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博碩士論文 etd-0727105-143652 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0727105-143652
The Strategic Analysis of the Tourism Industry Development for Tourists from Mainland Area-the Practice of Tourism in the Southern Taiwan as An Example
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MICE(exhibition), SMILE(innovation and update in service industry), resolutions, Tourism Industry, People of Mainland Area
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「MICE」是英文Metting、Incentives、Conference、以及   Exhibition四字的縮寫組合而成;依其字面,代表的是綜含了商務會議和展覽會等「會展型活動」簡稱;亦即政府或民間如能利用本身地方上各類產業的特色或文化特色,舉辦國際化多元的會議和展覽,除能帶動商務活絡之外,更可透過智慧型的客製化旅遊服務供給兼收觀光實益。

「SMILE」是行政院院會所通過的「服務業發展綱領及行動方案」中所宣示的五大意涵:分別代表Service (服務業),Market (市場觀念),Inno-value (以創新提昇價值),Life (增進生活品質),Employment (創造就業),並經整合了這五個字的字首、「SMILE」、這個象徵微笑的討喜意涵乃成令人印象深刻的縮寫。



BA CHAN LI LU YUN HE YUE (Like cloud-veiled moon the thousand-mile land disappears . From the tune of Yue Fei’s “The River All Red”.), a TV program that cooperated with the government’s 1987 open policy ( Taiwan residents can visit their relatives on the mainland ) in the early days , reinforced the Taiwan People’s desire for the historically blood-related Mainland China, and even accidentally attracted a huge amount of Taiwanese venture capital to help create a magnet for China’s Tourism. Frankly, Taiwanese traveling groups made a praiseworthy achievement for the development and advancement of China’s livelihood nowadays; that proves the importance of tourism industry in one country’s the economic development.

Even though the government finally adopted a loose policy that people of Mainland Area could make a detour to Taiwan, our economy is in great recession at the same time. However, the tiny income of tourism and the very few number of traveling groups are just like a flat ball. Nowadays, Taiwan’s livelihood is highly in need of RenMinBi. People of Mainland Area’s craze and familiarity for Taiwan is no less than of which the Taiwanese for the “BA CHAN LI LU YUN HE YUE”. If the tourism industry of Southern Taiwan, suffered the most from the decreasing economy, could rely on visitors from Mainland Area, Taiwan’s economy could revive again.

This research is applied through a series of academic studies, in-depth interviews and strategic analysis .First of all , over a long period of time serving in the central institution of public opinions, I am exposed to all kinds of public affairs and pleas. Therefore, the part of in-depth interviews is accumulated by my personal experiences throughout years. Secondly, the occasions of interviews vary from personal pleas, group pleas to public hearings. Finally, the above records are restricted within my personal notes, and therefore it’s a great regret that I can not list all the relative records.

As for the strategic analysis, the government reform in the recent years is influenced by the enterprise’s efficiency, and amongst all, the enterprise’s strategic analysis is also entrusted by the analysis of public policy. The strategic analysis applied in this research includes basic legal institutions, SWOT and Michael Porter’s five forces. Because the development of strategy should be provide with some fixed level of resources, in this research I systematically classify Taiwan’s software and hardware’s terms to accommodate visitors from Mainland and foreign countries.

As the discovery of this research, Taiwan will face these three challenges from visitors of Mainland Area whom would become the largest proportion of tourists : first of all , the policy and the vision is not clear enough so that the partnership between the government and the private industry is unable to attract tourists together; secondly, the laws can’t match the practice which leads to the incorporation in this partnership; finally, the marketing can’t entirely integrated with the management which result in the waste of resources.

Synthesized the opinions of interviews, facing with all the Asian countries target tourists from Mainland China, our whole country should make concrete efforts to build up the matters concerned about the new tourism industry. The policy needs new goal and new though and demands immediate attention. In the related strategies, “MICE” is affirmed by realizing the concept of “SMILE”.

“MICE” is composed by the four initials of Meeting, Incentives, Conference and Exhibition. According to the denotation is the abbreviation of business conferences and exhibitions. Namely, if the government and the private industry can make use of all kinds of local or cultural distinguishing features and hold international and dynamic conferences and exhibitions. Besides promoting the revival of business affairs, the tourism revenues will be increased by intellectually customized traveling services.

The impressive “SMILE” is the five initials of Service, Market, Inno-value, Life and Employment , passed in the Executive Yuan Council of “Guilding Principles of Service Industry ”.

According to the above statements, I suggest we should use “MAI SHI WEI XIAO” to replace “MICE” and “SMILE” as a embedded Taiwanese local expression and succinct marketing objective , and to represent the smile’s renaissance of seller’s market.

In conclusion, in the era of consumers’ awareness awaking, a country or a city which is lack of natural resorts should employ the trend of “Global Business Era” to hold all kinds of international conferences and exhibitions which bring the benefit of economic scale based on its advantages creating a niche market, and match up “Differentiated Marketing Strategy” and “Value-adding Marketing” to generate the maximum profit.
目次 Table of Contents
論文摘要 I
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 ..3
第三節 研究限制與研究範圍 6
第四節 研究方法 8
第二章 文獻探討 10
第一節 兩岸觀光開展歷程 10
第二節 大陸人士來台個人背景、消費及觀光意向調查研究 34
第三章 「大陸人士來台」與「現階段台灣觀光產業發展」之關係 72
第一節 大陸旅客來台人數與整體入境台灣旅客人數之關係 78
第二節 大陸客源和台灣觀光產業市場主力在亞洲之關係 83
第三節 大陸人士來台特殊化目的需求和台灣觀光產業發展之關係 88

第四章 台灣觀光產業內部資源調查(一)-遊憩景點及設施 96
第一節 國內熱門景點排名與拓展大陸客源之關係 96
第二節 遊憩品質與「平滑需求」技巧運用之關係 149
第五章 台灣觀光產業內部資源調查(二)-硬體住房容量 150
第一節 現階段旅館業接待能量 150
第二節 進行中之旅宿能量擴充計畫 155
第三節 「挑戰2008觀光客倍增計畫」的容量提昇因應方案 162
第六章 台灣觀光產業內部資源調查(三)-軟體作業與導遊資源 169
第一節 導遊人力資源與制度檢討 169
第二節 削價競爭下領隊素質對拓展大陸人士來台觀光之影響 174
第七章 現階段接待大陸旅客資源操作實務 178
第一節 縣市區域門戶之見對大陸客源南北均衡分配之影響 178
第二節 專責行政組織「實質行政功能」發揮的備受期待 197
第八章 行政法比較模式的拓展大陸旅客觀光策略研究 206
第一節 兩岸行政權介入傳播行銷之比較─以高雄、上海為例─ 206
第二節 從行政法五大架構比較高雄與香港之觀光發展之優劣 218

第九章 企管分析模式的拓展大陸旅客來台觀光策略規劃 257
第一節 策略規劃架構 259
第二節 願景研擬 260
第三節 內外環境資源分析 261
第四節 建立目標 264
第五節 SWOT矩陣與波特五力策略分析 266
第六節 「集中深化」式的策略選擇 271

第十章 結論與建議 274
第一節 結論:誤把「國家觀光」當成「國民休閒」推動、搶救「政府行政」—當務之急 274
第二節 建議:多元化思維、多樣化「MICE」,賣市微笑的策略推動刻不容緩 280
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