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The Imaginary of Home: Identity of Hong Kong Migrants in the UK
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Hong Kong migration, transmigration, home, in-betweenness, identity
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在這個流動而浮動的現代社會,隨著人類不斷在全球化網絡中穿梭、移動,地方、空間和時間的概念也不斷相互交融、混合,在地和全球空間的關係改變了我們對地方感的認知: 從「固定」的概念轉變成「流動」的概念,「單一」的想像則轉變為「多元」的想像,「家」的概念也因此不再是傳統的定義,近年來不少學者更提出質疑和批判,並試圖賦予「家」全新的定義。
        香港是一個移民社會,過去幾十年裡發生了數波移民潮,不同類型的跨國移民也賦予「家」獨特的意義。基於對移民的不同認知和期待,香港人對「家」的感知也從單一、簡單的概念變得更具情感和想像力。本研究檢視香港獨特的歷史、社會和文化背景,以及香港和中國、英國的複雜關係,討論在多元網絡中,關於「根」、「主體性」和「歸屬感」的議題,也對「家」的概念發展出新的詮釋。本研究試圖跳脫過去對「家」及「認同」的傳統理論框架,提供一個全新而多元的視角去檢視在特殊時空脈絡中的香港移民問題。在方法論上,本研究主要採用民族誌的研究途徑,訪談超過30位從香港移居到英國不同地區的移民,爬梳他們對家產生不同想像和定義的過程,藉由對日常生活的多層次剖析,呈現特殊的情感連結和歸屬感的形成,從而深入探討他們集體和個人的文化社會認同。本研究認為傳統上對國族和政治認同的研究可能過分簡化而不足以完全詮釋英國香港移民的認同,同時,也強調認同在本質上應該是多面向、具時空脈絡性的特點。更重要的是,大部份受訪者認為家是感情的依附,他們視家為家庭,國族認同在家的定義中其實並不明顯,這種功利主義式的英國認同和區域主義式的華人認同模糊了傳統上對認同的定義,同時,無根和 居間性 (in-betweenness) 的特點呈現出「家」對英國的香港移民而言,是一個混生(hybridity)的概念和認同。
In the liquid modern era, the concepts of place, space and time are now mingled, infused and thickened during the mobilization of people across the global network. The connection between local places and global spaces across time transforms our sense of place from a static to a liquid conception, and from a singular to a multiple imaginary. While “home” was once a concept with less complexity, extensive scholars in recent years have questioned and challenged the traditional meaning of home and have attempted to reconstruct the meaning of home with different frame of references.
Hong Kong, noticeably a migrant society composed of not only migrants, but also transnational migrants and returnees, is well-known for inward and outward migration. The waves of migration across different countries and timespan in the past decades have given the notion of “home” a brand new meaning. The fact that whether migrants see migration as a sojourn or a permanent stay, and also multiple migrations in some cases have transformed our understanding and imagery of home from a simple and homogenous perspective to a more emotional and imaginative sphere.
By looking into the unique historical, social and cultural context and relationship between Hong Kong, China and the United Kingdom, the notion of roots, subjectivities and sense of belonging that are embedded in the hybridity of network relationships help give sense to its unique trajectory of the interpretation of home. Through an ethnographic approach, this study examines the interactive process of imagination and interpretation of the multi-layered concept of home of more than 30 migrants from Hong Kong settling in different parts of the UK and also how the everydayness at home helps consolidate our emotional attachment and sense of belonging which is translated into collective and individual social and cultural identity. It is argued that the categorization process of national and political identity might be over-simplifying the discussion while social and cultural identity which emphasizes on the experience of the actors with the environment, and highlights the characteristics of multifacetedness and contextuality is more appropriate to examine the identity of Hong Kong migrants.
It is interesting to note that most participants see home as a geographical site of emotions and associate home to their family while ‘nation’ as the understanding and definition of home doesn’t seem to be within their frame of reference. The sense of instrumentality in Britishness and the regional sense of Chineseness generate a sense of ambivalence which is argued that this rootlessness and in-betweenness contributes to the conceptualization of the hybridity and simultaneity in identity among Hong Kong migrants.
While there are many studies examining identity issues of HongKongers, this study aims to offer a different, brand new and intriguing perspective to discuss identity politics in the Hong Kong migrant context.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
Acknowledgement ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Mapping the context 2
1.2 Mapping the people: The migration profile of Hong Kong in the transnational world 5
1.3 Mapping the study 21
Chapter 2 Literature review 28
2.1 Hong Kong migration study 28
2.2 The concept and debate on Identity- From national and political to social and cultural identity 33
2.3 The identity issue of Hong Kong people 47
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 54
3.1 The inquiry of the complexity of understanding identity 54
3.2 Data collection and analysis 55
Chapter 4 Theoretical framework 67
4.1 Conceptualizing home as theoretical framework 67
4.2 The politics of everydayness: Translating home into social and cultural identity 81
Chapter 5 A place called home. The imaginary of home 88
5.1 The essential element of home 88
5.2 The practice of everydayness: The making of home 97
5.3 Collective memory makes home 101
5.4 Home experience: Feeling like at home 105
5.5 Multiple homes in the transnational era: Home for now? Home for good? 114
Chapter 6 Negotiating Home and Identity: the sense of belonging and attachment 121
6.1 How is home translated to identity? 121
6.2 From migrants to transmigrants- the identity of different generations, the stays, the stay-and-goes 129
6.3 Feeling like home (no stress, with a shelter). Treated like being at home? 135
6.4 World without a centre: Home, root and nation 146
6.5 In search of a flexible home: the cosmopolitanist 150
Chapter 7 The in-betweenness: The hybridity and complexities of Hong Kong identity 156
7.1      Negotiation between the sense of Britishness and Chineseness 156
7.2      The in-betweenness: the hybridity of Hong Kong identity in migrant context 160
Chapter 8 Conclusion 171
8.1      Responding the complexities and problematic nature of identity 171
8.2      Critical reflection on home as an imaginary 175
8.3 Fixing the gap between theory and reality 182
Reference 186
Appendix I 218
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Working Papers
Wong, Ka Ying & Shum Kwok-cheung, 2002. Civic Awareness and Attitudes toward Civic Education among Young People in Post-1997 Hong Kong: Continuity and Change, Occasional Paper No. 125, Hong Kong: Institute of Asia Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (In Chinese)
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