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博碩士論文 etd-0725103-154304 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0725103-154304
The study of problem-posing teaching technique in the elementary school grade two class
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elementary school grade two class, problem-posing, problem-solving
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The main purpose of this study is to understand the possible effects of the problem-posing teaching technique in an elementary school, grade-two class. With problem-posing teaching technique of twenty-four classes within 12 weeks, the experimenter first used the problem-posing texts to ask students to formulate mathematical problems. After reviewing the problems formulated by students, the necessary interviews were done. The statistical analysis is done on pre-tests and post-tests of mathematical-solving ability. Students’ feedbacks about problem posing teaching technique are collected. There were four stages in this experiment: (1) oral presentation of problem-posing, (2) written presentation of problem-posing, (3) written presentation of problem-posing and problem-solving by the same person, (4) wiitten presentation of problem-posing by one and problem-solving by another. The experimenter explored the following themes during these four stages: (1) the process of problem-posing learning, (2) the characteristics and erroneous types of the students’ opus, (3) the differences on the problem-posing abilities when students faced formulas, pictures and written contexts, (4) the behaviors of the high problem-posing ability group and the low problem-posing ability group, (5) the enhance of problem-solving abilities due to problem-posing teaching technique. From this study, the experimenter found that the majority of the students participated in this study interesting in this teaching technique, and students’ gained confidence in posing and solving mathematical problems. Besides, the experimenter also found that: (1) the students’ ability in posing and solving problems progressed gradually in speed and correctness, (2) the characteristics and erroneous types of the students’ opus were diverse, which included relativeness of situations, students’ interests, school lives, and daily lives, correctness of mathematical logic, ambiguity of language, (3) students were better to pose problems from pictures and written contexts than from formulas, but there was no difference between from pictures and from written contexts, (4) the high problem-posing ability group performs better in speed and correctness to solve problem than the low problem-posing ability group, (5) Comparing the controlled and non-controlled groups, problem-posing teaching technique seems to helpe students to enhance their problem-solving ability.
目次 Table of Contents
目    次
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 7
第三節 待答問題 7
第四節 名詞釋義 8
第二章 文獻探討 10
第一節 擬題的意義與內涵 10
第二節 擬題活動的理論基礎 26
第三節 擬題教學的相關研究 35
第四節 擬題教學與評量 42
第五節 擬題教學活動融入國小二年級數學課程教材之分析 50
第三章 研究方法 54
第一節 研究對象及教材 54
第二節 研究工具 55
第三節 研究設計與實施步驟 66
第四節 資料的處理與分析 74
第四章 研究結果與討論 78
第一節 學生的擬題學習歷程 78
第二節 學生擬題作品分析 98
第三節 學生在三種擬題類型表現上的差異 113
第四節 高低擬題能力組在解題能力上的差異 119
第五節 擬題教學對學生解題能力的增進 121
第五章 結論與建議 126
第一節 結論 126
第二節 建議 136
參考文獻 142
附件一 擬題教學學習單(算式) 151
附件二 擬題教學學習單(圖畫) 156
附件三 擬題教學學習單(文字) 162
附件四 數學解題能力評量(前測) 167
附件五 數學解題能力評量(後測) 171
附件六 擬題教學回饋問卷 175
附件七 學生擬題作品九分評量表 177
附件八 學生擬題作品舉隅 178
附件九 學生擬題學習歷程作品舉隅 186
參考文獻 References
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