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博碩士論文 etd-0725107-020625 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0725107-020625
Analysis of Case Payment Resource Utilization for Patients with Congenital Heart Diseases
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congenital heart disease, case payment, resource utilization
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Objective: Since its implication, case payment system prevailed and increased cases number in the following years. Hospitals in Taiwan face continous challenge with emerging policies such as global budget and TW-DRG system, which is soon on the way. Remarkable medical resource comsuption is seen in patients with congenital heart deseases, with presence of structural heart defects at birth. The corrective treatment of congenital heart diseases, surgical and transcather, is usually undertaken in large-scale Hospitals in Taiwan.Congenital heart diseases. Items of case payment for congenital heart diseases treatment were implented years ago. However, in the literature there is yet no research about the results of its implentation.
This study focus on three objectives:
1.To study of medical resource consumption of case payment system with congenital heart diseases.
2.To study the effect of patient and provider attributes on medical resource consuption in the case payment with congenital heart diseases.
3.To provide the evidence-based information for forcoming NHI policies.
Materials and Methods:
Retrospectively, claims data from Bureau of National Health Research Insurance (BNHI) for resource utilization of case payment for congenital heart diseases was analyzed. The data includes DD(Inpatient expenditures by admissions) and HOSB(Registry for contracted medical facilities) files ranged from 1997 to 2005. Data items meeting the criteria of both CHD and case payment were extracted. The relationships between patient factors (age, sex, DRG code), healthcare provider (contract type, accreditation type, ownership, area) and resource utilization (length of stay, expenditure) were studied.
A total of 4,366 admissions for CHD case payment was enrolled. The mean patients’ age is 14.56 years. Female accounts for 55.46 % of the admissions. Among them there are 3954 open heart surgeries and 412 transcatheter treatments. Average hospital day is 11.6 and 3.37 days respectively. Average payment per case is NT$215,355 and NT$61,819 respectively. Different degrees of resource utilization occur with different patient or hospital characteristics, with statistical signifcance. More resource utilization tends to occur in extremes of age groups, e.g., newborn and elderly populations, regardless open heart surgery or transcatheter treatment cases. Also more hospital fee occurred in private hospital than public hospital, but less in medical centers when compared to metropolitian hospitals. For regression analysis of dependence of resource consumption on patient and hospital factors, the overall power of explanation is higher in transcather treatment cases. Among the factors influencing medical resource utilization, age_group and ownership are respectively the most significant factors.
We have verify the hypothesis in this study, which emphasize that resource utlization differs by different patient and hospital factors. The pattern of resource utilization for this unique disease (CHD) and its discrepancy with concurrent payment criteria are evaluated in this study. Based on our results, adjustment of payment criteria should be reasonable to ensure early and adequate treatment for these patients. Thus this study provides strong insight for implication of TW-DRG for disease management. Further study will include aspects of resource utlization such as direct, indirect costs, tangle and intangle, and related complication and comorbidities.
目次 Table of Contents
題 目 1
目 錄 3
謝 詞 4
中文摘要 5
英文摘要 7
第一章 序論 9
第一節 研究背景及動機 9
第二節 研究目的 11
第三節 研究問題 11
第四節 研究重要性 12
第二章 文獻探討 14
第一節 健康保險支付制度 14
第二節 健保論病例計酬 18
第三節 先天性心臟病介紹 25
第四節 住院醫療資源耗用影響因子 32
第三章 研究材料與方法 37
第一節 研究架構 37
第二節 研究假設 37
第三節 研究材料及對象 38
第四節 研究變項操作型定義 40
第五節 資料處理及分析 46
第四章 研究結果 48
第一節 描述性統計 48
第二節 推論性統計 75
第三節 多變項分析 82
第五章 討論 90
第一節 研究主題目的與研究假設之討論 90
第二節 醫務管理相關討論 95
第三節 研究限制 97
參考文獻 98
附錄 102
參考文獻 References
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