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博碩士論文 etd-0726111-170405 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0726111-170405
The development of thermal desorption for ambient ionization mass spectrometry
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Pulsed laser, ELDI, Ambient ionization, Post-ionization, Thermal probe, CW laser
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在 2005 年 J. Shiea 研究團隊利用雷射脫附固態樣品,再經由 ESI 的後游離過程 (post-ionization),開發出電噴灑輔助雷射脫附游離法(Electrospray-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization, ELDI),其優點是能藉由脈衝式雷射脫附而減少分析物分解並以 ESI 後游離輔助分析物的離子化,然而所使用的是脈衝式雷射脫附分析物,故價格較為昂貴,因此希望能尋找較為輕便且廉價之脫附方式,以達到降低游離源成本的目標。因此本研究分為兩部分進行: 一、以連續波雷射取代脈衝式雷射來偵測液態及膏狀分析物;二、利用電熱焊槍做為加熱源偵測固態及液態分析物。
第一部份的研究是利用連續波雷射 (continuous wave laser, CW laser) 作為加熱脫附源,利用雷射不易色散的優點使得能量可集中於光束中,如此在照射到樣品承載台表面時可使其溫度迅速提升並把熱量傳導至分析物溶液中,液體樣品迅速吸收這些熱量後便能在雷射照射處形成突沸現象進而霧化樣品,而這些霧化的分子再經由 ESI 的後游離過程,進入質譜偵測便可得到分析物訊號。液態樣品所使用的體積只頇 3 μL,將其滴在樣品乘載台上,開啟雷射後在數秒內即可完成偵測,如需偵測膏狀物只需將其以拭鏡紙沾取少許塗抹在樣品承載台上,同樣在數秒內即可完成偵測。由於雷射功\率不高樣品承載台必頇選擇不易傳導熱量的材質,研究發現鈦金屬箔片與不鏽鋼箔片效果最好。利用此技術可得知小分子如Benzethonium chloride 的偵測極限為0.1 μM及大分子 Cytochrome c的偵測極限為1 μM。利用此種脫附方式可為整個雷射脫附系統節省大量金錢及空間,雷射光源可方便移動,因此不論要直接照射樣品或背對照射樣品方式進行偵測皆能得到類似的結果並且能偵測不同種類的分析物。
第二部份的研究使用經改裝之電熱焊槍作一樣品熱脫附源,利用電熱焊槍所提供的熱量,加上特殊處理化之烙鐵頭,便可使能量傳導至烙鐵頭尖端,使固體或液體樣品在接觸此熱探針時瞬間汽化,進而脫附樣品,這些汽化的分子再經由 ESI 或 APCI 的後游離過程,進入質譜偵測便可得到分析物訊號。分析固態樣品如藥片只需放置在 ESI 噴霧或 APCI 金屬針下方,再將熱探針輕微接觸其表面便可汽化藥物分子,經後游離步驟並進入質譜儀偵測,分析液態樣品所使用的體積只頇 5 μL,將其滴在樣品乘載台上,同樣將熱探針接觸到液體,利用約 250℃ 的高溫使液態樣品形成突沸現象以達到汽化樣品的效果,再經由 ESI 後游離過程進入質譜儀作偵測,另外為了承受熱脫附時所形成的高溫環境且穩定 ESI 噴霧現象故使用鐵氟龍材質作為樣品乘載台。運用熱探針脫附法可偵測固體及液體藥物成分,以及真實樣品中對人體有危害性之添加物如代糖、防腐劑成分,除省時之外還可節省花費,且能夠偵測多種狀態的樣品,本研究證實小分子如 Melamine 及大分子 Cytochrome c 的偵測極限皆可達到 1μM。
The ionization of chemicals in solids or liquids under ambient conditions, known as ambient ionization mass spectrometry, is currently a fruitful research area in mass spectrometry. To classify those ambient ionization techniques from preexisting atmospheric pressure ionization methods, the former are commonly defined as those mass spectrometric ionization methods that operate under ambient conditions and require minimal or no sample pretreatment. A characteristic of this technology is that sample introduction and ionization are usually separate events, thereby allowing independent control of each set of conditions.
