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Title page for etd-0726111-124558
應用ARCS 動機模型於設計機器小助教對學習動機持 續性之影響
Applying the ARCS model to Design Robot Teaching Assistant for Sustaining Learning Motivation
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機器人小助教(RTA)、ARCS 動機模型、學習成效、教育機器人、學習動機的持續性
Learning Performance, Educational Robot, Sustainability of Learning Motivation, ARCS Model, Robot Teaching Assistant (RTA)
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儘管許多學者指出教育機器人能激發學習者的學習動機,但是學習動機卻會自然地隨時間而遞減。多數學者認為學習動機的持續性通常與教學策略有密切的關係,也就是說在將教育機器人用來輔助教學的情況下,也應該要有相對應教學策略的配合,才能讓學習者的學習動機持續地維持。ARCS動機模型提供一個系統化的教學策略,能夠提升並維持學習動機;然而ARCS動機模型被提出時並無提供具體的實作方法。隨著教育機器人的快速發展,人型機器人(Humanoid Robot)具有移動性、肢體動作表現、表情與互動性等特色,使其適合應用於教學情境中。因此,本研究目標在於設計一個結合機器人小助教(Robot Teaching Assistant; RTA)與ARCS動機模型的教學策略。本研究根據研究目的進行系統設計與實作,並將此教學策略應用於英文閱讀學習上,同時透過準實驗法與問卷調查法來進行研究數據的收集與策略效果的評估。學習者在經過實驗性教學後,進行一系列的統計分析以探討「機器人小助教結合ARCS動機模型」之教學策略對學習動機的持續性、學習成效以及系統持續使用意圖之影響。研究結果顯示「機器人小助教結合ARCS動機模型」之教學策略對學習動機的持續性、學習成效與系統持續使用意圖具有顯著地正向助益。
Although many researchers have pointed out that educational robots can motivate student learning, learning motivation inevitably declines over time. The sustainability of learning motivation is closely related to instructional strategies. In other words, appropriate instructional strategies are still essential to sustain a learner's learning motivation in robot-assisted instructions. The ARCS model provides systematic guidelines for enhancing and sustaining learning motivation; however, it provides very limited instructional practices in the model. Recent development in educational robot grows rapidly. A humanoid robot, which has a tangible and attractive body and limbs, is able to perform movements and gestures and to interact with its users. This study aims to develop instructional strategies and activities based on the ARCS model and the specific features of the robot teaching assistant (RTA) to enhance and sustain motivation in learning English reading skills. A quasi experiment and a survey were conducted to evaluate the effects of the designed strategies and activities. The results showed that the design of the RTA-based activities following the ARCS model for learning English reading skills was positively and significantly contributed to students’ learning motivation, learning performance and continuance intention.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝 ................................................................................................................................ iii
摘要 ................................................................................................................................ iv
Abstract ............................................................................................................................. v
目錄 ................................................................................................................................ vi
圖目錄 ........................................................................................................................... viii
表目錄 .............................................................................................................................. x
第一章、緒論 .................................................................................................................. 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 .......................................................................................... 1
第二節、研究目的與問題 .......................................................................................... 3
第二章、文獻探討 .......................................................................................................... 5
第一節、動機模型 ...................................................................................................... 5
第二節、教育機器人 ................................................................................................ 13
第三節、認知負荷 .................................................................................................... 15
第三章、系統與學習教材設計 .................................................................................... 17
第一節、Joyful Classroom Learning System (JCLS) ............................................... 17
第二節、機器人小助教與ARCS 動機模型 ............................................................ 19
第三節、學習教材 .................................................................................................... 33
第四章、研究方法 ........................................................................................................ 35
第一節、研究架構與操作型定義 ............................................................................ 35
第二節、研究假說 .................................................................................................... 36
第三節、實驗設計 .................................................................................................... 37
第四節、實驗工具 .................................................................................................... 51
第五節、資料分析方法 ............................................................................................ 53
第五章、結果與討論 .................................................................................................... 54
第一節、正式施測之受測樣本來源 ........................................................................ 54
第二節、學習動機的持續性分析 ............................................................................ 55
第三節、學習成效分析 ............................................................................................ 79
第四節、系統持續使用意圖分析 ............................................................................ 80
第五節、認知負荷分析 ............................................................................................ 81
第六節、綜合討論 .................................................................................................... 82
第六章、結論 ................................................................................................................ 87
第一節、研究發現 .................................................................................................... 87
第二節、研究貢獻 .................................................................................................... 88
第三節、研究限制 .................................................................................................... 89
第四節、未來研究 .................................................................................................... 90
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 91
附錄一、實驗性教學前測問卷 .................................................................................. 104
附錄二、實驗性教學後測問卷 .................................................................................. 107
附錄三、學習成效前測試題 ...................................................................................... 110
附錄四、學習成效後測試題 ...................................................................................... 112
附錄五、觀察指標 ...................................................................................................... 114
附錄六、訪談大綱 ...................................................................................................... 115
附錄七、學習單 .......................................................................................................... 117
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