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博碩士論文 etd-0727110-175305 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0727110-175305
The Purposes of Internet Usage Affecting the Relationship between Playfulness and Performance
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Job Performance, Playfulness, Job stress, Internet Usage
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There are two purposes for employees to use working computers and internet: for work-related activities and nonwork-related activities. As to work-related activities, they are purchasing, customer services, marketing, recruitment, sales, management, work-related communication and information-acquiring. Otherwise, nonwork-related activities comprise of social/communicative purposes (using internet to communicate with friends and co-workers inside and outside companies) and Entertainment/informational purposes (acquiring information about weather, entertainment, news etc.). Through literature research, there are evidences suggesting that different purposes of internet usage has a significant effect on job playfulness, while performance will increase, with accompanying job playfulness enhanced. The relationship between purposes of internet usage and performance will be discussed in the study.
Furthermore, there are other antecedent factors affecting purposes of internet usage, such as job stress, job characteristics and attitudes towards job and monitoring. This is one of the discussions on how these antecedent factors influencing purposes of internet usage positively or negatively.
The survey data from 233 employees is analyzed by CFA abd SEM. Following are the results:
1. There is a positive relationship between the purposes of internet usage and job playfulness, and job playfulness serves as the mediator to affect the performance.
2. Job stress, job characteristics, attitudes towards job and monitoring have significant effect on the purposes of internet usage.
3. Age, Seniority and Marriage will reduce the usage of social/communicative and entertainment/informational purposes.The demography of respondents‘ profiles makes difference on purposes of internet usage, job stress, job characteristics and attitudes towards job and monitoring.
目次 Table of Contents
Catalog 1
List of Tables 2
List of Figures 3
Chpater 1 Introduction 4
1.1 Research Background 4
1.2 Research Motivation and Objective 7
1.3 Research Procedure 9
Chapter 2 Literature Research 11
2.1 Job Stress 11
2.2 Job Involvement 15
2.3 Monitoring Attitude 19
2.4 Nonwork-related Purposes of Internet Usage 22
2.5 Work-related/problem-solving Purposes of Internet Usage 24
2.6 Job Playfulness 25
2.7 Performance 27
Chapter 3 Methodology 29
3.1 Theoretic Framework 29
3.2 Hypotheses 30
3.3 Sampling Procedure 31
3.4 Instrument and Operational Definition 31
3.5 Data Analysis 37
Chapter 4 Analysis and Result 39
4.1 Job Characteristics Reduction 39
4.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis Result 39
4.3 Data Characteristics 46
4.4 Correlation Analysis and Result 53
4.5 SEM Analysis 56
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion 63
5.1 Conclusion 63
5.2 Suggestion and Managerial Implication 65
5.3 Research Limitation and Further Research Suggestions 66
Reference 68
Appendix 75
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