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博碩士論文 etd-0725104-183326 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0725104-183326
The Affect of Personal Playfulness and Team Playfulness Climate on Team Creativity Performance
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Team playfulness climate, Personal playfulness, Team creativity performance
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Under the knowledge-based economics, the roles of labors are considered important once again. The human creativity has become the main source of core competence. However, as the development of enterprises brings on a new economic type, the man-hours and work loading also increases with the development of enterprises. When people are overworked, there comes pressure, fatigue and illness. Therefore, more and more people are talking about the playfulness of jobs, which refers to the spontaneity, imagination, emotional expression, and the attitude of having fun and being involved and interested in the work, all these will change with the variation of the external environment.
Meanwhile, teams also play an important role in the organization. For the action unit to solve the problems of the organization and promote innovation, teams are constituted by members with various knowledge, skill and background. Hence, the team playfulness climate is also crucial to the creativity and performance of the organization. The team playfulness climate represents the share climate of autonomy and pleasure, which is built by those team members who work together day by day, such climate can get these people to feel interested and feel supported about their jobs, and so they won’t be afraid to try new challenges.
This study is taken from a personal viewpoint to test the model of the relationship between personal playfulness, team playfulness climate and team creativity performance. The evidence of this research is based on the questionnaires given out to the students who took the course “The Discovery and Application of Creativity” which was held by the Consulting Division in Ministry of Education. Below are the discoveries of this thesis:
1. Personal playfulness positively influences team playfulness climate.
2. Team playfulness climate positively influences team creativity performance.
3. Personal playfulness has significant difference on age, the number of brothers and sisters one has, academic background, and club experience.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 個人玩興 4
第二節 團隊玩興氣氛 10
第三節 團隊創造力 14
第三章 研究設計與實施 25
第一節 研究架構及研究假設 25
第二節 變項定義與測量 26
第三節 資料蒐集方法與樣本特性分析 29
第四節 量表信效度分析 32
第五節 資料分析方法 37
第四章 結果分析 39
第一節 個人玩興於個人屬性上之差異分析 39
第二節 各研究變項之相關分析 46
第三節 個人玩興、團隊玩興氣氛與團隊創造力績效之影響性分析 48
第五章 結論與建議 53
第一節 研究結果 53
第二節 研究建議 56
第三節 研究限制及後續研究建議 58
參考文獻 60
附錄 67
參考文獻 References

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