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博碩士論文 etd-0725118-114859 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0725118-114859
Use cuteness, Do charity! The Effect of Cute Type and Charity Appeals in Advertisements
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charity appeals, whimsical cuteness, baby cuteness, priming effect, dot cuteness, mental representations
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Cute things are approachable, bring you the positive emotions of pleasure and satisfaction, and play an important role in social interactions. The Kindchenschema is a prototype of human infants, perceived as a potent positive stimulus, which can elicit cuteness feeling, evoke emotion, trigger care-taking motivation, and induce wide prosocial behaviors. Along with the progress of cuteness concept, scholars have found that whimsical things or circular geometrical shapes and patterns are also described as cute. Compared with the vulnerable nature inherent in the Kindchenschema features, whimsical things are associated with fun and playfulness. Cute elements are used prevailingly in many charity activities and advertisements. However, the effects of the different types of cuteness used for charity activities are still unclear. Accordingly, the current research focuses on the cuteness effects and classified the types of cuteness. It examines how different types of cuteness prime specific mental representations and emotion response, and how charity appeals moderate the effects of the cuteness on ad attitudes as well as donation intentions.
Base on the priming effect, the concepts of mental representations, emotions, and charity appeals, and the limited capacity model, this research conducted two experiments to test the hypotheses. Experiment 1 was tested the mental representations and emotional response primed by different cuteness, with a one factor between-subject design (baby cuteness vs. whimsical cuteness vs. dot cuteness vs. non-cute control group). Experiment 2 used a 3 (cuteness types: baby cuteness vs. whimsical cuteness vs. dot cuteness) x 2 (charitable appeals: other-benefit vs. self-benefit) between-subject design and two non-cute control groups to test the match-up effects between different cuteness types and charity appeals.
The analytical results indicate that: (1) Different types of cuteness prime specific mental representations, but all types of cuteness evoke the pleasant emotion. (2) Under the condition of other-benefit charitable appeal, baby cuteness (vs. whimsical cuteness) yields better advertising effects. (3) Under the condition of self-benefit charitable appeal, whimsical cuteness (vs. baby cuteness) generates better advertising effects. (4) Dot cuteness has a positive impact on advertising effects for advertisements with either other-benefit or self-benefit charitable appeal. This research results help to clarify implications of the types of cuteness, and reveal the fitness between specific mental representations primed by cuteness and charity appeals. Meanwhile, it expands the concept and application of cuteness, and provides practical suggestions on how to use cuteness properly in charity advertising to generate better effects.
目次 Table of Contents
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iv
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 9
第三節、研究問題與目的 12
第二章、文獻探討 13
第一節、可愛概論 13
一、 可愛文化 13
二、 可愛定義與樣貌 14
三、 可愛與性別、年齡 17
四、 可愛與娃娃臉 19
第二節、可愛類型之分類 20
一、 嬰兒可愛及行為反應 21
二、 古怪可愛及行為反應 23
三、 圓點可愛及行為反應 25
四、 可愛類型與可愛程度的關係 27
五、 小結 28
第三節、可愛與心理表徵(Mental Representations) 29
第四節、可愛與社會參與行為(social engagement) 31
第五節、促發效果(priming effect) 33
第六節、情緒類別相關研究 35
一、 情緒的定義 35
二、 情緒的分類與測量 36
第七節、公益廣告之利己/利他訴求 41
第三章、研究架構與假說推論 44
第一節、研究架構 44
第二節、研究假說 45
第四章、實驗一 54
第一節、研究方法 54
一、 樣本與實驗設計 54
二、 實驗刺激與前測 55
三、 實驗程序 62
四、 變數衡量 63
第二節、結果分析 64
一、 研究樣本背景資料分析 64
二、 實驗一變數的平均值、標準差與信度分析 66
三、 實驗一研究變數之操弄性檢定與性別效果檢測 67
四、 實驗一研究假設檢定 69
第三節、討論 74
第五章、實驗二 78
第一節、研究方法 78
一、 樣本與實驗設計 78
二、 實驗刺激與前測 79
三、 實驗程序 83
四、 變數衡量 83
第二節、結果分析 87
一、 研究樣本背景資料分析 87
二、 實驗二變數的平均值、標準差與信度分析 88
三、 實驗二研究變數之操弄性檢定與性別效果檢測 89
四、 實驗二研究假設檢定 93
第三節、討論 100
第六章、結論與建議 104
第一節、研究發現與討論 104
第二節、理論意涵 109
第三節、實務意涵 113
第四節、研究限制與未來研究方向 115
參考文獻 120
附錄一、前測一問卷 120
附錄二、前測二問卷 144
附錄三、實驗一問卷 159
附錄四、前測三問卷 164
附錄五、實驗二問卷 169
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