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博碩士論文 etd-0725102-202435 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0725102-202435
A system dynamics approach to the long-term influences of the decision taken by the Bureau of National Health Insurance, beneficiaries, and contracted medical care institutions
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Finance, Quality, Decision Making, National Health Insurance, System Dynamics
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台灣於1995 年3月1日起實施全民健康保險,並以(1)全民納保、平等就醫,(2)財務平衡、永續經營,(3)提昇醫療品質、促進國民健康為目標。然而,健保局自1998 年至2001 年的收入小於支出,危及財務平衡。健保局為了避免財務持續惡化,施行總額支付制度、及擴大保險費基等來維持財務平衡。這些政策對健保財務與品質的長期影響為何?
目前對處理全民健保財務問題的政策之研究,大部份是探討處理健保財務問題之單一政策的短期影響,少有探討保險人、被保險人、及醫療機構之決策互動對健保財務與品質的長期影響。此外,在研究方法上,大部份使用問卷調查、檔案資料分析、迴歸分析等,少有模擬研究方法。因此,本研究目的有二:(1)從保險人、被保險人、及醫療機構間的決策互動關係,來瞭解全民健保財務問題的原因;(2) 評估健保局處理健保財務問題之多項政策,對健保財務與品質的長期影響。
比較各政策與基本模擬(論量計酬)結果可知:(1) 基本模擬所得的累積餘絀可負擔的醫療費用核付月數最低,門診回診比例最高,門診就診率最高,病患每次門診看診時間最少。這是因為論量計酬下,醫療機構多要求病患回診多做檢查來追求收入所致。 (2) 政策一、政策二、及政策三都能減輕健保局財務失衡的程度,顯示出實施總額支付制度的效果。而政策二、及政策三較政策一的成效佳的原因是擴大保險費基。(3) 政策一模擬所得的平均每位醫師來自健保的薪資最低,病患每次門診自費額最高,等候住院人數最多。這是因為總額支付制度下,健保局每年支付的醫療費用金額固定,醫療機構為免虧損,會提高病患自費金額,及控制住院人數,造成有些病患無法住院,只好等候。雖然政策二、及政策三也是總額支付制度,但是政策二、及政策三擴大保險費基,因此健保局每年支付給醫療機構的總金額較政策一高,於是醫療機構提高病患自費額的程度較政策一低,而且醫療機構可以接受的住院人數較多,等候住院人數就較政策一少。(4) 政策二、及政策三模擬所得的平均保險費最高,是因為擴大保險費基,造成被保險人繳交的保險費最多。
比較各政策在未來不同的情境下模擬結果可知:(1)健保財務層面,以累積餘絀可負擔的醫療費用核付月數來評選,政策二及政策三入選。 (2) 醫療品質層面,以等候住院人數來評選,政策三入選。 (3) 被保險人繳交的保險費層面,以平均保險費來評選,政策一入選。
本研究的限制有二:(1) 只探討全民健保的財務與品質;(2) 在政策是否有效的評選標準上,主要是以模擬所得的累積餘絀可負擔的醫療費用核付月數、門診自費額、等候住院人數、及被保險人繳交的保險費來評估健保局的多項政策,對健保財務與品質的長期影響。然而,評選標準不同,可能會有不同的結論。因此,後續研究可探討擴大模式邊界及政策評選標準等。
The National Health Insurance (NHI) program was officially launched in Taiwan on 1 March 1995. Three objectives are stressed in the program’s implementation: (1) universal enrollment and equal-opportunity medical care; (2) balanced finances and long-term operational viability; (3) better quality medical care and better health for citizens. The initial balance of revenues and expenditures was stable, but there is a deficit during 1998. In order to prevent the financial status from keeping on worsening, the Bureau of NHI (BNHI) implement the global payment system, and expand the payroll-related premium base. What are the long-tem influences of these policies on the financial status and medical quality?
Up to now, those researches of handling the financial problem of the NHI, focused mostly on those influences of the individual policies, rare studied the long-term whole influences of multiple policies. Moreover, those methods of the researches were mostly questionnaires, data analysis, regression, rare simulated methods. Hence, this dissertation applies system dynamics to explore the long-term influences of multiple policies on handling the financial problem of the NHI. There are two purposes in the research. One is that using those interacted relationships of decisions taken by the BNHI, beneficiaries, and contracted medical care institutions to understand those causes of the financial problem of the NHI, the other is that evaluating the long-term influences of multiple policies on handling the financial problem of the NHI.
This research reaches two achievements. First, submitting casual loop diagrams focused on the financial problem of the NHI, can provide the BNHI, beneficiaries, and CMCI to have a further understanding on the financial problem of the NHI. Second, building the model of the financial problem and policies of the BNHI can simulate and evaluate he results of multiple policies on handling the financial problem of the NHI. In order to improve the financial imbalance of the NHI, the BNHI proposes three policies. Policy I, implement the global payment system. Policy II, implement the global payment system and expand the payroll-related premium base. Policy III, implement the global payment system, expand the payroll-related premium base and promote health communication. The simulation results are as follows: Policy III can solve the financial imbalance of the NHI and improve the health of citizens.
This research has two reservations. First, only explore the financial status and medical quality. Second, different criteria using for judging the priority of policies under multilple objectives may have different results. Hence, the future research can deeply consider extending the model boundary and selecting the criteria using for judging the priority of policies under multilple objectives.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝辭 I
中文摘要 II
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
1緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究流程與論文架構 3
2文獻回顧 5
2.1保險人、被保險人、及醫療機構之決策互動的相關文獻 5
2.1.1保險人的重要制度或政策 5
2.1.2被保險人的就醫決策 14
2.1.3醫療機構追求收入的策略 18
2.2系統動力學之相關文獻 21
2.2.1動態性複雜課題的學習障礙文獻 22
2.2.2系統動力學的基礎與發展 23
2.2.3系統動力學的決策制定過程 25
2.2.4系統動力學在醫療保險系統財務問題的研究 27
2.3發現研究需求與本研究定位 31
3全民健保財務與品質之模式 33
3.1定義問題 33
3.2動態假說 38
3.2.1保險人的政策調節環路 39
3.2.2被保險人「逛醫師」的正環 42
3.2.3醫療機構追求收入的環路 43
3.2.4全民健保財務與品質之因果環路圖 45
3.3全民健保財務與品質之模擬模式 46
3.3.1保險人次系統 49
3.3.2被保險人次系統 58
3.3.3醫療機構次系統 63
3.4模式測試 69
3.5本章小結 78
4 模擬與分析 81
4.1基本模擬 81
4.2政策模擬 83
4.2.1政策一:實施總額支付制度 83
4.2.2政策二:實施總額支付制度及擴大保險費基 84
4.2.3政策三:實施總額支付制度、擴大保險費基、及擴大健康傳播 87
4.3模擬結果分析 87
4.3.1政策與基本模擬結果分析 87
4.3.2情境模擬結果分析 94
4.4本章小結 102
5 結論 104
5.1研究總結 104
5.2研究貢獻 110
5.3研究限制與後續研究 112
參考文獻 115
附錄一:健保財務與品質之模式的VENSIM程式 127
附錄二:全民健保財務與品質之模式的外生變數 137
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