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博碩士論文 etd-0726101-012936 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0726101-012936
A Research of Justice of Civil Servant’s Performance Appraisal and Working Attitude- With Police Officers, Medical Personnel and Tax Collectors, Who are Subordinate to Kaohsiung City Government, as the Subjects
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Organizational commitment, Performance appraisal, Distributive justice, Job involvement., Job satisfaction, Procedural justice
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In the past few years, the people require the government became more representative, reactive and responsible due to the change of society, the development of technology and the increase of the people’s requirements. Therefore, the establishment of the efficient civil service system is the need for the current situation. The government has to maintain the civil service system, which is based on justice, rightfulness and merits system, before it becomes a democracy, which should represent the will of the people and owns by the people, from an authoritarian government. Most researches show that the employees’ cognition of the performance appraisal’s justice will affect their individual results and organizational results, and the cognition includes job satisfaction, job involvement, a commitment to organization, trust in the management and etc…
Therefore, three different attributes of civil servants, who are respectively from the authority of Kaohsiung City Government, including police station, municipal hospital and tax authority, are subjects for the research. Individual attributes and the performance appraisal’s justice (including procedural justice and distributive justice) are the self-variable item, and the working attitude (including job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job involvement) is the variable item. To take the discussion of the correlation and the influence between the self-variable item of individual attributes, the performance appraisal’s justice and the working attitude as the reference to improve the performance appraisal’s system and the development of the civil service’s manpower, and then increase the service achievements of civil servants. There are 740 questionnaires in total of the research, and effective questionnaires are 631 copies. After Independent test, One-way ANOVA, Person Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis, Hierarchical Multiple Regression, Canonical Correlation Analysis, and etc… the important discoveries are as follows:
1.The correlation and the influence between the procedural justice, distributive justice and the working attitude of performance appraisal are very obviously. The explanation of distributive justice for job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job involvement is greater than the procedural justice. That proves distributive justice is very important for the explanation of the working attitude.
2.In the aspect of civil servant’s attribute, age, length of service and different authority will cause obviously difference to the procedural justice, distributive justice, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job involvement of performance appraisal.
3.Thus it can be known by a typical correlation analysis, the degree of correlation between two variable items (performance appraisal’s justice and the working attitude) and five principles variable items (including procedural structure, objective principle, opinion expression, actual achievements and self-evaluation) will mainly affect five anticipating variable items (including internal satisfaction, external satisfaction, endeavored to commit, valuable commitment and commitment of remaining in position). And the influence of results will mainly affect two anticipating variable items, including endeavored to commit and job involvement.

According to the conclusion of actual demonstration, the following suggestion is provided for the process, result, working attitude and the management of the performance appraisal: Establish a different appraising standard and item in accordance with the character of position. The appraising standard and item should be made by both the management and the subordinates. The management and the subordinates should keep good interaction. The point of view of the basic level personnel should be taken seriously. The appraiser should be training. Strengthen the propagation of the function of the civil servants’ protection system. Promote the status and representative of appraising committee. Strengthen the function of performance appraisal to the development of employees properly. Exercise the result of appraisal efficiently. Establish various and encouraging recompense or reward system. Increase the external satisfaction of the civil servants. The organization should pay attention to the knowledge management and the sharing system.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………3
第三節 研究流程……………………………………………………4
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………5
第一節 績效考核……………………………………………………5
第二節 績效考核公平…………………………………………….18
第三節 工作態度………………………………………………….27
第四節 績效考核公平與工作態度之關係……………………….38
第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………….43
第一節 本研研究之概念性架構…..………………………………43
第二節 研究變項定義與衡量…………………..…………………44
第三節 研究架構與研究假設…..…………………………………55
第四節 資料蒐集方法與研究樣本……………………………..…56
第五節 資料分析方法…………………………………………....64
第六節 研究限制…………………………………………………..66
第四章 資料分析與討論…………………………………………….67
第一節 各研究變項之描述統計分析…………………………….67
第二節 個人屬性與各研究變項之關係………………………….72
第三節 績效考核公平對工作態度之影響……………………….82
第四節 個人屬性與績效考核公平對工作態度之影響………….87
第五節 績效考核公平對工作態度之典型相關分析…………….96
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………101
第一節 結論………………………………………………………101
第二節 管理上的涵義…………………….…………………….108
第三節 建議………………………………………………………111
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