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博碩士論文 etd-0727107-163605 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0727107-163605
Understanding knowledge management and corporate performance: A test of an integrated model
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Date of Exam
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knowledge management, knowledge management performance, Knowledge management activity, organization performance, critical success factor
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知識經濟時代的來臨,改變了組織運作的模式,傳統的勞工階層已無法創造下一波台灣經濟奇蹟,專業、創新的知識取代了龐大勞力的地位,知識的重要性使得知識管理(Knowledge Management)的概念在全球發燒十餘年,眾多企業前後加入知識管理的行列,並同時期望藉由知識管理增加利潤營收與顧客滿意。


Knowledge management, a broad collection of organizational practices related to generating, capturing, disseminating know-how and promoting knowledge sharing within an organization, and with the outside world, has become a critical determinant of competitiveness for the private sector in many countries. Knowledge management programs have been increasingly implemented in various enterprises all over the world. Many research dimensions in knowledge management, including phenomena of enablers and barriers, action of practices and strategies, level of individual and culture, knowledge of identification and valorization, technology of hard systems and soft systems, outcome of costs and benefits, etc, have been explored. Although a wide variety of factors have been identified as influencing knowledge management performance, little is known about the relative influence of each of these factors on corporate performance.
In this paper, we adopt concepts of balance score card and develop an integrative model to understand better how these factors combine to affect knowledge management performance and corporate performance as well. Our model is examined from a survey of top 5,000 enterprises in Taiwan. Our survey questionnaire is developed by the amalgamation of available literature on knowledge management, particularly related to (1) comments on concepts and structure of three knowledge capabilities, i.e., knowledge identifying & capturing, knowledge sharing, and knowledge creating; (2) critical success factors of knowledge management, and (3) performance evaluation of knowledge management. Our study also gather the corresponding financial data of surveyed enterprises from Taiwan market observation post system.
Our research results offer insight into the determinants of knowledge management and corporate performance. We have identified a number of specific factors that influence this matter. Furthermore, we have been able to examine the relative influence of the various factors identified as important determinants of knowledge management performance in literature. Furthermore, it provides decision makers with specific advice on ways to improve corporate performance via knowledge management. Thus, it appears that the integrated knowledge management and corporate performance model has significant potential for supporting both research and practice in this area.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論…………………………………………...…………….1
1.1 知識經濟的時代…………………………………………………...1
1.2 知識管理發展趨勢 ……………………………………………..... 2
1.3 知識管理績效 …………………………………………………. ... 3
1.4 研究目的……………………………………………………...........4
1.5 研究流程………………………………………………........……...5
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………….6
2.2.1 知識管理模式…………………………………………......12
2.2.2 知識管理關鍵因素………………………………………..18
2.3 知識管理相關活動…………………………………..……….. …19
2.3.1 知識儲存活動………………………………………….… 20
2.3.2 知識分享…………………………………………………. 21
2.3.3 知識創造…………………………………………………..23
2.5.1 組織績效……………………………………………….… 27
2.5.2 平衡計分卡…………………………………………….….28
2.6知識管理關鍵成功因素與知識管理活動之關係 ……….……...30
2.7知識管理活動、知識管理績效與組織績效間之關係 ….……...32
2.7.2 知識管理活動提昇組織績效之個案…………………… 33
第三章 研究方法與設計…………………………………………….35
3.1 研究架構 …………………………………………………………35
3.2 研究假設 …………………………………………………………37
3.3 問卷設計 …………………………………………………………39
3.3.1 知識管理關鍵成功因素….………………………….……39
3.3.2 知識管理活動….…………………………………….……40
3.3.3 知識管理績效….……………………………………..…...40
3.3.4 組織績效….………………………………………….……41
3.3.5 公司基本資料….…………………………………….……42
3.4 研究對象 …………………………………………………….…...43
3.5 資料分析方法 ……………………………………………….…...44
第四章 研究結果與分析……………………………………………47
4.1 回收情形與基本資料….…………………………………………47
4.1.1 問卷回收情形….……………………………………….…47
4.1.2 公司基本資料….……………………………………….…48
4.1.3公司推動知識管理的情形 ………………………………50
4.2 敘述統計分析…………………………………………………… 52
4.2.1 知識管理關鍵成功因素…………………………………..52
4.2.2 知識管理活動….……………………………………….…53
4.2.3 知識管理績效….……………………………………….…54
4.2.4 組織績效….…………………………………………….…55 組織績效之獨立樣本t檢定 …………………………57
4.3 結構性模型檢定分析….…………………………………………58
4.3.1 所有受測公司結構模型檢定….………………………….58
4.3.2 有推動知識管理公司結構模型檢定 ……………………63
第五章 分析與討論………………………………………………..68
5.1 知識管理環境與推動現況 ……………………………………68
5.2 知識管理要件….……………………………………………..…69
5.3 知識管理活動….……………………………………………..…71
5.4 知識管理成效….……………………………………………..…72
5.5 有利知識管理發展之重要因素….………………………………73
5.6 影響績效之知識管理要素….……………………………………74
第六章 結論與建議 ………………………………………………..76
6.1 研究結論…………………………………………………..…….. 76
6.2 研究建議 …………………………………………………………79
6.3 後續研究建議 ……………………………………………………80

