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博碩士論文 etd-0725102-105456 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0725102-105456
知識管理下組織學習之研究 - 以盛餘公司為例
Organizational Learning Based on The Knowledge Management- Reviewed by SYSCO Case
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learning organization, organizational learning, knowledge management
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論 文 摘 要

In the economical times of knowledge, knowledge becomes into the most important resource. Corporations are making a race between learning speed and time pass. It meets the forecast of Peter F. Drucker, “ 21st century is learning first and knowledge century”. Corporations must consider how to make the organizational learning to transfer themselves into knowledge corporations in the future.
The subject of this study is “Organizational Learning Based on The Knowledge Management”. After studying related theoretical literatures of knowledge management and organization learning, to clear the relation between knowledge management and organization learning, and to develop a model. This model must be easy used for corporations to establish their organizational learning based on the management knowledge. This model also must be reviewed to be useful by SYSCO case.
The result of this study is to develop a model for organizational learning based on knowledge management. It includes 7 parts: resources input, organizational learning, intelligence capital, resources output, internal promotion factors, external promotion factors and single/double learning cycles.
In this model, any corporation is a learning organization to continue learning by single/double learning cycles. To base on knowledge management, Corporation continues to evaluate the competitiveness by outside environments and inside resources. Depend on knowledge platform, corporation sets up a learning system in its learning center and also set up personnel system, organization system and customer system together, then input individual knowledge and organizational knowledge into its systems to make organizational learning. The process of organizational learning is knowledge acquiring, knowledge sharing and knowledge applying. After organizational learning, corporation transfers knowledge into intelligence capital, which includes personnel capital, organization capital and customer capital. Finally corporation enhances its competitiveness and creates customer’s value by its intelligence capital, and it also increases corporation’s value.
After checked by SYSCO case, this study can be proved to be a useful model for corporations to establish their organizational learning based on knowledge management. In this model, we must take care the completeness for all 7 parts, and we must take care the tightness & practice for each part. Internal leadership and culture are the most important energy to promote organizational learning. Knowledge platform and information platform can make good performances. External customer, supplier, competitor and benchmarking corporation are important factors to promote organizational learning. If we can consider above mention, then we can get a good performance in organizational learning based on knowledge management.

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄

第一章 緒論 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究背景與動機----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第三節 研究方法與流程 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第二章 文獻探討 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
第一節 知識管理相關文獻探討 ------------------------------------------------------------- 3
一、知識的意涵 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
二、知識的分類 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
三、知識的來源、創造、儲存與移轉 --------------------------------------------------- 9
1、知識的獲取來源 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2、知識的創造過程 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
3、知識的儲存 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
4、知識的移轉 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
四、知識管理 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
1、知識管理的意涵 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
2、知識管理的目的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
3、知識管理架構 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
4、智慧資本 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
5、知識管理績效的衡量 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 25
6、知識管理關鍵成功因素 -------------------------------------------------------------- 27
第二節 組織學習相關文獻探討 ------------------------------------------------------------- 28
一、學習型組織 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28
1、學習型組織的定義 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
2、學習型組織的概念演進 -------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3、學習型組織的系統模型 -------------------------------------------------------------- 32
4、學習型組織的特質 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
5、學習型組織與組織學習的關係 ----------------------------------------------------- 33
二、組織學習 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
1、組織學習的定義 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
2、組織學習的層次 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
3、組織學習的程序與模式 -------------------------------------------------------------- 42
4、組織學習與企業核心能力的關係 -------------------------------------------------- 46
5、組織學習的障礙 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
第三節 研究主題之理論建構 --------------------------------------------------------------- 56
一、知識管理與組織學習之關係推論 -------------------------------------------------- 56
二、「知識管理下組織學習」模式之理論建構 ---------------------------------------- 58
1、資源輸入 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
2、組織學習 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
3、智慧資本 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63
4、資源輸出 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
5、內部環境促進因素 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
6、外部環境促進因素 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 69
7、單迴路及雙迴路學習循環 ----------------------------------------------------------- 69
第三章 研究個案分析 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71
第一節 個案公司介紹 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71
第二節 個案公司的印證 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
一、資源輸入 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
二、組織學習 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
1、學習型組織的核心修練 -------------------------------------------------------------- 73
2、學習系統 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
3、人員系統 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84
4、組織系統 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89
5、顧客系統 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96
三、智慧資本 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
1、人力資本 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
2、組織資本 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99
3、顧客資本 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100
四、資源輸出 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101
五、內部環境促進因素 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 102
1、領導 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 102
2、企業文化 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 105
3、資訊平台 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 107
4、知識平台 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 108
六、外部環境促進因素 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 109
七、單迴路及雙迴路學習循環 ---------------------------------------------------------- 109
1、持續不斷的改善與創新活動 ------------------------------------------------------ 110
2、改善與創新的雙迴路學習循環 --------------------------------------------------- 112
第三節 研究個案的啟發與價值 ----------------------------------------------------------- 113
一、研究個案對「知識管理下組織學習」模式之啟發 ---------------------------- 113
二、「知識管理下組織學習」模式對個案公司之價值 ----------------------------- 118
第四章 結論與建議 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120
第一節 研究結論 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120
第二節 研究建議 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 127
參考文獻 References
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