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博碩士論文 etd-0726102-115838 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0726102-115838
Experiments and Simulations of Tube Hydraulic Forming
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Date of Exam
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hydroforming, THF
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The objective of this study is to explore the effects of various process parameters upon the tube formability. In the condition of no axial loads and free bulging, the process parameters that affect tube bulge pressure and formability are die corner radius, tube thickness, bulge length and tube diameter. To proceed the experiments of tube hydro forming, this paper has designed and constructed an experimental system of tube hydroforming comprised of a hard tooling set, hydraulic pressurization circuit, an intensifier and a half ton hoisting device, firstly. In experiments, annealed aluminum alloy tubes are used to carry out the experiments with different tube thickness, bulge length and die corner radius. Furthermore, FEM packages are applied to proceed the analyses of bulge height, forming pressure and tube thickness distribution with forming parameters above. Finally, the comparisons between the analytical and experimental results are discussed to explore the deform action mechanism of tube hydro-forming.

目次 Table of Contents
目 錄

論文摘要 Ⅰ
目錄 Ⅲ
圖表索引 Ⅴ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 THF製程簡介 3
1-3 管材液壓鼓脹成形之文獻回顧 5
1-5 本研究之目的 7
1-6 本論文之架構 7
第二章 管材液壓鼓脹成形之實驗結果 10
2-1 實驗簡介 10
2-2 實驗週邊設備及量測儀器 10
2-2-1管材液壓鼓脹試驗機台 10
2-2-2高壓液體供應設備 14
2-2-3增壓器 14
2-2-4 1/2ton小型吊車 14
2-2-5量測儀器 14
2-3 壓力媒介 15
2-4系統液壓迴路 16
2-5實驗管材之準備 16
2-5-1退火之目的 17
2-5-2退火溫度-時間之設定 17
2-6實驗步驟 17
2-7實驗結果與討論 18
2-7-1實驗參數定義 18
2-7-2實驗結果圖表說明 18
2-7-3實驗規劃 19
2-7-4再現性探討 19
2-7-5管材退火前後之實驗結果 19
2-7-6 不同鼓脹長度及初始厚度之實驗結果 19
2-7-7 不同入模半徑之實驗結果 20
2-7-8 不同壓力下管材鼓脹輪廓之實驗結果 21
2-7-9 不同壓力下管材厚度之實驗結果 21
2-7-10 管材之異方性實驗 21
2-7-11 管材之材料特性實驗 22
2-7-12 實驗結果總結 22
第三章 管材液壓鼓脹成形之有限元素模擬 45
3-1 DEFORM之簡介 45
3-2 DEFORM 2D之分析模式 46
3-3模擬結果與實驗結果之比較 47
3-3-1 不同實驗成形壓力-鼓脹高度圖之比較 47
3-3-2 不同成形壓力下管材鼓脹輪廓及厚度之比較 48
3-3-3 誤差產生原因之探討 48
3-4各項加工因子對成形壓力影響之模擬結果 49
第四章 結論 62
4-1 研究成果之概要 62
4-2 今後研究之課題 63
參考文獻 65
附錄A 螺栓之設計 67
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