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博碩士論文 etd-0727104-214249 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0727104-214249
The Study of Dynamic Team Formation in Peer-to-Peer Networks
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fuzzy adaptive resonance theory, social network analysis, team forming, peer-to-peer networks, JXTA, social network
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5628 times, has been downloaded 1479 times.
Most of virtual communities are built on the client/server system. There are some limitations on the client/server system such as the maintenance cost and the personal attribute protection. The peer-to-peer system has some strengths to overcome the limitations of client/server system. Therefore, we are willing to export the virtual community on the peer-to-peer system.
There are two main team formation approaches in the current virtual community collaboration. Either one of these approaches alone has its limitations. In this study, we adopt the social network concept to design a team formation mechanism in order to overcome the limitations of current approaches. Besides, because of the natural of peer-to-peer system, the exchange of messages is sending and receiving on the network. The mechanism proposed in this research can also reduce the traffic cost of the team formation process. Furthermore, it maintains the fitness of members who are chosen in the same team.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction 10
1.1 Research Background 10
1.2 Research Motivation 12
1.3 Research Objectives 13
1.4 Research Limitations 14
1.5 Thesis Organization 14
Chapter 2. Literature Review 16
2.1 Peer to Peer Networks 16
2.2 JXTA 18
2.3 Social Network Analysis 21
2.4 Dynamic Team Formation 22
2.5 Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory (Fuzzy ART) 24
Chapter 3. Research Framework 27
3.1 The Design of Team Formation Mechanisms 28
3.1.1 Social Network Updating 29
3.1.2 Learning to allocate Candidates 31
3.1.3 Invitation candidates to form a team 33
3.1.4 Task execution 34
3.2 The Development of Communication Platform 35
3.2.1 General purpose functions 36
3.2.2 Specific functions 38
3.3 The Design of Evaluation 41
Chapter 4. Experimental Results 43
4.1 Experimental Design 43
4.2 Hypothesis 46
Chapter 5. Analysis of Experimental Results 48
5.1 Social Network Analysis 48
5.1.1 Mean degree and density 50
5.1.2 K-core 51
5.1.3 Closeness centrality 62
5.2 Dependence Variables Analysis 72
5.2.1 Traffic cost 72
5.2.2 Expertise gap 75
Chapter 6. Conclusion and Future Research 78
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