表2-1 知識的兩種形式…………………………………………………8
表2-2 各學者對知識管理之定義……………………………………..10
表2-3 各學者對知識管理活動的分類………………………………..11
表2-4 知識管理模式內容整理表……………………………………..17
表2-5 相關學者對知識管理關鍵成功因素之整理………………..…20
表2-6 知識管理績效衡量指標分類表………………………………..25
表2-7 知識績效類型之建構…………………………………………..27
表2-8 各學者提出組織績效指標表………………………………..…27
表3-1 變數之操作型定義……………………………………………..36
表3-2 知識管理關鍵成功因素問項…………………………………..39
表3-3 知識管理活動問項……………………………………………..40
表3-4 知識管理績效問項…………………………………………..…41
表3-5 組織營運績效指標問項…………………………………….….42
表3-6 抽樣架構樣本分布情形………………………………….…….43
表3-7 PLS與LISREL的比較表……………………………….…….45
表4-1 問卷回收情形……………………………………………….….47
表4-2 受訪者服務單位………………………………………………..47
表4-3 公司基本資料敘述統計………………………………………..49
表4-4 基本資料分佈情形……………………………………………..51
表4-5 知識管理關鍵成功因素條件敘述統計結果…………………..52
表4-6 知識管理活動敘述統計結果…………………………………..53
表4-7 知識管理績效敘述統計結果…………………………………..54
表4-8 營運績效指標敘述統計結果…………………………………..55
表4-9 財務績效敘述統計結果 …………………………....……..56
表4-10 受訪樣本分群績效敘述統計………………………………......57
表4-11 所有受訪公司之權重與t值表………………………………...58
表4-12 所有受訪公司路徑係數表……………………………………..60
表4-13 所有公司t-value表………………………………………..…...62
表4-14 所有公司假設實證結果整理表……………………………......62
表4-15 有推動知識管理公司之路徑係數表…………………………..64
表4-16 有推動知識管理公司之t-value………………………………..66
表4-17 有推動知識管理公司之假設實證結果整理表………………..66

圖1-1 研究流程圖………………………………………………………5
圖2-1 個人知識與組織知識關係示意圖………………………………9
圖2-2 Leavitt的鑽石模式……………………………………………..12
圖2-3 Leonard-Barton知識管理模式…………………………………13
圖2-4 Earl的學習型組織知識管理模式……………………………...14
圖2-5 Spek & Spijkerve的知識運作管理模式……………………….14
圖2-6 Ellen的知識要素模式圖……………………………………….15
圖2-7 Arthur Andersen的知識管理促動因素模式 …………………..16
圖2-8 知識管理成功模型……………………………………………..17
圖2-9 知識管理重要元素架構圖……………………………………..22
圖2-10 知識轉換與創造模式…………………………………………..24
圖2-11 平衡計分卡四構面圖…………………………………………..30
圖3-1 研究架構圖………………………………………………….….35
圖4-1 所有公司路徑係數圖…………………………………….…….61
圖4-2 有推動知識管理公司路徑係數圖………………….………….65
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