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Title page for etd-0725111-134844
黑鯛生殖腺發育過程中Activin system扮演的角色 : 在腦-腦下垂體-生殖腺的作用機制
The role of activin system during gonad growth in black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli): the interplay in bisexual gonad mediate by activin system through brain-pituitary-gonad axis
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gonadotropins, inhibin, sex differentiation, black porgy, activin
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Inhibin與Activin是由雙硫鍵結的二聚體醣蛋白類且屬於TGF-β superfamily的成員。它們被認定具有調節濾泡刺激素(FSH)分泌的功能。Activin可以刺激濾泡刺激素的分泌;相反的,Inhibin則抑制其合成及分泌。根據許多研究結果,顯示在許多生殖過程中 Inhibin與Activin為重要的調控因子之一。黑鯛( black porgy , Acanthopagrus schlegeli) 為雌雄同體先雄後雌的魚種,在性別分化及發育具有複雜的調控機制。幼齡黑鯛孵化後4個月左右會進行雄性性別分化,之後發育為成熟精巢進入繁殖季,在前兩年為具有功能性的雄魚,發育至第三年,某部分的魚則會性轉變成雌魚。本研究選殖Inhibin、Activin及其receptors,藉由黑鯛精卵巢並存的特殊生理生殖系統,來探討其可能扮演的角色。在卵巢不同發育階段,發現許多activin system基因表現會隨著卵巢發育逐漸增加;在精巢切除的實驗,發現在卵巢組織activin receptors的表現量遠高於精巢(控制組),次單元體則在精巢表現量高於卵巢;在前腦inhbab、acvr1與acvr2b在精巢切除組表現量高於控制組;在幼齡黑鯛孵化後4到5個月時inhbaa表現量上升,而inhbab與receptors表現量皆下降。以上實驗結果推論activin system可能與卵巢發育與成熟(性轉變)有關以及可能參與精巢分化與發育的調控,且發現在黑鯛前腦activin system具有性別差異性(sex dimorphisms)。
Inhibin and activin are disulphide-linked dimeric proteins that belong to the transforming growth factor superfamily. Inhibin and activin are identified that they have ability to modulate the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH, from pituitary. Activin can stimulate FSH secretion, on the other hand, inhibin can inhibit
FSH production. According to many researches, inhibin and activin play an important
roles in regulation of reproduction. Black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) is belong
to protandry.that has a complex regulation in sex differentiation and development. The
male differentiation in black porgy started at fourth month, and the testis become
mature when the spawing season the first two year in black porgy, they are
differentiate to functional males, and some of them will change to females in the third
year. The objectives were to study the possible roles of inhibin、activin subunits and
their receptors in sex differentiation and sex change in black porgy. The gene
expression of activin system increase during the period of ovarian development. The
expression of activin receptors in ovarian tissue are higher than in testis tissue in the
testis-excision experiment. The expression of inhbab 、acvr1and acvr2b after
testis-excision are higher than in control in black porgy forebrain. The expression of
inhbaa increase at four to five months after hatching in 0+-yr old black porgy, and the
expression of inhbb and receptors decrease at the same time. According to these
results, activin system may involve in the ovarian development and mature, and play
important roles in testis differentiation and development in black porgy. Furthermore,
activin system have sex dimorphisms in forebrain in black porgy.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
附表目錄 ix
第一章 前言 1
第二章 實驗材料與方法 15
第三章 結果 29
第四章 討論 47
第五章 結論 55
第六章 參考文獻 56
附表 70
參考文獻 References
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