the acclimated bacteria could resist high cromate concentration with high cromate reduction ability. Results from the DGGE and sequence analyses show that there were 16 dominant intrinsic bacteria had the chromate reduction ability. The α-proteobacteria contained Alpha proteobacterium, Acetobacteraceae bacterium, Caulobacterales bacterium, Enterobacter sp. and Rhodospirillales bacterium. The β-proteobacteria contained Beta proteobacterium, Dechloromonas sp., Propionivibrio sp., Rhodocyclaceae bacterium, Rhodocyclales bacterium, Methyloversatilis sp., and Nitrosomonadales bacterium. The γ-proteobacteria contained Enterobacteriales bacterium, Gamma proteobacterium, Prokaryote bacterium, and Psychrobacter sp. The isolated chromate reducing bacteria (CRB) could grow well under the high chromate conditions. Moreover, CRB could effectively reduce the chromate toxicity after the reduction process. The biological reduction process meets the requirement of green remediation.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
總目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
第一章 前言 1
1-1研究緣起 1
1-2研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1地下水之鉻酸鹽污染來源 4
2-2鉻酸鹽化合物 5
2-2-1鉻酸鹽之物化特性 5
2-2-2鉻酸鹽化合物之毒理及危害性 10
2-2-3鉻酸鹽在水體中之傳輸與流佈 15
2-2-4鉻酸鹽之污染案例介紹 17
2-2-5鉻酸鹽於各國之管制近況趨勢 19
2-2-6鉻酸鹽於國內之使用近況 22
2-3鉻酸鹽土壤及地下水整治技術 27
2-3-1鉻酸鹽污染場址物理/化學整治技術 29
2-3-2鉻酸鹽污染場址熱處理技術 31
2-4生物整治法 37
2-4-1生物處理技術簡介 37
2-4-2生物處理技術之整治運用 41
2-4-3生物處理技術之種類與優缺點 45
2-5鉻酸鹽菌之介紹 49
第三章 研究方法 69
3-1研究架構 69
3-2研究材料與儀器設備 70
3-2-1試驗所需藥品 70
3-2-2儀器設備 72
3-3試驗地下水之介紹 74
3-3-1目前場址營運狀況 74
3-3-2場址革沿 76
3-3-3污染情形 78
3-4研究試驗方法及設計 80
3-4-1地下水基本性質分析 80
3-4-2研究設計與組別 83
3-5試驗分析與檢測之方法 86
3-5-1生物還原沈澱產物分析 86
3-5-2微生物特性分析 87
第四章 結果與討論 95
4-1地下水基本性質分析 95
4-1-1地下水特性及濃度分析 95
4-2微生物細胞酶還原六價鉻之影響 97
4-2-1地下水中六價鉻降解趨勢 97
4-2-2以一階反應探討探討六價鉻生物還原與去除率 100
4-2-3 各試驗參數與微生物之關聯性探討 102
4-2-4 生物沈澱之表面特性 110
4-3 批次試驗之微生物豐富度及識別 117
4-3-1 各試驗組別之菌相分析(PCR) 117
4-3-2 批次試驗組別之菌相鑑定 118
4-3-3 批次試驗組別之豐富度分析(DGGE) 121
4-4 綜合論述 128
第五章 結論與建議 134
5-1 結論 134
5-2 建議 136
參考文獻 137
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