A two-step ESI-based technique, named electrospray laser desorption ionization (ELDI), has been developed to characterize nonvolatile analyte molecules directly from the surfaces of solid samples in 2005 by J. Shiea and his co-workers. The analyte molecules are produced by laser irradiating of the sample surfaces, and then post-ionized in an ESI plume. However, the pulsed laser used in ELDI-MS system is quite expensive. Our aim in this research is to develop simple, convenient, and cheap desorption methods and coupled them to post-ionization techniques for direct analysis of liquid and solid sample analysis. They includes: (a) the use of continuous wave (CW) laser instead of pulsed laser to desorb analytes in liquid samples and ointments, and (b) the use of thermal probe to desorb analytes in solid and liquid samples. All of the desorbed neutral species like molecules or droplets are then post-ionized via ESI or APCI processes.
The first topic of the research is to develop a cheaper laser system to introduce analytes in solids or liquids into reaction region for post-ionization. In this section, we use a CW laser instead of a pulsed laser for the sampling of analytes. The titanium foil and stainless steel foil sample plate is quite useful and shows a great of desorption efficiency for liquid samples while irradiating by a CW laser. The detection limit by using a CW laser for sampling and ESI for post-ionization is 0.1 μM for Benzethonium chloride and 1 μM for cytochrome c, respectively. The combination of CW laser desorption and ESI post-ionization mass spectrometry can be applied in drug components, food safety and biomedical sample analysis. As a result of small size, lightness and lower prices of CW laser system, it not only shows large potential to use as a high efficiency desorption device for novel ionization source of mass spectrometer but also available for a wide range of useful application in many fields.
The second topic of the research is to develop a new thermal probe for the direct desorption of sample surface. The home-made thermal probe is used to touch surface of solid sample or liquid sample to generate gas phase molecules or micro analyte droplets. Those neutral analytes are then post-ionized via ESI or APCI processes. In this study, the setting temperature of thermal probe is 250℃. When the thermal probe touches liquid sample, it makes droplets boiling away explosively and then fused with ESI plume to generate ions. The detection limit by using a thermal probe for sampling and ESI or APCI for post-ionization is 1 μM for both melamine and cytochrome c. This technique is also applied to analyze controversial additives in drinks. It also shows large potential to use as a high efficiency desorption device for novel ionization source of mass spectrometer and useful for a wide range of useful application in many fields.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ………………………………………………………i
三、電噴灑輔助雷射脫附游離法 (Electrospray-Assisted Laser
Desorption Ionization, ELDI ) 的介紹與原理……………...…8
四、液相電噴灑輔助雷射脫附游離法 (Liquid Electrospray-Assisted
Laser Desorption Ionization, Liquid ELDI ) 的介紹與原理…10
六、大氣壓力熱脫附游離質譜法 (Atmospheric Pressure Thermal
Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry) 的原理及介紹…..16
第一部分利用連續波雷射 (continuous wave laser) 作為加熱脫附源
一. 實驗裝置………………………………………………………..23
二. 化學藥品與分析樣品…………………………………….…….25
