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博碩士論文 etd-0725108-151730 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0725108-151730
Analysis and Motion Curve Synthesis of Cam-Gear Intermittent Mechanisms
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Intermittent motion curve synthesis, Rigid body transformation, Rigid body dynamic force analysis, Cam-gear intermittent mechanisms
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The aim of the research is the analysis and motion curve synthesis for cam-gear intermittent mechanisms. Based on the grooved-cam-controlled motion of rocker planet gear and motion superposition of the planet gear trains, cam-gear intermittent mechanisms transfer continuous rotation to intermittent rotation. Interpolation of non-parametric rational B-splines motion curve is first introduced in this thesis, and it provides better motion characteristics. Based on rigid body transformation, the analytical grooved cam profile can be determined, and the pressure angle and radius of curvature can be calculated. By applying vector operation, rigid body dynamic analysis is also performed. An application example for cam-gear intermittent mechanisms used in the paper delivery system of the die cutting and creasing machine is served to support the content of this research and to improve the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the paper delivery system.
目次 Table of Contents
目錄 I
圖目錄 III
表目錄 VI
中文摘要 VII
英文摘要 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-3 研究目的與研究方法 5
1-4 論文架構 6
第二章 間歇運動曲線合成 7
2-1 齒凸輪間歇運動機構特性之探討 7
2-2 輸出間歇運動曲線合成之探討 9
2-3 有理式B 仿線之間歇運動曲線合成 11
2-4 有理式B 仿線權重序之快速調整程序 16
第三章 溝槽凸輪幾何外型建立與分析 24
3-1 行星齒輪系運動分析 24
3-2 剛體轉置法建立溝槽凸輪幾何外型 26
3-3 包絡理論建立溝槽凸輪幾何外型 28
3-4 齒凸輪機構溝槽凸輪建立 30
3-5 齒凸輪機構溝槽凸輪幾何分析 31
第四章 齒凸輪間歇運動機構動力分析 34
4-1 齒凸輪機構動力特性探討 34
4-2 零組件質心運動分析 35
4-3 齒凸輪機構動力分析 38
第五章 設計實例與驗證 45
5-1 設計實例-平盤式軋盒機簡介 45
5-2 軋盒機運動時序規劃 46
5-3 現行輸出運動曲線分析 48
5-4 新型運動曲線之合成與分析 57
第六章 結論與未來方向 65
參考文獻 67
參考文獻 References
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