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Taiwan’s island type economics leans on foreign trade to boost the economic development. In recent years, a significant growth in the output of electro-tech products plus the fast advance in technology contributes to clientele’s increasing stress on values of time. It has become a trend to convey goods by means of air transportation for the reason of the duration of validity. Consequently, air transportation renders not only one prerequisite that ties in with government’s projects of economic development, but also one essential industry in the project of “Asia-Pacific Business Center.”
However, airfreight trade covers 80% of the whole market of air transportation, if we want to understand the market of air transportation, we can begin with airfreight trade. With airfreight trade in the south area as the subject plus the case analysis, this research is aimed to profoundly comprehend how this industry employs its edge, chances, and existing resources to compete when confronting with internal or external changes, and further probe into and map out the future tactics of the trade, also look forward to understanding the market of air transportation in the south area.
At present, Taiwan’s main air routes to the world as well as the inventory equipment and conveyors all are centralized at Tao Yuan Chung Cheng International Airport, which also has the priority of the assurance of cabin space. The not-well-developed airfreight conditions and the insufficient hardware of Kaohsiung International Airport cause the south proprietors to convey their goods northward, and meanwhile assume a great deal of capital and risks. Therefore, it has become an urgent issue how to keep goods in the south and utilize the convenience of south airfreight facilities nearby to enhance the efficiency of air transportation in the south area.
For the sake, this research wants to achieve the following objectives.
1. To find out the potential of the south market and offer some suggestions about the airfreight environmental development to Kaohsiung Hsiaokang Airport for the purpose of breaking through the developmental bottleneck of the international transportation of the South.
2. To study the roles the south proprietors play to accommodate to the market of international transportation, and the practicable tactics, which can strengthen the competitiveness of this industry on the international market.
3. To recommend to Kaohsiung City Government the due airfreight conditions it should provide under the flourishing development of the international market.
This research begins with the comparison of airfreight conditions, hardware, quantity of import and export between Chung Cheng and Kaohsiung International Airports to find out the differences between south and north airfreight conditions, and further analyze the prospective growth rate for the study of the potential of south airfreight market. Next, we conduct the research by means of questionnaire in order to understand the south proprietors’ status quo of operation, prospective on this trade, and expectations toward government’s policies, and than carry out the five-force analysis with which to draft the tactics of industrial competition, also expect the proprietors can give some strategic suggestions, accommodating to the changes of the environment. At last, with the analysis of inferiority and superiority of external and internal environment of an ordinary case, we can discuss the workable strategies for this trade.
According to the research results, the governmental organs do not truly execute the overall developmental projects of advancing Kaohsiung Hsiaokang Airport in the course of extending Taiwan as an “Asia-Pacific Business Center;” besides, in terms of the Customs, we should put in even more efforts to simplify the formalities of goods clearance and continuously make review and improvement. In addition, some factors unfavorable to the competitiveness still obstruct the airfreight trade in the south area owing to the economic scale. The northward conveyance of south goods burdens the proprietors with not only the traffic density but the traffic cost as well. Therefore, in order to better the South’s competitive edge and enhance the efficiency of air transportation, the development and extension of the airfreight market in the south area, the application of industrial joint operation strategies, the coordination of cabin space of international routes and the construction of hardware and software are the aspects needing badly our efforts in terms of developing south airfreight market.

目次 Table of Contents
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的、內容及限制 3
第三節 研究方法及流程 4

第二章 文獻探討與理論基礎
第一節 Micheal Poter的五力分析 6
第二節 產業生命週期理論 9
第三節 產業分析架構 11
第四節 Micheal Poter的鑽石理論 14
第五節 經營策略理論探討 16
第六節 貨運承攬業者之現況與特性 21

