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Title page for etd-0726114-143821
With Women’s Hands:Effects of Mental Simulation and Social Comparison Mechanisms in Print Advertising
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portrait completeness, visual depiction effect, mental simulation, social comparison, physical attractiveness
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本研究共提出七項假說,採2 (產品類別) x 2 (產品視覺描繪) x 2 (人像外表吸引力) x 2 (人像完整度) 的受測者間實驗設計,再加上無人像的四個實驗組,經由正式實驗發現:(1)動作適配在特定情境下,可提升消費者的心理模擬程度與廣告效果反應;(2)當平面廣告中的模特兒人像完整度為低或無時,會比人像完整度高的情況,產生更多心理模擬並提升廣告效果;反之當人像完整度高時將會引發較多社會比較;(3)當模特兒人像外表吸引力高時,會引發向上社會比較,使得消費者心情低落進而削弱廣告效果;然而當人像外表吸引力低時,雖然會引起向下社會比較,但對於心情與廣告效果同樣有不利影響;(4) 人像完整程度高 (相較於低),將強化消費者對於高度吸引力模特兒之向上社會比較程度,並加劇所引發的負面心情及惡化廣告效果;(5)平面廣告模特兒人像完整度低且外表吸引力高(相較於吸引力低)時,會強化動作適配對廣告效果的正向影響。本研究對於心理模擬及社會比較理論皆具理論意涵;在實務上也提供廠商如何藉由產品視覺描繪提升廣告效果及模特兒人像採用之建議。
What kind of advertisements can break the siege and capture the hearts of customers in the competitive markets? Previous studies indicate if customers can imagine interacting with the product in their mind, their purchase intentions towards the product will increase. “Visual depiction” is one of the methods which can induce consumers to form the mental simulation; when the product handle is oriented toward consumer’s dominant hand (hereafter designated as action-fit), it will elicit more simulation of using the product. However, except for the product, models occur commonly in the ads in our lives. In recent years, there is more criticism for the pressure on women which comes from the upward social comparison caused by highly attractive models. Thus, some companies have changed their endorsers to using average-looking or obese models. However, there are still few studies analyzing the impact of models’ occurence and physical attractiveness on “Visual Depiction Effect”. As to the related research of social comparison, there are also few studies exploring the function of the portrait completeness of the model. Therefore, this study combines mental simulaton and social comparison, exploring how the visual depiction of products as well as the portrait completeness and the attractiveness of ad models influence advertising effectiveness through the mechanisms of mental simulation and social comparison.
There are seven hypotheses proposed in this study. A 2 (product types) x 2 (visual product depictions) x 2 (model’s physical attractiveness) x 2 (model’s portrait completeness) between-subjects factorial experiment was conducted. Additionally, another four experimental groups (no model’s portrait) were added. The experiment results reveal the following. (1) Action-fit increases consumers’ mental simulation and ad-effect responses in specific conditions. (2) If the portrait completeness of the ad model is low, or there is no model in the ad, both conditions generate more mental simulation and improve ads effects than does the condition that the portrait completeness of the ad model is high. However, if the portrait completeness of the model is high, the degree of social comparison increases. (3) When the model in the ad is highly attractive, it would elicit consumers’ upward social comparison and therefore result in negative impact on moods and ad effects. However, if the model is lowly attractive, it not only induces downward social comparison but also worsens consumers’ mood and ad effects. (4) High completeness (vs. low completeness) of model portrait would strengthen upward social comparison toward the highly-attractive model and further worsen consumers’ moods and ad-effect responses. (5) If the portrait completeness of the model is low, a highly-attractive model (vs. a lowly-attractive one) would strengthen the positive impact of action-fit on ad effects. This study makes theoretical contribution to the related studies on mental simulation and social comparison. It also offers practical suggestions on the use of visual product depictions to improve ad effects and how to choose correct ad models.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究問題與目的 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 心理模擬 7
第二節 廣告代言人 13
第三節 社會比較理論 19
第三章 研究架構與假說推論 27
第一節 研究架構 27
第二節 研究假說 28
第四章 正式實驗 34
第一節 研究方法 34
第二節 分析方法 60
第三節 分析結果     61
第四節 綜合討論         99
第五章 結論與建議       117
第一節 主要研究發現    117
第二節 理論意涵 123
第三節 實務意涵 129
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 132
參考文獻 135
附錄一 149
附錄二 174
參考文獻 References
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