三. 藥品配置…………………….………………………………….28
四. 實驗參數及實驗流程………………………………………..…29
一. 實驗裝置………………………………………………………...30
二. 化學藥品與分析樣品…………………………………….…….32
三. 藥品配置…………………….………………………………….33
四. 實驗參數及實驗流程………………………………………..…34
第一部分利用連續波雷射 (continuous wave laser) 作為加熱脫附源
1. 雷射正面直接照射樣品下所進行的偵測….…………………...35
2. 雷射背面照射樣品下所進行的偵測….…………………...……42
3. 利用連續波雷射偵測真實樣品…………………………………46
1. 以熱探針脫附液態分析物標準品………………………………52
2. 以熱探針脫附各種型態藥品………………………....…………56
3. 利用熱探針脫附分析真實樣品中的爭議性食品添加物……….68
第一部分利用連續波雷射(continuous wave laser) 作為加熱脫附源………………………………………………………………………….73
圖一、利用脫附電噴灑游離法 (DESI) 分析物體表面樣品成分的質譜介面………………………………………………………………………...3
圖二、即時分析游離法 (DART) 分析物體表面樣品成分的質譜介面…4
圖三、大氣壓力固態分析探針 (ASAP) 分析樣品成分的質譜介面……5
圖五、電噴灑輔助雷射脫附游離法 (ELDI) 的脫附及游離過程…….…7
圖七、液相電噴灑輔助雷射脫附游離法(Liquid ELDI)示意圖…………11
圖八、APTDI 儀器裝置圖與游離證明實驗………………………….....16
圖九、APTDCI-MS 對血液樣品的分析流程及脫附游離介面…..…….17
圖十、熱脫附反吹氣流注入式大氣壓力化學游離法 (TD-CFI-APCI) 裝置圖與游離介面放大圖………………………………………………….18
圖十一、大氣壓力熱脫附電噴灑游離法 (AP-TD/ESI) 介面圖,包含 ESI 游離源部分與大氣壓力熱脫附部分………………………...……..19
圖十二、薄層色層分析熱脫附游離質譜法 (TLC/TD/I-MS) 介面圖,包含熱脫附部分與 ESI 或 APCI 游離部分……………………………..20
圖十四、以連續波雷射直接照射樣品脫附搭配 ESI 游離源系統裝置圖……………………………………………………………………….....23
圖十六、以連續波長雷射脫附結合電噴灑游離法在不同材質之樣品盤對 10-5 M Acetaminophen 溶液作測詴所得質譜圖……………..……..36
圖二十、不同濃度 Acetaminophen 溶液滴於竹炭上由雷射脫附所得質譜圖……………………………………………………………………….39
圖二十二、Cytochrome c 溶液以雷射脫附所得質譜圖……………..…40
圖二十三、利用連續波雷射照射 Benzethonium chloride 溶液脫附游離所得之質譜圖………………………………………………………….....41
圖二十四、利用連續波雷射照射 Cytochrome c 溶液脫附游離所得之質譜圖……………………………………………………………………….42
圖二十六、以不鏽鋼箔為樣品台,雷射從樣品台背面照射後分析物溶液發生汽化,接著汽化的液滴與 ESI plume 作進一步融合再進入質譜………………………………………………………………………….44
圖二十八、Cytochrome c 溶液以雷射脫附所得質譜圖………………..45
圖三十二、利用連續波雷射脫附搭配 ESI 游離源分析零卡可樂所得質譜圖……………………………………………………………………….50
圖三十四、熱銲槍脫附液態樣品結合 ESI 後游離質譜介面………….53
圖三十六、熱探針脫附液態樣品結合 ESI 後游離質譜介面各元件位置關係……………………………………………………………………….55
圖三十七、不同濃度的 Melamine 溶液經熱探針脫附後所得訊號…...55
圖三十八、不同濃度的 Cytochrome c 溶液經熱探針脫附後所得訊號…………………………………………………………………………56
圖三十九、熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 游離偵測各類藥錠近照圖………….57
圖四十、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 游離偵測四種藥錠所得結果…….58
圖四十一、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 游離的質譜介面圖………….....58
圖四十二、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 游離的質譜介面圖…………….59
圖四十三、利用熱探針脫附搭配 APCI 游離偵測四種藥錠所得結果..60
圖四十四、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 與 APCI 游離偵測立達寧軟膏所得結果…………………………………………………………………….61
圖四十五、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 與 APCI 游離偵測黃氏止癢藥膏所得結果………………………………………………………………….62
圖四十六、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 與 APCI 游離偵測允消膚帝乳膏所得結果………………………………………………………………….62
圖四十七、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 游離偵測治痛單所得結果…….63
圖四十八、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 與 APCI 游離法偵測國安感冒液所得結果………………………………………………………………….64
圖四十九、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 游離偵測普拿疼伏冒熱飲所得結果.................................................................................................................65
圖五十、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 與 APCI 游離偵測橘子皮表面所得結果…………………………………………………………………….....67
圖五十一、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 與 APCI 游離偵測大蒜表面所得結果………………………………………………………………………67
圖五十二、利用熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 與 APCI 游離偵測老薑表面所得結果………………………………………………………………………68
圖五十三、以熱探針脫附搭配 ESI 游離法偵測汽水中所含有的為害成分………………………………………………………………………….69
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