第三章 航空貨運市場現況與發展潛力分析
第一節 國際航空貨運市場現況 25
第二節 桃園中正機場與高雄國際機場 27
第三節 台灣航空貨運市場發展潛力分析 32

第四章 航空承攬業市場調查分析與產業策略
第一節 市場調查問卷設計 37
第二節 市場調查分析 39
第三節 經濟分析 55
第四節 產業分析 61
第五節 產業發展策略 73

第五章 航空承攬業發展之個案分析
第一節 個案公司現況說明 78
 第二節 目標客戶市場區隔及分析 81
 第三節 個案公司SWOT分析 84
 第四節 個案公司可實施之行銷經營策略 87

第六章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論 90
第二節 研究建議 92

中文部分 94
英文部分 96

附錄一 航空承攬業者調查問卷 97

表 目 錄
表2-1 策略的定義
表2-2 SWOT策略分析
表2-3 Ansoff的多角化策略
表2-4 Porter競爭策略矩陣
表2-5 三種一般競爭策略的內涵
表3-1 近六年國際貨運量總計
表3-2 近10年台灣經濟成長率及進出口貨量成長率比較表
表3-3 高雄國際機場貨運量推估
表3-4 小港機場整體倉儲規劃預測
表4-1 公司年數表
表4-2 員工人數統計表
表4-3 公司資本額統計表
表4-4 平均營業額統計表
表4-5 年平均營運量統計表
表4-6 服務項目統計表
表4-6 承攬航線統計表
表4-7 主要合作航空公司統計表
表4-8 取得業務方式統計表
表4-9 配送物品來源統計表
表4-10 南貨北運狀況表
表4-11 南貨北運佔公司營業額百分比次數統計表
表4-12 南貨北運原因統計表
表4-13-1 營運困擾統計表一
表4-13-2 營運困擾統計表二
表4-14 擴張意願統計表
表4-15 欲結盟對象統計表
表4-16 進入障礙認知統計表
表4-17 進入障礙統計表
表4-18 與航空公司的議價能力認知統計表
表4-19 與托運貨主的議價能力認知統計表
表4-20 未來競爭型態認知統計表
表4-21 未來五年競爭狀況認知統計表
表4-22 未來航空貨運市場之貨運成長認知統計表
表4-23 未來航空貨運市場之貨運成長率認知統計表
表4-24 未來三年承攬量變化認知統計表
表4-25 未來三年承攬量變化量認知統計表
表4-26 政府政策對承攬業者之重要性排名表
表4-27 最近五年高雄國際機場空運量及平均成長率
表4-28 航空承攬業議價能力認知統計
表4-29 托運貨主議價能力認知統計
表4-30 海空運供給面比較表
表4-31 海空運運量比較表
表4-32 承攬業之五力分析一覽表
表4-33 產業發展策略表
表4-34 航空貨運承攬業未來採取的策略
表5-1 2001年小港機場空運出口前十名物資
表5-2 2001年小港機場空運出口前十名國家
表5-3 公司內部環境分析
表5-4 公司外部環境分析
表5-5 公司因應策略分析表
圖 目 錄
圖1-1 研究流程圖
圖2-1 競爭策略考慮範疇
圖2-2 推動產業競爭的動力
圖2-3 產業生命週期
圖2-4 策略層級
圖2-5 空運承攬業之者作業流程
圖3-1 歷年國際航空貨運噸數表
圖3-2 歷年國際航空貨物成長率表
圖3-3 高雄國際機場交通時距
圖3-4 近六年中正與高雄機場貨運之比較
圖4-1 公司年數統計圓餅圖
圖4-2 公司資本額圓餅圖
圖4-3 平均營業額圓餅圖
圖4-4 年平均營運量圓餅圖
圖4-5 服務項目統計直方圖
圖4-5 承攬航線統計直方圖
圖4-6 主要合作航空公司統計直方圖
圖4-7 取得業務方式統計直方圖
圖4-8 南貨北運原因統計直方圖
圖4-9 營運困擾統計直方圖
圖4-10 欲結盟對象統計直方圖
圖4-11 進入障礙統計直方圖
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